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Search results

  1. The N/S Divide and Following Through

    I'm trying to put my finger on the reason why it's so difficult to mentally shift into the mode I need to be in to produce concrete work. I get it done, but I wonder why that transition is so--I want to say--painful. I feel like I live most of my life in a world of intuition--making...
  2. Compliments and the INTP

    I think it's because compliments about traits that actually mean something to you puts you on the spot to react emotionally. Personally, I'm awful at winging emotional interactions that reason doesn't speak to. Usually compliments about specific events aren't as jarringly flattering as blanket...

    I'm having the same problem at University. I get really caught up in calculating how best to avoid embarrassing interactions when trying to weave through the crowd. So I use my conscious space to think about the reasons I'm going where I'm going, instead of how I'm going to get there. Then I...
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