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Search results

  1. Motivational tips

    Shallow as it may sound, it helps me to think about how amazed others will be with my accomplishments. :)
  2. You know you're an Intp when...

    Never! Yeah, I really did learn that the hard way... actually, it was kind of fun. A very materialistic, attention-whoring, whiny "friend" of mine asked me my opinion of her in front of the entire class in an attempt to prove that no one thought lowly of her. We are no longer "friends". :)
  3. You know you're an Intp when...

    You know you're an INTP when... You've made it to page fourteen... or fifteen, you can't remember and don't want to simply go back a page to check, but have so many ideas buzzing around your head that you just have to post. You kept getting amazing ideas, forgot them, so you FINALLY ( after...
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