Do you have any tips on how to do things that you don't want to do but need to do?
Today I just sort of shut-off my anxieties and did what I had to do. Because I knew I could do it. I kind of felt like it was "getting it over with" (because of being "tired of it") and then continuing the "fun stuff".
I guess I think of it like "I'll have to do that anyway" .. so, any time is fine [also: "don't be guilty for putting it off"] and "there's no time like the present!"
Don't use tabbed browsing.
I find that helps, actually. I've heard that tabbed browsing can make you read faster because you just switch the document.. helps if you get bored, if nothing else. And, I find I really need to stop hanging around on the same forum/site after a while, or I regress into a dependence of it like how a lot of people are addicted to facebook or email. Having 100 tabs keeps my neuroplasticity, as opposed to sticking to a few sites.. really important for me.
And if the efforts in reaching the goals seem to be too great, it may be a good idea to reevaluate the methods...perhaps take some time out to meditate...?
Gamers marvel at how you can usually just "sleep on it" and beat the boss after you tried so many times. I really find, with programming / systems design, even about 5 minutes of subconscious thinking can be amazingly helpful. Also.. I do this kind of ritual where I play guitar hero (Expert mode!) and think in the background and I come up with awesome ideas that I can struggle to remember after about 15 minutes.. I call it "genius time" haha. In Japan they let schoolchildren nap for 15 minutes as a class.. it's refreshing apparently