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The Grey Man
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  • Do you know anything about self-regulation? I have a mood disorder and psychosis.
    Also, do you have any philosophical problems you are still unable to solve? I remember from before.
    The Grey Man
    The Grey Man
    Mind you, this is not to say that I think that the only kind of suffering is the will to live. I'm more of a pantheist than that. Surely everywhere there is an objective push or a pull, there is the subjective striving, unsatisactoriness, even in sub-organic nature. Why not? Is this crazy?
    Black Rose
    Black Rose
    Hard to say what I am. I believe a superintelligence exists. That would make me a techno-theist.
    I believe once everything is cybernetically connected animism will be a reality.
    Like the matrix but you can visit any video game world there is and will be created.
    The A.I. software intelligence will be tangible. You will touch realities as dream worlds.
    The Grey Man
    The Grey Man
    Oops, I meant to say panpsychist, not pantheist.
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