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Search results

  1. Global Warming not Real?

    Dangit! I came here to post that. :P Anyway, as a big believer in science, and the scientific method, I fell I must make some kind of a responce, even though this is an older thread at this point. Aargh, this keeps cropping up. The 30k number is likely referring to the Oregon...
  2. Keirsey's NT Self-Image; Self-Esteem, Self-Respect, and Self-Confidence

    I'm a little late to this discussion, but I was struck by a thought upon reading this, and wanted to weigh in with my two cents. For the question above, I can't speak for anybody else, but here's how it works for me: I am a big procrastinator - which seems to be rather common around here...
  3. INTP Plus Multi Intelligences

    I guess my fascination with the great outdoors/save the planet mentality is obvious (see sig).
  4. Who is a virgin?

    Lost it at 27, to the girl I had just married. I don't really believe in the concept of saving one's self till marriage, but I didn't have any opportunities until I met a girl that did hold that belief and married her.
  5. You know you're an Intp when...

    Good call - I've come very close to doing this many times. I once cracked a nut, threw it out, and tried to eat the shell.
  6. You know you're an Intp when...

    - When you sometimes absentmindedly look for scissors in the fridge (don't ask, i really don't know) - When scissors are finally in hand, forget what they were going to be used for - When you manually convert the ASCII characters that make up your name into binary so that you can see what it...
  7. favorite annoying trait to others of the intp

    Just wait till children enter the picture and you have disagreements about how do to all the innumerable tasks that entails (like, for example, changing a diaper). Naturally, she has opinions on all of them; and, also naturally, I am full on stubborn and refuse to comply. Then it gets really fun!
  8. favorite annoying trait to others of the intp

    A huge point of conflict between me and my wife is that I tend to mercilessly shred some belief of hers, extensively and with concrete evidence, because I feel honor bound to correct her mistaken ideas. In my defense, though, that mostly happens in cases where she tries to push me to do...
  9. Left Handed?

    I'm mostly a lefty so that's what i checked, but I'm actually somewhat ambidextrous. My left hand does all all the fine detail stuff like writing and such, while my right hand is reserved for more strength based stuff - throwing, opening doors, using heavy tools, etc.
  10. Facial Expressing (Animated INTPs?)

    I'm actually quite deadpan most of the time, like what is going on in my head never makes it outside. The only, recent, exception is when I make funny faces at my little one - but that's a conscious effort.
  11. Yaaay for~... intros.

    I'm so honored!
  12. Yaaay for~... intros.

    What, do I have to derail my own thread myself? ... Wanna go ride bikes?
  13. How computer literate are YOU?

    Is this the thread where we get to show off? :D j/k Anyway, computers were my second love (after the natural world/universe) so I have spent quite some time dabbling and putzing around with them. In elementary school I briefly started out with an Atari 400 with a tape drive, but had to...
  14. The Importance of Stupidity in Science

    While I think I can appreciate what this article is going for... stu⋅pid adj. lacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity ...it would make a lot more sense, to me at least, if the word "stupid" was exchanged for: ig⋅no⋅rant adj. 1. lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned 2...
  15. About you?

    What is your name? Paul. Where are you from? Originally born and raised in Provo, Utah. Now living in Salt Lake City. How old are you? 31. What's your gender? Male. How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type? My best friend had me take the test a...
  16. Yaaay for~... intros.

    Greetings, all. It's nice to find a community of fellow INTP folks to interact with. I have known my personality type for quite some time, but just now got around to looking for an online community... I never know which way to turn while online, and tend to have all my best google ideas...
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