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White Knights (and Amazons)!

Reverse Transcriptase

"you're a poet whether you like it or not"
Local time
Yesterday 8:33 PM
Sep 22, 2008
The Maze in the Heart of the Castle
In another thread: http://www.intpforum.com/showthread.php?p=125894
RT said:
RT said:
Do we constantly need to butt heads with society rules of hierarchy, institutions and seniority?
Someone has to :) Otherwise the world would be even crappier place than it is now.
lol, this is making me thing, do INTPs have a White Knight streak in them? A strong moral compass (granted, it is highly individualized) that they will let guide them, no matter what walls they break down.
(I'd really like to see more thoughts about White Knight INTPs. The rest of my post is existential blathering.)

Yes, I think that underneath all those 597 layers of cynicism lies a core of idealism. When I was young and naive, I used to fantasize about being a martyr for some ideal. Now, forget I ever said that. :phear: I now shall content myself with being a mad, starving artist. I just can't play by the rules. They're stupid, they're wrong, and they perpetuate stupidity and wrongfulness. This is unacceptable. :beatyou:
(To his credit, Darby said I should create a thread about it. And Nicholas & Kuu bantered about how TVtropes.org will ruin your life.)

Do INTPs have a White Knight streak?
Is White Amazon the appropriate term for a female White Knight?
How do we express our White Knighthood?
When and how do we become White Knighted? Stories encouraged!
All in favor of petitioning the moderators to force Kuu's user title to be "Resident White Knight"?


Local time
Yesterday 10:33 PM
Jun 7, 2008
The wired


Prolific Member
Local time
Yesterday 8:33 PM
Aug 17, 2009
California, USA
White Knight? I don't really see it. White knights join really formal orders, follow complicated societal codes like chivalry, swear fealty, respect authority, and get into physical fights. That isn't me, at least.

I would say revolutionary, instead: spotting problems, coming up with ideal models that other people should follow, wanting to make the world a better place, and undermining duly established authority. That is more my style.

Also, I'm not too sure about the Amazon thing. Too disturbing an image, and anyway I am certainly too short.


Local time
Yesterday 9:33 PM
Aug 12, 2009
Interesting concept, that might explain why I identify with being a Paladin all the time (Glorified White Knight.)

Pretty much, I don't consider myself a Godly man, in the sense of a paladin. But as fighting for a noble cause. I don't think White Knights join a formal order, or follow complicated societal codes. They fight *for a cause they believe in* is more how I see it. Which, may or may not be revolutionary. Undermining duly established authority could also be "Black Knight-ish" Especially if the society you're undermining is actually a *good* society. Not all societies are necessarily inherently evil.

An order could be established, it doesn't have to be, though.

There is several different definitions for Paladins and White Knights and what not. However, I think we're going more for the "Fighting for a (self considered) noble cause."

In your scenario, Joker was a White Knight and Batman a Black (dark, lol) Knight.

Edit: Ok, I confused things a little, but, ignore the stuff I got confused, my point still holds that the definition is variable. I think. My brain is addled at the moment -_-


Local time
Yesterday 8:33 PM
Nov 13, 2009
Portland, OR
There is several different definitions for Paladins and White Knights and what not. However, I think we're going more for the "Fighting for a (self considered) noble cause."

This was the definition I was going for, I also enjoyed the "Knight in sour armor"

Nicholas A. A. E.

formerly of the Basque-lands
Local time
Yesterday 8:33 PM
Oct 31, 2009
Shoreline, Washington
White knights join really formal orders, follow complicated societal codes like chivalry, swear fealty, respect authority, and get into physical fights.

This is like me. Perhaps not the physical fights bit, but this is in my nature.

There is several different definitions for Paladins and White Knights and what not. However, I think we're going more for the "Fighting for a (self considered) noble cause."

And that's also me.

I r pally. :paladin:


Local time
Today 4:33 AM
Oct 14, 2009
I dont know about white knight, but i follow my own simple code of conduct , i do what i want when i want and how i want as long as i do not knowingly or directly harm another life , although i did read that INTPs are usually very aware of there dark side and what they are capable off so i guess in some twisted way it could be conceived that i do have a strong good moral compass as i know all the evil things i could do to peeps but i choose not to do them.


Oh damn.
Local time
Yesterday 8:33 PM
Aug 23, 2009
I'm really much more of a Knight in Sour Armor type. When I feel the need to stand up for somebody I'm usually thoroughly pissed off at the person I'm standing up for as much as the person I'm standing up against. I often find myself thinking that one is a bastard the other is an idiot and that I should smack both of them.:beatyou:

As for the strong moral compass...I just don't like seeing the weak being beaten up by the strong. Every fight I've ever gotten into has involved myself defending somebody else.


Prolific Member
Local time
Yesterday 8:33 PM
Aug 17, 2009
California, USA
Firehazard, good clarification that not all societies are inherently evil. I didn't mean to imply they were; your phrasing was better than mine. I expect all societies have quirks that an INTP would change, though.

I certainly follow my own code of conduct. I just have yet to see someone else's code of conduct that I would be willing to adhere to as carefully.

Perhaps I'd go with Knight Errant. They protect the weak from the evil strong, it has a romantic flavor to it, and there isn't such a focus on undermining authority as revolutionary implies.
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