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Search results

  1. Introverts have higher levels of cortical arousal than extraverts.

    If cortical arousal is caused by chemcials; which controlled by genes does this mean that genes control personality? If so is pschology just a study of the different biochemical reactions in the brain?
  2. Motivation and laziness

    LOL, soo true but for me its like the rest of the night googling >.<
  3. INTP and empathy

    I can have empathy but i prefer not using it as it clouds thought. Emotions stop u from making good logical decisions. But the empathy i have is different from normal. When facing other peoples problem i can see, understand their problems almost like walking in their shoes but i wont feel their...
  4. Question for Introverts

    ^ Tht works really well. Also u can be patient and friendly (dont force it or be put down when we give u just a smile). We require heaps of time to get to no u before we let u into our circle. >.<
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