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Search results

  1. Getting parents permission for gun in house.

    If he did not say yes, you cannot assume he is giving you a green light. My parents do not like guns. I am 21. They will not allow a gun in their house, not even a paintball gun. If I were 30 living in their house it would still be no. It is their house so what can we do? Having one in the house...
  2. Responsibility

    Yeah, thanks. I have heard him referenced to many times. I never got the chance to sit down and read one of his books. On my to do list. He was on the documentary that connected schools to prisons (cant think of the name right now), which I recommend. *Little off topic... sorry. I was thinking...
  3. Responsibility

    Look back to the creation of the school system. It was started in Prussia as an indoctrination center. They soldiers needed a reason to fight for, which was given to them in school. During the Industrial Revolution it turned into a system to condition future workers. Repetitive, mindless tasks...
  4. INTP comedians

    Havent seen him do standup, but Larry David on Curb Your Enthusiasm. He is most definitely portrayed as an INTP on the show.
  5. Any good philosophical movies?

    Yeah, Waking Life, Pi, and A Clockwork Orange are great. My recommendation: 2001: A Space Odyssey
  6. Not Meaning to Intimidate

    So I am in a group on campus. We have a decent amount of people in the group. It is a libertarian group, but we are open to everything. We have involvement fairs on campus where people can see all the different groups available and join if they are interested. We always have a large number of...
  7. College students, what's your major?

    Actuarial Science/ Horticulture/ Minor in Economics. I try to major in many other things on my own time though. haha.
  8. Political Beliefs in Relation to MBTI Type

    Yeah, Im tying to lean more left too. Who inspired you most to shift left. I just cant see any real economic arguments against free markets. I am all for mutuals and coops that are self-sustaining in a free market. These institutions are fascinating to me. But, I cant see an entirely...
  9. INTPs and Authority

    Yes, at least I am anti-authoritarian. I have a hard time with authority. I do not like to be told what to do and like to keep my free spiritedness. I believe that individuals should be able to do as they please, as long as there is no aggression committed. If there are no voluntary contracts or...
  10. You know you're an Intp when...

    When you are approaching someone you know (no stop and chat) from a distance and are deciding at what distance you should acknowledge them. If its too far away its awkward when you pass each other, and if too close its awkward on the approach... or is it just me?
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