Friendly neighborhood upper body paraplegic
I often times find myself labeling people after meeting them, be it immediately or over a series of conversations. I tend to label those I see but do not interact with by observing their mannerisms and groups of friends. I generally use the classic "clique" organizational scheme, say i see a girl with tight clothes, makeup, and a deep cut shirt I may immediately label her blatantly as "slut" (I know its harsh) depending on her groups of friends and the way she talks. But i have found exceptions to my judgement, after seeing a guy at my school with a varsity jacket, spiky hair, and a perfectly manicured beard, I immediately said "JOCK ALERT" in my head, but after analyzing him a bit further I found he was actually a very caring, nice person, and we have since become acquaintances. My judgements often go unvoiced unless asked why i'm staring at someone on the other end of the cafeteria (it happens often). My question is this, are my judgements simply a result of my analytic mind and my desire to categorize things, as is a natural thing for INTPs, or is it something deeper, a personal trait not generally expressed by other INTPs?