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Search results

  1. Anub1s

    Best game for INTPs, ever

    Weird? No, but if you tried it and didn't like it then that would be a bit "weird". I'm usually not one for puzzle games at all but this game strangely addictive.
  2. Anub1s

    Absurd Debates

    I used to do this on occasion, it can be quite enjoyable to see people squirm when their previously sound views are challenged. I found though that the more i disagreed simply to disagree with other people (and in my opinion have fun) the less seriously i was taken, and when i actually want to...
  3. Anub1s

    Best game for INTPs, ever

    Wow this game is awesome and i am hooked, the open-endedness is just brilliant. My solutions to the problems are usually a-symmetrical, chaotic, sprawling messes that are most likely extremely inefficient. After i solve a particularly challenging puzzle i look online to see how other people...
  4. Anub1s

    INTP Decision-Making Disorder

    Persona are created simply for the purpose of attracting a mate not keeping one, i think we all know that no one is "perfect" (figuratively speaking), based solely on first impressions people would rather go out with "hes funny" "hes good looking" "hes intelligent" then something like "oh this...
  5. Anub1s

    Do INTP's have "addictive personalities" ?

    Suddenly i feel the desire to know you better ;)
  6. Anub1s

    INTP Decision-Making Disorder

    That is interesting, and also i've found that in certain situations like when deciding what meal to order etc... if the initial decision is satisfactory then all subsequent decisions are the exact same. For example i always order 2 junior bacon cheeseburgers a large fries chicken nuggets and 2...
  7. Anub1s

    Why did you pick your name?

    I was searching for a rather intimidating name for a character in a video game. I Naively Chose Anubis: God of Death (He is actually the lord of embalment in Egyptian mythology who watches over spirits as leave the body and ensures them safe passage to the afterlife) I played that character so...
  8. Anub1s

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    I have never experienced a panic attack or any other side effects from smoking weed, but i am curious as to why they would occur. In what situation do you smoke? (with friends? what place etc...). I found that if i smoke with good friends (as apposed to people i don't know as well) and in a...
  9. Anub1s

    Portal II

    Portal 2 was pretty good, i recommend it, of course i share a steam account with 5 other people and someone else bought it, so it was free too! I didn't find it extremely challenging but i was very impressed by the creative level design. The Co-op was even easier playing with a friend over vent...
  10. Anub1s

    Hello INTP world!

    Well I'm new here too (and not a female sorry :P) but: Welcome! I was also surprised to find that cooking is a good way to experiment, at the same time be creative and in the end reap the delicious rewards.
  11. Anub1s

    Do INTP's have "addictive personalities" ?

    Wow, i am still new here but man the immense amount of intelligence and productive discussion has blown my mind! To clarify: When i thought of this question i was foolishly thinking only of drugs, but i do mean all addictions (Food, Internet etc..) So what i have gathered so far is that...
  12. Anub1s

    Hello! (appologies for the length)

    Wow thats profound, mind if i quote it? I have had SO much fun playing for people, but i think its mostly due to the relationship i had with the people i was playing with and (to an extent) the audience; not the actual music. I've always had issues expressing myself, i think I'm pretty creative...
  13. Anub1s

    Do INTP's have "addictive personalities" ?

    I suppose that within that question there are actually two questions and i'd like to add one more: 1. Do you believe that certain personality types or more likely to get addicted (where the definition of addicted is: the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is...
  14. Anub1s

    Does Your Mind Race Constantly?

    Wow this describes my mind almost perfectly, although this hasn't actually ever been a problem for me. Usually i enjoy the experience of constantly reaching conclusions and exploring/analyzing data, it can be satisfying if you just go with it. The only thing i regret is that i often find that...
  15. Anub1s

    Hello! (appologies for the length)

    Hello INTP Forum! I'm terribly indesisive about how to start this so i guess ill start with how i found this site. I first took the meyers-briggs test two years ago and since then every completion of the test has reinforced the fact that i am an INTP. About a year ago my girlfriend (now an ex...
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