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Search results

  1. INTPs = Drunk students?

    http://www.discoveryourpersonality.com/intp.html Why?
  2. Need hate filled music

    I suppose some oldschool death metal contains maximum hate, in more esoteric way than teenager screaming on his parents and peers ;) For many this style is however unbearable; vocals, unconventional song structures, "strange" melodies, dissonance... but if you want something really hateful, just...
  3. Actual Me test

    One more Analytical Visionary
  4. Hi all

    Thanks for warm greeting. dt, I once tried it (although now it doesn't work), but I surely prefer original, as I have no problems with understanding english and vulgar translation seem lame and can be inappropriate. My avatar is crazy photoshop impression on Che Guevara photo (yeah hard to...
  5. Hi all

    I was lurking for about week, registered and made a few posts, but forgot to introduce myself. So let's do it. I'm 18-years old and study in middle school (Americans AFAIR call it high school), which is supposed to be "ellitary". My motherland is Poland. I wonder if there are many/some users...
  6. Worst Fears [Phobias]?

    Oh, that's what I forgot to mention. I fear wasps, bees and any other kind of black-yellow shit. This sound... just causes my brain to explode. I tried to work on it as well, but succeeded only in half; probably because unlike spiders they can harm me, so I cannot watch them safely.
  7. INTP=Long Posts?

    Yes. Usually on forums people just form their opinion and state them ("summarize"). Long posts on this forum are often deep explanations and justifications of these opinions, and that's what I appreciate. There are no many benefits of just knowing external manifestation of somebody's thought...
  8. The Ultimate Answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything Test

    Yes... kind of what I predict myself to be in the future.
  9. Worst Fears [Phobias]?

    I had recognized arachnofobia. That was painful. Every trip outside of town transformed into hell, as I should have at first detalically search for spiders and then convince someone to remove them. I decided to do something with it as I wanted to see myself as strong-willed person. And... I...
  10. About you?

    Who were these 5 INTPs with awesome skills? I think I can learn a lot from them!:smiley_emoticons_mr
  11. You know you're an Intp when...

    When you try to start "living like a normal", but quickly return to your INTPness after failing in it SO badly. When you start laughing your ass off in random situation because of some unrelated thought and explain others around you that you can't tell them cause they wouldn't understand. When...
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