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  1. MattKelevra

    Ridiculous situation, not sure how to handle it.

    She never showed up. Came up with another excuse. I found out from my parents that my phone had been used while it was supposedly in the mail last week. Stopped responding to my messages and calls after this point. Went to the police this morning, the detective said he is going to force her...
  2. MattKelevra

    Ridiculous situation, not sure how to handle it.

    Don't judge me too harshly. I'm usually the first to see through anyones BS. This girl is literally probably one of the top 3 women looks wise I've ever seen in person in my entire life. Like the kind of girl you expect to see opening up a magazine. I'm a pale, short, nerdy guy, not used to...
  3. MattKelevra

    Ridiculous situation, not sure how to handle it.

    Well, I sent her a message saying I was going to the police tomorrow and suddenly she "just got it back in the mail" and is going to return it in person this weekend...... Guess she realized she didn't want to go back to jail. Just glad this is all about to be over (assuming she shows up...
  4. MattKelevra

    Ridiculous situation, not sure how to handle it.

    Well, it's like $200 if I buy the same phone again. She's on parole already, and went to jail last week for driving on a suspended licence. I'm pretty sure I can put her in jail again, maybe for awhile if I report this. You'd think that would be motivation enough. I'm considering calling...
  5. MattKelevra

    Ridiculous situation, not sure how to handle it.

    Already thought of that. I've been calling it and it's been going straight to voicemail since last week, so she isn't using it for anything illegal. My current theory which is starting to snowball is that she either broke/lost it and is going to try and claim it got lost in the mail to avoid...
  6. MattKelevra

    Ridiculous situation, not sure how to handle it.

    An ex gf from highschool broke up with her bf a couple weeks ago. (apparently she is a stripper now) Started chatting with me. Came up two weekends ago and spent a couple days with me. There was lots of drinking, sex, promises from her that she had always thought about me and wanted to spend...
  7. MattKelevra

    Learned helplessness, source of many of our downfalls?

    I'm actually trying to deprogram myself now after reading about it and some other things. Realization isn't enough though. Need a strong, I dare say emotional motivation and desire to change things in addition to that awareness. It's actually been the most productive past 3 days I've had in...
  8. MattKelevra

    Learned helplessness, source of many of our downfalls?

    I was doing some psych research on brainwashing actually and ran across this concept. I'm gonna paraphrase what I remember of the experiment that showcased it. Several groups of dogs were set up to be shocked in cages. One group could end the shocks if they hit a button. For the other...
  9. MattKelevra

    How Do You Sleep At Night?

    If I have anything bothering my mind enough when I lay down it will keep me up all night. Even normally when I'm tired and drained it takes a bit. Only thing thats ever calmed it was drugs, particularly the smokable kind ;) Sometimes I even toss and turn when I get back from a bar drunk, so...
  10. MattKelevra

    INTP Laziness

    I've tried many things. It's almost crippling to me. If I wasn't a genius I would have failed out of school by this point. Last semester of college, I have NEVER studied for a test more than a night before, and probably not for more than 4-6 hours at max. Never listen in class either, always...
  11. MattKelevra


    22. I feel like I've been in my mid twenties mentally for ages though. At 14 I was debating philosophy and pointing out fallacies in argument on the internet, reading books like Atlas Shrugged and Moby Dick, etc. Not much has really changed since then now that I think about it.
  12. MattKelevra

    Give me your good memories.

    Well, I've only ever been in love once in my 22 years. I'd have to say my fondest memories are of that. Ever since it's kind of been a torrent of brief flings or relationships that stop before they ever really get going. I tend to get bored with girls or rethink whether they are worth my time...
  13. MattKelevra

    Sentence that will change your life

    Do these have to be compliments necessarily here? Seems like a lot of people just want to be told they are worthwhile how they are. I've read lots of sentences that inspired me or made me feel something big inside. Partially due to my stint on reading self improvement books back when...
  14. MattKelevra

    when you were younger, were you ever told to stop crying?

    Same as Ashenstar with the spankings and threats for more.
  15. MattKelevra

    Long time lurker, thought I'd join the fun.

    Yeah, I've been in the U.S. for over half my life at this point (not all in OK though, thank goodness) but I refuse to identify with it and still hold my Canadian citizenship. Everytime I visit relatives I never want to come back. Alas, here I am though. Once I finish school I plan to move...
  16. MattKelevra

    Do you Long for passion or to be passionate ?

    In many ways, passion is synonymous with motivation and emotion, which INTPs distinctively lack for various reasons I'm sure you're already aware of. The only things I've ever felt "passionate" about were those issues which threatened my own freedom or involved what I felt were people...
  17. MattKelevra


    Thats gotta be a pretty hard life. Easier for a woman than a man I suppose, as there are always white knights who would jump at the chance to take care of a blind girl (assuming she is attractive). Not saying those kind of people would necessarily be desirable, but it's something at least. I...
  18. MattKelevra

    Long time lurker, thought I'd join the fun.

    I could put it that way, yes. I've always felt like a stranger in a strange land, an alien of sorts when interacting with people of a more "normal" personality mindset. Over the years I've learned to pretend and mimic the thought patterns and behaviors of most people when interacting with them...
  19. MattKelevra

    INTP=Long Posts?

    Love of details. Makes texting or chatting with friends kind of annoying to them sometimes I think. I'm actually annoyed when people don't write enough. It's just a waste of my time having to ask them for more details.
  20. MattKelevra

    Would you be your own best friend?

    Possibly. A lot of my friends and I don't talk a lot when we are together. Silent bonding over movies, drinks, video games, smoking, etc. When I don't have to constantly entertain or talk I actually can enjoy company almost indefinitely before I'm drained, unlike with typical people.
  21. MattKelevra

    Self-help recommendations on time-management and organization

    Your post sounds like I could have written it. Just replace 30 with 22. Toastmaster with joining a fraternity and college clubs, etc. I found writing lists is the only thing that helps (a bit). I've always enjoyed video games growing up and it's reminiscent of completing an objective in my...
  22. MattKelevra

    Long time lurker, thought I'd join the fun.

    Urg, please don't remind me about that. I have the face the sad realization that I'm living in Oklahoma everytime I open my door to brave the sea of hillbillys on my way to class. I'm Canadian originally, father is a titan of industry and always moved us around for the latest promotion. I...
  23. MattKelevra

    Long time lurker, thought I'd join the fun.

    Around two weeks.
  24. MattKelevra

    Long time lurker, thought I'd join the fun.

    Took an MBTI test during winter break. When I read the descriptions in depth afterwards it was like reading the most blunt and accurate self description I could ever hope to write of myself. Even helped me make some connections about why I was interested in certain things that I had never...
  25. MattKelevra

    Integration of multiple intelligences and iq tests

    From the way I thought I understood it (which may be completely wrong, feel free to correct). The brain works and thinks with a few generalized areas that can be utilized for different tasks. If these areas are more biologically effecient than most (IE more intelligent), it stands to reason the...
  26. MattKelevra

    How Smart Are You?

    I took the WAIS III and got a 155. That was the max the test could score you. I made perfect scores on a few sections so I could have theoreticaly done better if the test had been more thorough and designed to test higher IQs, although I've heard it said you can't accurately measure any IQ...
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