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Search results

  1. Effects of bullying

    In middle school and first year of high school I got bullied A LOT. I didn't stick up for myself and got PLENTY of verbal bullying and some physical. One guy in particular made my life hell. I hate him more than I have ever hated anyone in my entire life. If I knew that I could have killed him...
  2. TED.com

    Hans Rosling's videos are excellent http://www.ted.com/talks/hans_rosling_shows_the_best_stats_you_ve_ever_seen.html
  3. Martial Arts

    Did TKD and Karate for many years when I was a kid. As I got older I wanted something more intense and more real. Been doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and boxing for about 4 years. The intricate nature of live sparring and drilling makes these martial arts more complex to me. I sometimes find myself...
  4. Talking to yourself

    When I have to talk to someone and I think an argument or debate will happen I will often run the debate through my head and talk to myself and even say what I expect them to say. I talk out loud to myself when I am thinking through an argument or how i plan to say something later.
  5. Worst Fears [Phobias]?

    I fear not being in control. I could care less about controlling other people but when I am not in control of myself I become anxious. Because of this I don't like roller coasters or elevators. Probably why I have no interest in drugs or the like.
  6. ISTJ = meanest?, ENFP = nicest?

    When I was a teenager before I matured completely, I would score as an ISTJ and I was a pretty antisocial (in the clinical sense of the word) person. Of course, I wasn't a true ISTJ because I had not fully developed my true personality. However, I can completely believe the idea that the...
  7. Are INTP theories really that hard to understand?

    I don't think it is a lack of comprehension when I tell people my crazy thoughts. It is just that they don't find it as infinitely interesting or relevant as I do and therefore could care less. Sometimes I can misunderstand that for lack of comprehension.
  8. How many INTPs do you know?

    Honestly, I don't think anyone I know is an INTP.
  9. Can you read eyes?

    I got a 28. On a few that I missed my second choice was the correct answer.
  10. Talented liars?

    I can definitely be a convincing liar when I have to be. Like others said I can also tell when people are lying or when they have a hidden agenda, which tragically is quite often.

    I always find it funny when women say things about being disadvantaged in our culture. We live in a consumer culture and women are the primary consumers. In our culture as a whole women have a large sway. Of course in micro cultures like the video game community they will have less influence...
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