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Search results

  1. Internet Tabs!

    i usually have about 30 or so tabs open in a single firefox window when it becomes too much to comfortably go through one end to another i just open another firefox window though usually i dont keep more than 3 windows, if i decide to get another one i close one of the others
  2. "focusing" thoughts

    Have you experimented with drugs before. Mind describing the feeling further.
  3. INTP's and crying

    I feel as if you really don't "compreende" what i'm saying, so i'll just go with Oh Dear. You certainly can, i don't recall arguing otherwise. I just think there's a limit to how silly one should be.
  4. INTP's and crying

    Indeed what you thought it was doesn't add up, but the real answer is close enough i guess. With a little more effort you would have gotten it. And as for your approach on pedagogy, then perhaps you could volunteer to explain to him why he's way off with that statement. Maybe life isn't...
  5. INTP's and crying

    1 - I understand that it was meant for emphasis, but it sounds rather bad, so I would give you some honest advice to avoid doing it in the future, even if only at formal situations such as while you are working. Expressions such as "Could you repeat it again?" are a great way of making a bad...
  6. INTP's and crying

    1 - Yes, respectable by my own standards. That's the only thing we can judge with, our own standards. Perhaps you have different standards, but I think society would agree with me on this matter, not with you. But again, whatever floats your boat. If its working out for you... 2 - You will...
  7. INTP's and crying

    There isn't any other way to talking to a kid that doesn't understand they are immature through the internet but telling them that they'll some day figure it out. You can't have them read a post and mature. It comes with life. Also, it is getting tiring to watch you type words that you can't...
  8. INTP's and crying

    1 - And that's a pleonasm. Perhaps you aren't too familiar with the concept of "opinion" but i suggest you look it up. 2 - I wasn't trying to be empathetic with you, I have no idea why you would assume so. 3 - There is a trend, and you are part of it. I wouldn't expect kids to understand it...
  9. INTP's and crying

    Beware or you might drown in your own insecurity. I wish there weren't so many kids in these forums and we could be spared of reading these. As for the topic, I can't remember the last time I cried. I don't know why it is that I don't do it. When I'm sad just keep to myself and don't talk much...
  10. I don't care about anything.

    In other words, our dramatic OP is rather bored with life these days and creates a thread about how he aint seeing the light that should be at the tunnel's end. In a couple weeks that will most surely be gone. If it's a chronic case then perhaps as ianes said we might have to wait for a...
  11. Art test

    I thought it lacked at the "when im feeling creative part" some guy just alone thinking with himself and not doing any other action otherwise perhaps moving around. Cool test thought. You're a Realist as a result
  12. The Perception Personality Image Test

    NBPC - The Daydreamer You like to ponder ideas and imagine the many possibilities of your life without worrying about the details or specifics.
  13. If Jason Derulo were an INTP

    That was rather well done, nice work. Of course as you said intps aren't necessarily bad at social situations, but its still funny.
  14. what happens when an intp gets motivated?

    Most likely scenario is he gets over it in a couple hours or days.
  15. Why did you pick your name?

    Simple anagram for something most Ps probably do.
  16. INTPs and Lying

    This on the other hand is related to being an intp. Doesn't mean intps are less lilkely to lie (they probably aren't) but the fact is since intps tend to chew on things for a long time and still analyze conversations from as long as days ago in their heads, a lie could be very bothersome because...
  17. INTPs and Lying

    You flat out don't understand mbti. Introversion doesn't mean avoidance of confrontation. I have no idea where you got that from but its bullshit. Trait present in both introverts and extroverts. Completely unrelated to either. Now i agree with you that you do it out of a short term analysis...
  18. Dealing with "tough guys" (OR: Developing F for all the wrong reasons)

    I call bullshit on your entire post. You claim to try and avoid confrontation but can't help yourself to not act like a dick? Alright, if you are telling the truth about avoiding confrontation you are terrible at it and also terrible at social situations. If you are not, then I have no idea why...
  19. Funniest INTP pics

    Thought about this post and decided it's not my business so i edited and erased. I didn't find them to be funny thought.
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