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  1. slant

    No. of Posts per page?

    D'awwww you kill the fun Jesin...
  2. slant

    No. of Posts per page?

    I want 100 :D
  3. slant

    Which is your dominant eye?

    right eye dominant
  4. slant

    INTP and banality

    No, to a certain extent I'm sure his reaction might be due to some mental problems.
  5. slant

    If you had one year left to live

    No, it would just be torture. All that would happen is my family would be super nice and clingy and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it, but hope to die faster.
  6. slant

    Haha I defeated the system!

    No, but I'm going to tell people that's where I got it, from now on. It sounds more sophisticated. Watch, now that I said that, it's going to be a book about sewer cleaning XD Hah! Never! The mormons have stopped inviting me to their church and non-mormons constantly accuse me of being...
  7. slant

    Haha I defeated the system!

    Thanks. And "behind the fence"? Best not use metaphors. Talk straight.
  8. slant

    INTP and banality

    I once met an INTP who dealt with smalltalk by simply not responding. "How was your holiday break?" Someone would ask. Intp: -silence, a blank stare, and then looks away-
  9. slant

    Forcing yourself not to think...

    This sometimes happens to me when I am being driven around in the car. I don't think about anything- I just look.
  10. slant

    Haha I defeated the system!

    I'm not an ordinary sensor...I won't go down without a fight =D
  11. slant

    Haha I defeated the system!

    Where are the other ones?
  12. slant

    Haha I defeated the system!

    Shoe size is 5 1/2 wide in USA men sizes, don't know what it is in women's USA sizes....probably 6. As for beliefs, I'm a discordian.
  13. slant

    Haha I defeated the system!

    I always fail this question on job interviews. What do you want to know? D'aww why, the INFJs don't bite...unless you ask them to. Even then I think they're a bit squimish about it.
  14. slant

    Haha I defeated the system!

    Ohhh, don't worry, you'll pay! :mad:
  15. slant

    Haha I defeated the system!

    ISTP. And I'm here because....I like INTPs? Or do I have to have a better case than that?
  16. slant

    Haha I defeated the system!

    Yup yup, I'm branching out. Who are you supposed to be? Your username does not look familiar :/
  17. slant

    I have a game you will not stop playing..ever.

    this is the god of all simulation games
  18. slant

    Haha I defeated the system!

    It could be me in a parallel universe.
  19. slant

    Haha I defeated the system!

    ...or is that just what you want me to think?
  20. slant

    Haha I defeated the system!

    I finally got in. Tried to register several times before and you'd disabled it, and now, there's not stopping me :evil:
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