Introverted: are you introverted because your a listener, not a talker? are your ideas usually met with hostility? do you just dislike people? are you just shy? whats the reason or reasons?
I'm not sure of the original reason. As a kid, I never connected with anyone, with the exception of one or two. I simply never felt compelled to interact. I could entertain myself, and the others were nothing like me, they had nothing to offer me, so why bother? Later on, introversion was reinforced by shyness.
iNtuition: do you have poor senses? do you mistrust the data your given? do you prefer theory over concrete? whats the reason or reasons?
I do have poor senses, but I don't think that's why. With intuition, I see things others don't. I see beyond the mundane and trite. Furthermore, I have several possibly NT relatives who were influential.
Thinking: do you mistrust feelings? do you have poorly developed feelings? do you have a more physical science than social Science mind? whats the reason or reasons?
I know plenty of T types who have a preference for social sciences. I understand that social sciences attract Fs more than natural sciences, but social sciences attract plenty of Ts. Think of economics.
Anyway, I mistrust feelings. In fact, I think I might have been an INFP as a child, but my ESTJ mother was so insensitive that I was forced to be a T in order to tolerate her. Also, expression of feelings were somewhat stigmatized and held in contempt in my family.
Despite my possible F childhood, I have never been very responsive to certain emotional stimuli. A friend from adolescence once told me that she could never understand why I never got upset over some of the things that were going on. I also analyzed some of the things I've written when I'm emotionally upset (I do write about my feelings, albeit for later analysis), and noticed that I write about them as if they were external forces, imposing upon my will. In other words, I almost see them as not being part of me, but as forces that hold me back.
I notice that T types emphasize independence more than F types. This was a cardinal virtue to my parents, and they taught it to me well. I've hated being dependent on others since my teenage years, and it haunts me to this day. This feeds into my introversion--I see intimate social bonds as emotional dependencies, which must be minimized.
Perceiving: do concreet things disturbe you? do you like to keep things open so you may adapt your plans when problems arise? do you take thinsg step by stap rather than plan? whats the reason or reasons?
This one's tricky. I want to balance my Perceiving a little better by introducing a sort of schedule. In fact, I do like having my day partially scheduled. The key is in having plenty of free time at the end of the day. The problem with being in a schedule is that it makes me feel like I'm a slave to the clock. Freedom is of the utmost importance, but living in a world too orderly, I feel trapped.
I also hate having to choose to focus on one thing to the exclusion of others. This is especially apparent in when I have to choose careers or majors. There are too many things I want to know and do to choose just a handful. I don't like restraining that energy, I like to explore many things, and see how they mesh together. Also, I detest pushiness. Js, particularly the extroverted ones, like to be pushy, which I hate.
On the other hand, I also value productivity and efficiency. This is another way in which my ESTJ mother might have rubbed off on me. If I feel I've been unproductive for too long, I get a little depressed.
That said, I'd also like to note that there's more to being INTP than being an Introvert and iNtuiting and Thinking and Perceiving. For instance, why do I display a dominant Ti function? Some attributes of this function are independence (particularly intellectually), stubbornness when faced with a bossy ESTJ trying to rush a decision, "I don't have to prove myself to anyone" attitude, etc. These are attributes which help define an INTP, but are not reducible to the four preferences.