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  1. 217 Words

    True, but that is why you have to critique it yourself and point out any flaws in their journal article if you cite them in your essay/report/assignment. http://journals.aomonline.org/amp/samplearticles/Feb%2009%20Goal%20setting%20by%20Locke%20and%20Latham.pdf Case in point, I found this while...
  2. 217 Words

    You can't use reputable organisations because their reports arn't always peer reviewed like a scholarly article is. Sure the IMF is probably going to have fairly accurate data and other journals will cite them but universities don't want to open the flood gate to all "reputable" organisations...
  3. Solar System to Scale

  4. This makes me sad.

    Yeah, it's not a big problem, just a pet peeve of mine. The city I live in is rated as the 8th most livable city in the world by the Economist and does well in other ratings so I shouldn't complain.
  5. This makes me sad.

    I have no problem with people enjoying their own lives privately but these people can vote, which affects me.
  6. This makes me sad.

    Story of my life for the first 3 years of highschool before all the plebs were allowed to leave to be the countries dumb manual labor.
  7. Dreams... oooooh!!!

    I laugh in my sleep, when my family were on holiday and we were in a small cabin they told me in the morning that I sleep laugh. A positive sign in my mind :).
  8. Let's make babies

    Disturbing yet helarious.
  9. Optimism and Pessimism vs. Skepticism

    I would classify myself as a skeptic on day to day things. A short-term skeptic? I analyse and decide based on evidence and reason. On the longer scale of time I am cynical (The sun is going to expand and this planet is doomed eventually) about the world. In the long run I am an optimist with...
  10. Sports and INTP

    I used to fish when I was young, I didn't mind the act but the smell of bait sometimes made it unbearable. I always prefered to trawl than use bait. Ping-pong is AWESOME, I haven't played in years though.
  11. Sports and INTP

    I am happy I found this thread because I was wondering if INTP's were sport orientated. From what I had read and conversations on IRC I thought most stuck to the nerd stereotype and never had much activity. For me I enjoy swimming and running (I run 3k's every night) because they give me alone...
  12. Dreams... oooooh!!!

    Yeah that's sleep paralysis. Your body paralyzes itself when you sleep but sometimes you wake up and it hasn't worn off. So you feel like those patients in surgery who are given enough anesthetic to paralyse them but not enough to make them unconscious. This phenonemon is often associated with...
  13. Speed of light vs gravity

    Agreed, thats probably a better way for putting it.
  14. Speed of light vs gravity

    Regardless, when you have a black hole it is strong enough to even overcome the speed of light. The time lag of is just how long light takes to get from the sun to earth. We always see the past because anthing that we see has travelled some distance and therefore taken time to reach us. The only...
  15. You know you're an Intp when...

    Get out of my head Monte and Mary. ;)
  16. Hi from Malt

    Thanks for the responses, I am on IRC alot, getting to know some of you. Going to be awhile before I start posting, there is alot of content here I want to absorb.
  17. You know you're an Intp when...

    I don't feel the need to change. I do it because I am not interested in their small talk. The flipside to this behaviour though is that if I overhear them talking about an interesting topic I will go out of my way to say hello and then immediately dive into the discussion with my 2c. I am...
  18. Hi from Malt

    I posted this in the "So, who are you?" section but after review this is probably a better spot, so at risk of being redundant here you go. Hi everyone, I am a 19 year old student living in Perth, Western Australia. I am studying economics and management as a double major for my commerce degree...
  19. You know you're an Intp when...

    You doodle on your lecture notes and escape back to your thoughts during the parts of lectures that you already know but suddenly become attentive when new information is presented before lapsing back into your own thoughts. At the end of the lecture you can tell how much and when you retreated...
  20. The Brutally Honest Test

    Loser - INTP 13% Extraversion, 80% Intuition, 93% Thinking, 40% Judging
  21. Who are we?

    Hi everyone, I am a 19 year old student living in Perth, Western Australia. I am studying economics and management as a double major for my commerce degree at Curtin University. I discovered MBTI last night and stayed up to 4am researching it and related topics ( apparently a symptom of my...
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