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Search results

  1. WoodsWoman

    Don't Think, Just Do.

    I voted yes - however only under certain circumstances. Extreme stress usually involving shock require this. If it's not life/death then thinking things through rules the day. But then I'm an INFP... so odd by any standard.
  2. WoodsWoman

    Linux user feels alone

    Mandriva on my PC now, have run Fedora through several incarnations and played with a dozen other distros. Fun stuff.
  3. WoodsWoman

    Into The Wild.

    Into the Wild by Jon Krackauer at Amazon
  4. WoodsWoman

    Into The Wild.

    Read the book. Powerful stuff.
  5. WoodsWoman

    Qs about your personal library

    how large is your own personal library? Several thousand, approximately one of which is on shelves in the house. The rest are in boxes in storage on the other side of the yard. Storage is a loose term - these boxes get invaded on a regular basis and books get shuffled back and forth regularly...
  6. WoodsWoman

    Why did you pick your name?

    WoodsWoman is descriptive of where I live - not a reference to Anne LaBastille's book.
  7. WoodsWoman

    How do you folks read INTP Forum?

    1. subscribed threads in my user control panel 2. new posts 3. quick links > mark forums read when I'm done clearing the list for next time I do the same thing on every forum that offers these options.
  8. WoodsWoman

    How's your eyesight?

    I've worn glasses since I was in second grade. Just had them checked this morning - left eye: -14.5 right eye: -8.0 and astigmatism. Glasses are so much a part of me that I don't think about them much at all - loosing them isn't an option.
  9. WoodsWoman


    Holiday: An excuse for my family to hang out in the same place, eat lots of food and talk, and talk and talk. The food is secondary. Yeah, we're close, but don't live close enough geographically to be able to do this very often so holidays are a great excuse...:D
  10. WoodsWoman

    How do you react when somebody close to you dies?

    Loosing a spouse is more like becoming an amputee - only it's your heart that's gone instead of an arm or leg.
  11. WoodsWoman

    How do you react when somebody close to you dies?

    Somehow we see ourselves as responsible for a pet - and their death implies some sort of failure on our part. ---And in all cases the ones left behind bear the load of pain.
  12. WoodsWoman

    How do you react when somebody close to you dies?

    Thank you for this - very much. Keep in mind that the more another person (or a pet) defines your existence the more they will be missed when they're gone. For me to avoid allowing this sort of definition would have been to eliminate love entirely - perhaps I wouldn't hurt so much now, but I...
  13. WoodsWoman

    What do exactly INTPs love about INFPs?

    Thank you for this thread - it reminds me that others value me for a reason, it isn't just random chance, and that I can value these same things about myself.
  14. WoodsWoman

    How do you react when somebody close to you dies?

    Not an INTP, bu this might not matter: shell shock - an absolute fog of numbness, cried a lot, still do but not quite daily any more. All the 'stages of grief' happen. Shock, anger, denial, acceptance, there are more and they are confusing - they don't happen in neat packages. It's been nine...
  15. WoodsWoman

    Where are you from?

    Small town in western Maine, population 1800. Grew up here - now live 1.5 miles from the house I grew up in and technically in the next town - even smaller with a population of 850.
  16. WoodsWoman


    Introverts don't have lives off the internet. I have more stimulating interaction with people thousands of miles away than I do with those I see in person.
  17. WoodsWoman

    INFP here - learning how others think

    Thank you - my life is chaotic so my attention may be sporadic but will be lurking around... and posting here and there.
  18. WoodsWoman

    INFP here - learning how others think

    Thank you, Zero, offense is in the eye of the beholder (like most things) - I've learned to ask for clarification before taking anything personally. It's amazing how much this helps.
  19. WoodsWoman

    INFP here - learning how others think

    Ah - I see. An honored place in the family. Cool? That's for you to decide.
  20. WoodsWoman

    INFP here - learning how others think

    Auntie I'll accept - I am no ones Mommy... I'm sure they'd die of neglect.:D
  21. WoodsWoman

    INFP here - learning how others think

    As long as you don't mind being petted and dropped in puddles now and then...
  22. WoodsWoman

    INFP here - learning how others think

    Thank you all for the welcome. Anne LaBastille wrote a book called Woodswoman. I do not currently have a WoodsMan. I've been fascinated by MBTI for about 4 years and the J/P dichotomy hasn't been too difficult (usually). My husband was an ENTJ. It's nice to know that one might not get shot...
  23. WoodsWoman

    INFP here - learning how others think

    So - I'm WoodsWoman. I may already know a few of you considering the avatars I'm seeing. WoodsWoman is descriptive of where I live - not a reference to Anne LaBastille.
  24. WoodsWoman

    About you?

    First post: What is your name? WoodsWoman a.k.a. Gin Where are you from? Maine How old are you? 42 What's your gender? Female. How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type? Took the official test 4 years ago at a local community college. How did you find out about this forum...
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