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All Ye Who Thirst With Boredom. An Intro.


Local time
Today 3:24 AM
Sep 23, 2009
seatle and its never ending rain
This simple word, inquisitive in its nature, has been a dear friend to me since the early larvae stages of my youth. You see, it was very much like me in the aspect that it thirsted for something more than just a simple, explicit explanation of the things in this dimension of physical reality. While children played with their action figures, I took the liberties endowed to the youth to use a magnifying glass to burn them and see which properties were conducive to its doom e.g. color, shape, lens size, time of day, etc. As the story goes as INTPs are familiar with, I became more alienated from people, and I began to wonder, 'Why am I so different from these people whose simplicity I can't help but to despise yet envy, all in the same sentence.' I seriously believed I was crazy and doomed to fail at everything due to my whimsical nature. Then I somehow chanced upon this forum and found out I was indeed an INTP.:storks:

I do feel at home, at least within mind. Keep up the good work, great job!

As for hobbies, ask me anything and most likely I have done it, am doing it, or in the process of getting it arranged to do it. Name says it all.
Peace mates V.


Is Kredit to Team!!
Local time
Today 6:24 PM
Apr 30, 2008
Purgatory with the cool kids
Welcome. We shall indulgently dine on the exquisite entrails of your discourse.


echoes through time
Local time
Yesterday 11:24 PM
Sep 8, 2007
*turns a giant magnifying glass on Bored and burns W E L C O M E onto his chest*


mysteriously benevolent
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Mar 28, 2009
mostly in the vast space inside
Hi again,

these people whose simplicity I can't help but to despise yet envy

ah yes - that sounds very familiar! My mind is both a complicating and clarifying machine. Neither make life any easier.

Frankly it's nice to find someone who still enjoys hobbies - what are you up to at the moment? (Apart from clutching ice cubes to your seared chest, that is)


... runs deep
Local time
Today 3:24 AM
Sep 19, 2008
over teh rainbow

Is juggling one of your hobbies?


Local time
Today 4:24 AM
Aug 8, 2008
Welcome. What's your favorite time-consuming activity? I like to ride around on elephants... :elephant: Of course, I only do this on the internet. Riding on other mammals seems cruel, unless of course it was a consenting orca. I'd be all about that.. but then again, I'd need some kind of under-water breathing device that wasn't overly large and clumsy.. damn my limited lungs!


Local time
Today 6:24 AM
Sep 25, 2009
Toronto, Canada
I know exactly how you feel.
I've even given myself a name: I'm a "why's guy".
I was recently thinking about that aspect of myself, and I could see how much of an impact this one word has had on my life. I have had many careers - all in the INTp lists - and I've done well each time.
I usually left (only been fired once) because of the contradictions of people in positions of power.
But if I saw something that interested me, then I go after it. For example, I got a diploma (years ago) as a Computer Programmer/Analyst because I wanted to know why and how those little 1's and 0's could make images come alive, calculations speedy fast, and programs function - all with 1's and 0's. I ended up doing web design for a few years before I gave up the cut-throat nature of the business.
Bottom line is that I changed careers to follow a curiosity.
And I've done it more than once!
Thanks for bringing it up.

I have this and other life questions on my blog: yournearlife.wordpress.com
I didn't mean for this to be an advertisement for my blog.


Local time
Today 3:24 AM
Sep 23, 2009
seatle and its never ending rain
Wow loving the response! Well, relative to my calculus class back in CC. What a drag....

Is juggling one of your hobbies?
No, I have tried but failed miserably due to my lack of developed hand eye coordination. Although, I am getting into juggling empty beer bottles which seem to be the only things lying around these days.

What's your favorite time-consuming activity
My most time consuming hobby has to be playing the guitar. Six pack of coke, expresso shots, and I'm wired to go for 6 hours. As for my "Pness" during this time, it characterizes itself as 5 hours of improv.

wanted to know why and how those little 1's and 0's could make images come alive, calculations speedy fast, and programs function - all with 1's and 0's.
I was into computer programing/hacking for a bit during the phase in my life when I into playing computer games. Despite what others say about gamers, I personally learned the beauty of the 1's and 0's and actually learned something useful from a seemingly unproductive pasttime. Though, if I may add, I wondered alot about how computer technology would be affected by a standby function " - ". 3 dimensional processing??!?! Would solve our problems with outsourced mediocre programmers in the 21st century's dilemma of globalization.

*turns a giant magnifying glass on Bored and burns W E L C O M E onto his chest*

Nice, always wanted a tattoo and you've revived my age old hobby of scab picking.;)

what are you up to at the moment?
In the moment, I've submersed myself in wonderful world of forum browsing and posting. The obvious aside, I've grown to love the theoretical world of circuits, electromagnetism and it's manipulations/applications. In this way as humans continue to build castles out of crap piles, I can add extra features to them so they can lay around feeling amused.

Another completely useless, amusing hobby is conversational hypnosis through a hypnotist named Igor Ledochowski, if you've ever heard of him. Simply brilliant. Makes people watching so much more humourous and interesting. As Dr. House says, "[People] are all pathetic. It's what makes everything interesting."

Which leads me to my next point of watching TV shows with a little bit of INTPness. Mostly as background noise to keep my brain stimulated or occupied.


Ryuusa bakuryuu
Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Apr 22, 2009
Welcome, and glad to have you here. Hope to see you posting around the boards.


mysteriously benevolent
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Mar 28, 2009
mostly in the vast space inside
Another completely useless, amusing hobby is conversational hypnosis through a hypnotist named Igor Ledochowski, if you've ever heard of him. Simply brilliant. Makes people watching so much more humourous and interesting.

He's another of those NLP/Ericksonian 'packaged' people who are basically selling hypnotic techniques to manipulate women into bed, isn't he? Do you mean you enjoy watching other people do it?


Local time
Today 3:24 AM
Sep 23, 2009
seatle and its never ending rain
Do I like watching people do it? I rather get in on the action.
Well it all started because my primary mode of learning how society works is by observing, but NLP techniques does indeed take it a step further.
I can't say the thought hasn't crossed my mind with picking up women and all, but in the age of information and interpersonal relations, I want to arm myself with awareness. Who knows, someone might be using the techniques against you to influence your decisions however slight it may be. Nasty salesman buggers.

So people watching is basically sitting down in a public area watching the interactions of people and see which techniques of NLP are used unconsciously. It's the business of studying human behavior.
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