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Search results

  1. stcecilia

    Woman - The Root of all Evil

    But in the same vein, men shouldn't expect a woman to do her SO's laundry or cook dinner for him on a regular basis... and yet there are certainly working women who do that. (And men who expect it.) I think there are some people who enjoy fulfilling certain aspects of traditional gender...
  2. stcecilia

    Choosing a Major

    It's totally normal to go into college not knowing what you want to do. I started as a philosophy / archaeology double major and now I'm doing opera and loving it. Whatever you pick, you can switch later so try not to sweat it too much. :)
  3. stcecilia

    INTPs and Stress

    When I'm feeling anxious or stressed, I go to great lengths to get away from people. Part of the reason is that talking about it doesn't help, and the other part is that emotions are a private thing for me and I don't want them on display to the world. But it does help to know someone cares...
  4. stcecilia

    Woman - The Root of all Evil

    Okay, you guys just hang out with horrible women. There are plenty of girls who have payed for dinner on dates, have asked a guy out, and who respect their bodies enough to not use them as bargaining chips. The sure-fire way to never meet a nice girl? Compile a long list of reasons women are...
  5. stcecilia


    Not yet... but I remain optimistic.
  6. stcecilia


    In just my first thread I already have glitter and gladiators... and alliteration! I am so GLad I joined this forum... :D
  7. stcecilia


    Yessss. I don't mind the monsters being the hero *sometimes*, but they should still be at least a little bit scary. You can't cuddle a werewolf or be BFFs with a zombie. It's just against the rules! :P How we went from Nosferatu to Edward Cullen, I will never know...
  8. stcecilia


    Hello! I was researching my type when I stumbled across this board, and I was really tickled by it. I feel like I very rarely meet people similar to myself, so I'm pretty intrigued by the prospect of an entire forum of INTPs, I'm not gonna lie. :P For the purposes of this board you can call...
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