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Search results

  1. weed (responses appreciated) :)

    I don't necessarily agree. I dislike cannabis after having smoked a fair amount of it. I wouldn't advise against using it, but I would wait till 18+. About one and a half year ago my friends and I started smoking, now I'm a psychonaut with fair amounts of drug experience and they're, well...
  2. Question for Women- Makeup- yeah or nay?

    Haha I love reading this, finally someone who considers jealousy a positive trait in a man :D I've been blessed with high testosterone levels and because of that I carry this extreme jealousy... trait... thing. I've always thought it's looked down upon in modern society though and considered...
  3. About you?

    What is your name? My name is not important. Where are you from? Norway How old are you? 20 What's your gender? Male How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type? Two different tests taken multiple times; reading about the types and identifying...
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