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  1. Believing in INTP is no different then believing in God.

    Yes well, I didn't get into specifics there. :confused: Also I just made a very similar post before I read yours. =P http://www.intpforum.com/showthread.php?p=130355#post130355 the close characteristics still surprise me.
  2. INTPs are good at math/sciences?

    I actually find it more interesting figuring out the mathematical philosophy or of science. Not so much the numbers, but the system of it. If that makes sense, although I could learn it if I weren't lazy as a fat devil with a long poking stick. :evil:
  3. Believing in INTP is no different then believing in God.

    Actually a person with INTP would take it seriously out of all, if someone is interested in physcology I could see them vigorously studying flaws in MBTI.
  4. I have difficulty starting conversations or keeping them going

    There's always something to say, and remember silence isn't a bad thing. We've all met quite people or maybe you are one yourself. It's usually just a lack of confidence, once that barrier is torn down slightly you'll have no problems running a conversation. And the reason I say slightly is...
  5. Believing in INTP is no different then believing in God.

    Yes I apologize for that, it sounded to me like it made sense at the time. :smoker:
  6. You know you're an Intp when...

    Hah.. this. I use the edit button on forums 2-3 times usually. And I have found to-do-lists all over the place. One of them for several years ago when I was a kid, the paper was all wrinkled and yellow. :elephant:
  7. Believing in INTP is no different then believing in God.

    We all use something to keep sanity in check. Sure religious people are inspired, ambitious, and motivated from their beliefs. The rewards for illusive thinking seem logical to most people, it's just "easier" to adapt to your surroundings. What I'm trying to get at here, is do you doubt...
  8. Competitiveness

    Yes I'm very competitive. And yes I'm better then a majority of people who think their better then me, but once I tap into my hidden power. BOOM, I'll be 1st. Arrogant or not, it's truth.
  9. INTP Laziness

    I was going to make the same thread, no surprise so many people have the same idea. :p I'm pretty much on the same boat for.. 5 years? I'm 20 now. Wake up put clothes on, computer, pass out. I seem to be able to work up motivation during later on in the day, but usually around the time I go...
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