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Search results

  1. Deridaburi


    What percentage of people are genetically capable of getting a Math PHD?
  2. Deridaburi


    How do you motivate yourself? Do you ever discover that what you want to do and how you want to live are different from what you end up doing? How do we as humans make decisions? How can we as humans improve the way we make decisions?
  3. Deridaburi

    Selective Memory

    It seems that our brains allow us to forget a lot more than we realize. This seems to be a survival mechanism keeps the mind from being overwhelmed by situations that we cannot handle. There have been many times that I remember something while thinking about a related topic and realize that I...
  4. Deridaburi

    No Memory of My State of Mind

    For a while something has been puzzling me. For one how when I'm in a moment of self reflection, I can't remember being in any other state that being in self reflection. Or it seems as though I have always been in that state, as if my only possible state of consciousness is that of self...
  5. Deridaburi

    So I pretty much hate myself right now

    You cannot fathom the amount of social ineptitude that I possess. Does anybody know what I could do to overcome social ineptness? The obvious answer is to put yourself out there and learn by experience. Which I have, very much so, however I cannot see any progress. I suspect that there is...
  6. Deridaburi

    MBTI genes

    I wonder if your parents types somehow make your type. For example my mom is INFP and my dad is INTJ and I am an INTP. I am guessing that I "got" my I and N from both parents, my T from my dad, and my P from my mom. However my sister is ENFP, so maybe parts of your personality type can be given...
  7. Deridaburi

    Other MBTI types.

    I have noticed that there are a lot of other MBTI types on this forum, which is awesome don't get me wrong. However since I have no inclination to go join forums centered around other types, I was wondering what the original motives were of the other types for coming to this forum, and what made...
  8. Deridaburi


    What is genius, what is a genius, is genius learned, is a genius born?
  9. Deridaburi


    Wow, didn't even realize we were supposed to do a greeting thing. I guess that's typical. Anyways, hi! Edit: Oh, and I'm an INTP.
  10. Deridaburi

    INTP, misunderstood?

    I have noticed over the years that a large majority of my attempts to explain new ideas related to a topic in discussion result in others not understanding what I'm trying to say. And instead of trying to figure out what I'm saying, they immediately think that I don't understand the topic in...
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