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Search results

  1. Elephanzee

    List of Assumptions

    1. There is no God, as far as I know. There just isn't any evidence for one. 2. Many people are frustratingly stupid, although there are many exceptions. 3. People cannot be trusted immediately. 4. It is best to observe people and intuit things from them before approaching them and sharing...
  2. Elephanzee

    About you?

    I'm not sure, actually, Anthile. I just found the avatar from some random icon site that had funny quotes. (By the way, if that's Yoshitaka Amano art in your avatar, you're officially awesome. :D)
  3. Elephanzee

    About you?

    What is your name? No comment. Where are you from? I've lived just about everywhere, but right now, I'm 'from' San Francisco. How old are you? I'm 23. What's your gender? Male. How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type? I took one of those personality tests a while back...
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