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Search results

  1. Hengeo

    DISC Test

    One more Analyzer..
  2. Hengeo

    You know you're an Intp when...

    -When you constantly laugh while reading this topic, because it just describes you! -When you are Greek, you read this in a forum post: But instead of being offended, you really really know and understand what it means :/
  3. Hengeo

    Do a lot of INTPs consider themselves different from the rest of society?

    I feel like this sometimes. But i don't think that we are so diffrent, it's just that the ways we favor to think and act are diffrent compared to the majority of the society. We like to overthink and analysize, most people like quick and solid solutions. Although everything is useful in it's...
  4. Hengeo

    The joy of learning you are an INTP

    Couldn't agree more ;)
  5. Hengeo

    How do you react when somebody close to you dies?

    Hmm.. I had several death experiences in my family as a kid. Firstly my uncle (brother of my mom) when i was around 4, then my grandmother when i was 6 (mom of my mom). I was small to completely understand what was happening, they lived about 300km away and i saw them only few times a year, so...
  6. Hengeo

    intp - emotionally retarded?

    I think that <<emotionally interacting retarded>> is better, at least considering from my self. I don't have problem to understand other's emotions and body language, i can tell when someone is happy, sad, upset, worried, etc, and i do have emotions on my own. The problems start when i have to...
  7. Hengeo

    Who are we?

    Hello, another INTP here, and if the map is correct, the first from Greece. I found the forum (and my MBTI) 2 months ago, joined 4 days ago, but this is my first post (typical P :rolleyes:). I hope i find common disgussion ground with other INTPs here :)
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