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Search results

  1. quitejaded

    Interviews/Selling Yourself

    I need help, you guys. I, by nature, have a lot of energy. And it comes out whenever it wants to come out (especially when I am excited or interested in something). Other times, I am very reserved. If you asked a group of acquaintances how they would describe me, half of them would say...
  2. quitejaded

    Really Tired: INTP on a Journey

    Woah, there's a chat? Where?? And I'm trying to figure out what 90!11 is.
  3. quitejaded

    Really Tired: INTP on a Journey

    Help! I'm trying to post this link: YouTube- 2012: The End of the World in the 2012 thread but everytime I post, it disappears!
  4. quitejaded

    Really Tired: INTP on a Journey

    I was tired because I was pulling a pointless all-nighter, lol Where in West Africa are you from? (to whomever said that) I am seeing a minister, a therapist, and a career counselour. My issue is that I already know that I can do better. For some reason, I don't. And it hurts me to know that...
  5. quitejaded


    I'm going to pharmacy school and will eventually be in the marketing field (through pharmacy). It is a very interesting field to analyse. That is what I found attractive about it. I am concerned about the actual practice of doing it, though. If it was my own company or a company I BELIEVE in...
  6. quitejaded

    Yeah my Sims 3 has shipped

    Bitch. *jealousy*
  7. quitejaded

    Maturity in the INTP

    Very interesting. My mother is constantly asking me to find where I can take some sort of AGE IQ test because she thinks my mind is operating at the maturity level of a 10 year old.
  8. quitejaded

    Character Just Like You! (Mine's Ramona Q!)

    RAMONA QUIMBY, AGE 8. LOL, I said this was my favourite book in an interview and they gave me weird looks. As a child, this is my favourite book (and no other has taken its place because I haven't read the ultimate book yet, I guess. This one has sentimental value out the whazoo for me)...
  9. quitejaded

    Depression as an evolutionary function

    Red Toad, I want to hear more about this. What do you think your mom had to contribute to your depression? I also tend to lack confidence and be obsessive and addictive (I stayed up all night looking at this MBTI forums!!). I know that is really doesn't help at all.
  10. quitejaded

    Really Tired: INTP on a Journey

    Thank you, Ogion. I have already started and been in some promising threads. :D LOL, Anthile, from the looks of your avatar, you should prove to be ultra cool, yourself.
  11. quitejaded

    How do you guys pay for college?

    Red Toad, there will ALWAYS be a demand for the health care professionals. And people try to play it down. Saying stuff like "Oh, there's gonna be too many nurses!" as if there is only one specific thing you can do and one specific position you can get when you get a nursing degree.
  12. quitejaded

    Amusing Wikipedia prank

    Heh... one day I'm gonna be a sociologist.
  13. quitejaded

    How do you guys pay for college?

    Well, I'm not ready to cut my losses. I've almost got 3 degrees here. Which may end up being useless or I might find that I enjoy the work they lead me to. Either way, after I get these 3 degrees under my belt, I'm going to pharmacy school so the rest of my life can be truely mine. I'll have the...
  14. quitejaded

    How do you guys pay for college?

    Rich parents. Which isn't that great. I get bitched at and have my college career chosen for me. If I had to do it all on my own, I would have gone to pharmacy school or whatever job is high paying and doesn't take too long to get, pay off those loans then pursue the education I really want.
  15. quitejaded

    Blog Experiment

    Oh, damn... good luck. Hope you actually do it. It will probably be tl;dr for me, but I shall scan.
  16. quitejaded

    Really Tired: INTP on a Journey

    Red Toad, my problem was I WOULD work hard. I worked so hard and so against my natural grain that I eventually fell apart and collapsed. That's why I'm so, so sad. Or... WAS so, so sad. I feel much better now that I have a new direction and trusted mentors to talk to.
  17. quitejaded

    Depression as an evolutionary function

    Carnap, I have LIVED with a girl who I really believe was incapable of falling into a depression. Her mind was so vapid and shallow. Her life so easy (her parents are rich). And her relationships and thoughts so base... that I don't think she will ever fall into a depression. Life will always be...
  18. quitejaded

    Really Tired: INTP on a Journey

    Haha, uh, alright!
  19. quitejaded


    This forum really, really bewilders me! :O 1. How often? I engage in sexual activities uhm... depending on my situations, three to 5 times a week to once a month. 2. Biggest turn-ons? Nice breasts. Nice ass. Nice legs. Basically, a tight little body for females. For both sexes, a cute...
  20. quitejaded

    So Much Hatred

    Okay, so after seen three or four threads related to HATRED for others, I really have to ask! Are some of you guys just... really... hateful people or this hatred thing typical of INTPs? I mean, I know I have strong dislike for some people. Some people, I begin disliking 5 seconds after...
  21. quitejaded

    Fight or flight?

    Well, shit, cheese! I always want to FIGHT! I am slowly learning something you need to take flight...
  22. quitejaded

    Really Tired: INTP on a Journey

    :) Thanks for the warm (and... strange? Actually, no thanks on the strange :/) welcomes! Someone showed me another INTP forum. Doesn't seem as interesting as this one. Well, these both have their differences I think the colour scheme has a lot to do with it, oddly enough.
  23. quitejaded

    Stuff I've told myself to help self improve

    THE FEARRRRRRR! That used to be a BIG motto of mine. "SHOOT THE FEAR IN THE FACE, JADED!!"
  24. quitejaded

    The way girls walk

    I'm not sure if personality lies within the walk. Some people turn their leg or feet weird. I never thought to associate it with personality. All I know is sulks aren't attractive. Tall confidence is. I don't know if it is possible for a girl to walk OVER confidently. Swaying of the hips too...
  25. quitejaded

    Sex fetishes

    Haha! Haruhi, lucky for you my ass is very spankable. ;D Maybe I'll send you a picture when I'm not a walking zombie. :P
  26. quitejaded

    Really Tired: INTP on a Journey

    You can tell I'm tired. Why? Because I accidentally typed INTJ in the search bar. Signed up for the INTJ forum. Spent my sane hours there. Realized later that I meant INTP... I'm going to copy and past my intro from there. And I felt the need for the intro because someone is already referring...
  27. quitejaded

    Conspiracy Theorists

  28. quitejaded

    Sex Freely Without Corporate

    One time, on an IB forum, I made a random post about how I really wanted someone to squeeze my tits. A few months later, someone had the courage to message me about the inquiry. I told him it was a joke, but if he would like to squeeze my tits, I'd surely appreciate it. And so a real life...
  29. quitejaded

    Conspiracy Theorists

    Uhm... I'm new to this forum. And I am noticing a lot of trends of HATRED here... Is... that normal? Because I totally thought it was just me. HAHA!
  30. quitejaded

    Sex fetishes

    Red Toad, would you wear cute doggy ears? I've always wanted to see a cute guy wear cute doggy ears. Haha! I also like being spanked. But I'm a girl. If that... matters? I like lactating breasts.
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