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Search results

  1. Branden

    Breaking News from Pod'lair!

    We have had a variety of different Mojos who have been read and chosen to stay or not. The main team itself consists of several different Mojos, and those who have chosen not to accept it have had significant variation as well. I think that one of the themes is that some people who submit a...
  2. Branden

    Breaking News from Pod'lair!

    Of course not. I am still the same EE major, Starcraft playing nerd I was before I found Pod'lair. I just have some new skills now that I use when interacting with people : )
  3. Branden

    Breaking News from Pod'lair!

    Yes that is me.:) It is very long, but if you would like you can watch that whole series to get a basic idea of cues and how we read people. It lacks people pool examples but it is a basic overview.
  4. Branden

    Breaking News from Pod'lair!

    Hello everybody, My name is Branden and I am the the person referred to in the OP as having gone to stay at the Pod'lair HQ and spending a week learning exclusively how to read Mojo. Due to the fact that I have first hand experience with the whole team involved and the methodology itself I...
  5. Branden

    Good Games for INTPs

    My All-Time Favorites Star Wars KotOR (I&II) Mass Effect (I&II) Zelda: Ocarina of Time & Final Fantasy XIII, which i just got. it OWNS
  6. Branden

    Does Your Mind Wander?

    YES and YES to wikipedia jumping reference, that is exactly how i think. I love it.
  7. Branden

    What do INTPs look like

    Exactly the same for me. At home i display all these characteristics, but when i go to school (45 min away) i always try to take a shower(because of BO) and then i usually end up just combing my hair. I haven't bought new clothes in over 2 years either. (I think it really comes from being raised...
  8. Branden

    Wow i wish there were up/down votes on here, I was ROFL at your post in the animal thread.

    Wow i wish there were up/down votes on here, I was ROFL at your post in the animal thread.
  9. Branden

    do you ever find yourself...

  10. Branden


    thanks.. Actually it was only as i was perusing this thread did i then see JNX's avatar and suddenly crave a cool one of my own. I then resorted to my handy special pic collection folder and choose this one to be mine. Unfortunately i acquired it so long ago i actually have no idea where it came...
  11. Branden

    what happens when an intp gets motivated?

    This usually only happens to me when i become immersed in a project/problem. Time usually begins to disappear. I forget to eat, or sleep, or anything else really. I become very internally focused. The only problem is that while i may be able to lose track of the time for a period, there is...
  12. Branden

    Is it an insult to be called an INTJ?

    On the note of the OP's original question.... I have been mistaken for an INTJ but i do not take that as an insult. I have a couple friends that are INTj's and though i think highly of them, i wouldn't want to be them either. I grew up with a stern(but intelligent) SJ dad so i gained a lot of J...
  13. Branden


    My situation is exactly the same. I am rather meticulous about my typing in most situations. My handwriting however........... Suffice to say that i am sometimes perplexed by my own class notes at times(most of them) :slashnew: (oddrandomsidenote), I had forgotten how cool everyone's avatars...
  14. Branden

    INTP Avatars are unique

    Yes, i agree. I enjoy the inspiration i find in all of the different ones i see and have.
  15. Branden

    A Bold New World

    I knew tested him after I found out what i was. It makes sense, he is very anal about everything. J to the 5th power really : )
  16. Branden

    Some INTP-related questions...

    I had the same problem in High School. As a junior, and even more so as a senior, i lost interest. I was easily one of the smartest in the class, but i just didn't care anymore. Miraculously I still graduated valedictorian. I think that it is because i was able to capture the the hearts of my...
  17. Branden

    A Bold New World

    At this point i am more likely to pursue law than science, but that may change. I am a member of my colleges Mock Trial team, which has given me substantial experience in the realm of courtroom etiquette and argument. I must say, it is quite a thrilling challenge. I enjoy science and math a lot...
  18. Branden

    A Bold New World

    Hello INTP's, My name is Branden (obviously), and i just confirmed i am an INTP. I am no stranger to MBTI however, as I have been researching it for weeks, and i have finally been able to safely conclude that i am an INTP for certain. My best friend is an INTJ, (just thought id mention that)...
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