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Search results

  1. timmymayes

    do you know what you want?

    I really want to read that but totally forgot about it. *Added to books to read list* Now to address the question of want, need and everything in between. This has been more than a question for me in my 26 years alive. Really more of a quest. I'm going to start at the end. Happiness is...
  2. timmymayes

    List of Assumptions

    What a fun self discovery exercise. I'll do my best. 1. I don't believe in god and expect death to be a ceasing of existence. I don't fear death but I can't quite grasp a lack of existence. That I can't grasp something scares the shit out of me. 2. Today is the day I'm finally going to get...
  3. timmymayes

    newbie computer programmer (advice?)

    I fully support starting with python. It is one of the best langs for learning becasue it is easy to pick up but has enough complexity and similiarity to the "bigger" languages that what you learn will translate very easily. Also in python you can write c/c++ wrappers for parts of a program that...
  4. timmymayes

    INTPians = Survivors

    This is brilliant because I'm actually working on a piece of fiction revolving around zombie apocolypse as we speak. My main character is modeled after me so he will end up being INTP. But I think it will take all types in an apocolypse to work together. One of the keys is to identify those...
  5. timmymayes

    I Wish I Liked Vegetables

    Portion control doesn't really work all that well for the vast majority because it sets you up for failure. I've tried it many times. Changing the quality of food is much more key than just eating half. The way fullness is measured is by stretch receptors on the actual stomach as well as...
  6. timmymayes

    INTP directors

    I am reading a book on the making of Star Wars and I would be willing to say that Lucas is either INTP or INTJ. I'm new to typing tho I notice a commonality to your posts...about writers, directors and comedians.... a field you have interest in? If so I'm actually of the same ilk. Cheers, T
  7. timmymayes

    INTP comedians

    Its a long interview....but if you read it I get the gut feeling that Carlin is an INTP http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/brainstorm/200806/george-carlins-last-interview Would really love some feedback on that idea being as I'm INTP and endeavor to be a comedian. I'm not good enough at type...
  8. timmymayes

    About you?

    What is your name? Guess. Hint Its not Timmy. Well kind of. My name Is Tyler...my middle name...its what I go by. Where are you from? Origin: Kentucky Current Location: San Diego How old are you? I am 26 What's your gender? Male How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type...
  9. timmymayes

    I Wish I Liked Vegetables

    Hello...been lurking around and this post forced me to register because it strikes very true to a recent dilemma I had. (I am INTP in case anyone is wondering. I know there are is a mix here at the ole *INTP*forum, which is awesome.) One of my biggest interests in the last few years has been...
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