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Search results

  1. A History of INTP

    Could you post a link? I'm curious about it. It's not relevant to me and my siblings (I'm the oldest and the most introverted, while my youngest sibling is a model example of an extrovert), but I'm interested nonetheless.
  2. The order of your functions

    introverted Thinking (Ti) 53.3 extraverted Intuiting (Ne) 44.9 extraverted Thinking (Te) 39.3 introverted Sensing (Si) 36.9 extraverted Sensing (Se) 20.9 introverted Intuiting (Ni) 19.8 introverted Feeling (Fi) 16.5 extraverted Feeling (Fe) 4.4 Either I'm overestimating myself, or my sensing is...
  3. A History of INTP

    Actually, my whole family is N (great, I know ;)), but I'm not sure if I'm intuitive because it's genetic, or because of the enviroment I grew up in. That's interesting, although I'm a perceiver with judging parents :)
  4. IPIP-NEO Test Results

    Extraversion...............4 Friendliness.............1 Gregariousness...........1 Assertiveness............17 Activity Level...........56 Excitement-Seeking.......60 Cheerfulness.............13 Agreeableness..............0 Trust....................0...
  5. Enneagram 5w4

    I read somewhere that the most common MBTI type along 5w4s is INTP, though. Myself included - but I'm not really convicted.
  6. Happy Birthday Harry Potter!!!

    I think he's rather an ISFP. He seems unable to think in a logical way. Actually, I enjoyed the books, but I don't like the main character. I supported Voldie - at least he was more intelligent.
  7. Books of Paulo Coelho

    I read The Alchemist when our teacher at school told us to do so (I was about 12-13) and it was somehow entertaining, but not really worth my time. As an adult, I read more of his books (my ENFJ sister had a Coelho-period, fortunately she grew up). They are extremely naive and I have no idea...
  8. About you?

    Actually, this is my very first post, so... hello. What is your name? Does it really matter? Where are you from? Wroclaw, Poland How old are you? 22 years, 5 months, 1 day What's your gender? Female How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type? I found the...
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