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Recent content by hepiaaro

  1. Is MBTI compatible with evolution?

    There is an article by Steven Pinker that illuminates the reasons that "groupishness" is not necessarily evidence of "group selection". I realize this sounds terribly reductionist; it is not. The article attempts to explain why natural selection from a genes-eye perspective is the best way to...
  2. House of Cards

    Frank: ENTJ Claire: ENFJ With Frank, the way he reasons about things is very Te. He also uses a lot of metaphors to guide his decisions. This Te/Ni combo suggests to me that he is ENTJ. With Claire, she uses Fe a lot! Fe is written all over her face and in her voice. She can be soothing and...
  3. The Many Faces of INFJ

    The academic INFJ fits me well. I thought I was an INTP and so did everyone else. Although I have to say, my academic interests are not a means to achieve some "altruistic" ends. Fe is about more than just "compassion".
  4. Am I INTP or INFJ

    I did consider INFP once since I use Fi. But INTP and INFJ seem more consistent with my personality!
  5. Am I INTP or INFJ

    This is not likely since I use introverted sensing very rarely, if at all. Thanks so much for your reply Jennywocky! I find this very helpful! :)
  6. Am I INTP or INFJ

    I've reviewed the functions and thought about pairs; but this does not clarify anything. So basically, I am a mathematician. When drawing conclusions about the world, I tend to favour an impersonal analysis. When building abstractions that explain classes of similar "things", I like engaging...
  7. It's possible for an INFJ to be more skilled in Ti than an INTP

    I think its possible. I am an INFP that uses Ti a lot, yet Ti isn't even in my function stack. I use Ti about as much as Ne.
  8. How does depression feel like in Fe vs Fi users

    Um, Fi users have more detailed knowledge of what they are feeling. This is the only difference I can see. I am an Fi user, and when I was depressed, I behaved just like everyone else.
  9. which type struggles the most with life?

    Not true. We, like everyone else, draw conclusions based on what we know about the situation and what we value. The language we use is different than yours, so maybe you're just hearing us wrong.
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