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Search results

  1. ntfbfi

    Are you really an INTP or you want to be one subconsciously?

    Hi. I have many questions in my head and I am trying to find the best answer from different opinions/ evidences (e.g. a link, a theory or a name of a book would help). I did MBTI test twice, first time was a few years ago and recently did again. Both time indicated I am INTP, the only...
  2. ntfbfi

    A late introduction

    Hi, Cognisant! Nice to meet you too.
  3. ntfbfi

    A late introduction

    Hi, Loveofreason! Thank you. Similar to your name, my name is composed by different letters of a phrase that I really like.
  4. ntfbfi

    A late introduction

    Hi Claverhouse! Nice to meet you. I speak chinese. How about you, are you a german?
  5. ntfbfi

    Where did you have your MBTI questionnaire?

    Hi, I am curious to know where did you guys have your questionnaire done? Is it from an official website/place with a qualified professional (e.g. MBTIcomplete/CAPT)? What gives you faith on the result if it is not official authorised? On the other hand, if it is official authorised, does the...
  6. ntfbfi

    Why this collection of INTPs?

    I have been to some other personality forums, they are good too. Yet, my personal view is they are not as 'active' and 'lively' (if you get what i mean) as here. I do find some great opinions and posts there, but I am more interested by the posts in this forum. I don't know if it makes any sense...
  7. ntfbfi


    Staywhatyouare and Banana Mango, I can't agree more with what you have said. Is it a INTP thing or it is more an individual thing?
  8. ntfbfi

    A late introduction

    Hi! Ok...now I don't know what to say. I am really bad in doing this whole get-to-know-me thing, I guess the best way to get to know me is through my posts. In fact the only thing I want to say is it is good for me to be part of this forum. p.s English is not my first language, hopfully my...
  9. ntfbfi

    INTPs on TV

    He is the second one crossed my mind. The first one I thought about is Dr. Walter Bishop from Fringe!
  10. ntfbfi

    What I hate about modern science fiction

    Don't forget about mutatioin in fantastic four. I believe altering DNA do carry out a certain changes yet most of the ideas of the movies do turn it into a joke.
  11. ntfbfi

    Favorite TV Show(s)?

    Fringe- I know some of the concepts in it are really non sense, yet can't deny that there are information which open my mind. House- need to say more? Criminial Minds- I like to know the possibility of me being one of them. Justice- was interested in Law X-files- as Fringe, it opened my mind
  12. ntfbfi

    Einstein IQ test

    I did this test long time ago, and I remember the question was not concerned about getting the answer, it was saying only 2% of people can solve it out WITHIN 20 MINUTES regardless they solve it in mind or in paper form. I got the answer in last min (really the 19th min).
  13. ntfbfi

    Empty words

    I don't say these phrases unless I got 'reminded' by others, like my mother etc. Then I would have to fake it and say these things just to be 'normal'. I don't do these meaningless talk, I dislike it very much. Guess it is the reason why it is hard for me to meet new friends.
  14. ntfbfi


    There was a time when I talked to others about my opinions, let's say I started off with point A, and elabrated it, we discussed it for awhile, then they agreed with me, stop discussing point A and ready to move on. All of sudden, I just came up with an opposite idea of point B and I talked...
  15. ntfbfi

    What is the forum teaching you about you? Is it worth your time?

    I have only been to this forum for a couple of days. I am not sure I have enough experiences/time to answer this question but all i can say is I have at least felt a sense of belonging in here. There were a lot of feeling that I can't explain/express or I didn't undertsand but I have found the...
  16. ntfbfi


    I believe violence is a product of both environment and psychology. If a person grows up in an environment which is eyes for eyes etc, he would get influenced and might think violence is the only way/best way to solve out a problem when it appears. However, I believe that in order be real...
  17. ntfbfi


    I can be both senitive and insenitive. They surface from time to time. I feel it myself and I heard those comments from my friends. I remember once my friend broke up with her bf, she cried land behaved like she would committed suicide anytime. At that time I felt like I wanted to give her the...
  18. ntfbfi

    MBTI in relation to Archetype and Enneagram

    I remember doing the enneagram test awhile back then. I am type 4 with no wing (as i got 3 equal second highest scores). I am not sure is this romantic personality makes me question my MBTI type, I sometime feel that I am more a ISFP than INTP. As i have mentioned in my replies in other posts, I...
  19. ntfbfi

    Systemizing (SQ) and Empathizing (EQ) Quotient Test

    EQ 18 SQ 40 Extreme Systemizing
  20. ntfbfi

    ISFP our actual shadow?

    I was going to open a topic regard to this whole ISFP thing. My question would be is it possible for a person having BOTH ISFP and INTP characters. To be more specific, in my case, I keep swapping with these two from time to time. Sometime I am highly sensitive with others' feeling or the...
  21. ntfbfi

    You too? Or just me?

    I have the same feeling if not worse. I feel disgusting when I see someone smiling stupidly, I don't feel their lifes if you get what I mean. Lately, i also feel disconnecting with the World, it is more like I am not part of it. I do things without actually understanding the reasons behind. i am...
  22. ntfbfi

    How do you feel emotions?

    In fact, it is quite often for me to be emotional. The issue is I can be angry, annoyed, bothered etc very easily but rarely happy or sad which is even more rare.
  23. ntfbfi

    Can you read eyes?

    29. I agree with you, it seems I have problems with idenitfying negative emotions too.
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