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Search results

  1. Huh!?!

    what is the most useless school subject

    Oh to have had your useless school subjects! I'm quite old so we didn't even have any IT classes when I was at school *sigh* I went to an all girls grammar school in the UK in the early 80's. In terms of the most useless, it's a toss up between Scripture - as Religious Education was...
  2. Huh!?!

    Foibles anyone?

    I’ve become aware of late of some peculiar behavioural traits I seem to have acquired over the years. I have no idea when these things started or why, and although they’re definitely not at OCD levels they appear to make my little world that bit more comfortable for me. A couple of examples...
  3. Huh!?!

    For programmers: plan it all out first, or just start coding?

    This made me chuckle. I agree whole-hearted with you that INTP's are not geared towards the whole estimating, planning out & definitely not the documentation aspect of programmimg. However, bitter experience taught me a few things ... - I got in the habit of jotting down the logic of...
  4. Huh!?!

    About you?

    Thanks Hawkeye. The first time I saw it, whilst in a really quiet, serious, open plan office I had a real inappropriate 'belly' laugh, and it's made me smile ever since.
  5. Huh!?!

    About you?

    Thank you for your respect. I pat myself on the back for that one regularly. Mind you, it doesn't stop friends & family trying to foist their offspring on me frequently.
  6. Huh!?!

    About you?

    Hello. I've been reading threads for a couple of weeks now & have found many of them fascinating, so I think it's time & only polite now to introduce myself ... What is your name? 'fraid I don't know you all well enough yet. Where are you from? United Kingdom, Great Britain &...
  7. Huh!?!

    I'm 34 and still don't know what to do with my life. GAAAA!

    I thank you. I am, unfortunately, in no position to dispense advice and probably wouldn't anyway but enjoy entering the 'melee' as an INTP.
  8. Huh!?!

    I'm 34 and still don't know what to do with my life. GAAAA!

    Thank you for starting this thread brain enclosed in flesh. I'm a newbie here - Greetings All - and have been lurking around the site when I stumbled upon this. I am in a very similar position, except I have a few years on you, and am currently paralysed with thinking about what I should...
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