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Search results

  1. israfel

    What are you investigating right now?

    all of them!!
  2. israfel

    What are you investigating right now?

    thats true but i always remember my self feeling pity and sympathy for the bad guy because i could always guess how the story would end for him/her, and that troubles me a lot these days.
  3. israfel

    What are you investigating right now?

    trying to find out if , or how much and why the fairytales and bed time stories i read or heard as a child affecting my adult life .
  4. israfel

    how important is touch?

    if that so, I m doomed! I hate be touched or huged by someone i dont know very well, well besides the handshake.And i hate be touched even by my loved ones when i m upset .im afraid i might lose control.
  5. israfel

    Who are we?

    hello I m am new here :)
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