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What The Baby Ravens Tell Me...


Royalist Freicorps Feldgendarme
Local time
Today 3:29 AM
Sep 7, 2007
Between the Harz and Carpathians
The Gravest Misgivings

Musing on Waifin's thread about the current Gaza Incident I wondered who could have taught the Israelis the winsome combination of self-defeating incompetence and savage brutality that is their hallmark in dealing with Palestinians. What early influences guide them ?

Not caring much about the region --- few people have ever decided, apart from those powers dedicated to protect the Holy Places from one another, to think this is where I want to live other than zionists and the previous inhabitants now crammed into the West Bank and Gaza --- I chose to look it up.

So we come to the British Mandate. Now all Britons know that they are firm, but fair, people; who held territories in trust for those peoples; wanted only to be respected --- unlike the Yanks, who demand also to be loved --- who are not cruel or brutal --- unlike those crude Russians or devilish Germans --- and whose rule was justified by the fact they were completely Dedicated to Spreading Democracy. The last is true, but is a Bad Thing.

The British had no actual need for Palestine, other than to deny strategically to others: it was not part of the Empire, neither a colony ( such as Australiasia or Canada ) where one put surplus population, nor a temporary possession ( such as India or Burma ) which one milked and provided slightly better rule than the native rulers could attempt. So, although there was some brutality in the last, particularly when the British panicked ( The Indian Mutiny had incidents on both sides that made the War Between the States and nazi occupation forces seem restrained ) there was rarely any need or opportunity for atrocity. General Dyer's massacre at Amritsar was not best practice, but it was understandable --- mobs can do terrifying things --- and, as usual in India carried out by native troops only too willing to do it. So, in the absence of economic need for restraint ( as in India etc. ) and a lack of respect for Palestinians, together with Britain's commitment to the Jewish People to provide a National Home For Imported Jews Somewhere Far Away, they rather let themselves go.

The rest is from Wiki. I will repeat however that if the top nazis in General Gouvernement Poland had tried any of this stuff, in addition to their murderous shootings and slave-camps, they would have lasted only half the time they did. Plus they were hung.

The role of the Mandate Government and the British Army

Military law allowed swift prison sentences to be passed. Thousands of Arabs were held in administrative detention, without trial, and without proper sanitation, in overcrowded prison camps.

The British had already formalised the principle of collective punishment in Palestine in the 1924-1925 Collective Responsibility and Punishment Ordinances and updated these ordinances in 1936 with the Collective Fines Ordinance. These collective fines (amounting to £1,000,000 over the revolt) eventually became a heavy burden for poor Palestinian villagers, especially when the army also confiscated livestock, destroyed properties, imposed long curfews and established police posts, demolished houses and detained some or all of the Arab men in distant detention camps.

Full martial law was not introduced but in a series of Orders in Council and Emergency Regulations, 1936–37 ‘statutory’ martial law, a stage between semi-military rule under civil powers and full martial law under military powers, and one in which the army and not the civil High Commissioner was pre-eminent was put in place. Following the Arab capture of the Old City of Jerusalem in October 1938, the army effectively took over Jerusalem and then all of Palestine.

The main form of collective punishment employed by the British forces was destruction of property. Sometimes entire villages were reduced to rubble, as happened to Mi'ar in October 1938; more often several prominent houses were blown up and others were trashed inside. The biggest single act of destruction occurred in Jaffa on June 16, 1936, when large gelignite charges were used to cut long pathways through the old city, destroying 220–240 buildings and rendering up to 6,000 Arabs homeless. Scathing criticism for this action from Palestine Chief Justice Sir Michael McDonnell was not well-received by the administration and the judge was soon removed from the country. Villages were also frequently punished by fines and confiscation of livestock. The British even used sea mines from the battleship HMS Malaya to destroy houses.

In addition to actions against property, a large amount of brutality by the British forces occurred, including beatings, torture and extrajudicial killings. A surprisingly large number of prisoners were "shot while trying to escape".Several incidents involved serious atrocities, such as massacres at al-Bassa and Halhul. Desmond Woods, an officer of the Royal Ulster Rifles, described the massacre at al-Bassa:

Now I will never forget this incident .... We were at al-Malikiyya, the other frontier base and word came through about 6 o'clock in the morning that one of our patrols had been blown up and Millie Law [the dead officer] had been killed. Now Gerald Whitfeld [Lieutenant-Colonel G.H.P. Whitfeld, the battalion commander] had told these mukhtars that if any of this sort of thing happened he would take punitive measures against the nearest village to the scene of the mine. Well the nearest village to the scene of the mine was a place called al-Bassa and our Company C were ordered to take part in punitive measures. And I will never forget arriving at al-Bassa and seeing the Rolls Royce armoured cars of the 11th Hussars peppering Bassa with machine gun fire and this went on for about 20 minutes and then we went in and I remembered we had lighted braziers and we set the houses on fire and we burnt the village to the ground... Monty had him [the battalion commander] up and he asked him all about it and Gerald Whitfeld explained to him. He said "Sir, I have warned themukhtars in these villages that if this happened to any of my officers or men, I would take punitive measures against them and I did this and I would've lost control of the frontier if I hadn't." Monty said "All right but just go a wee bit easier in the future."

As well as destroying the village the RUR and men from the Royal Engineers collected around fifty men from al-Bassa and blew some of them up with explosion under a bus. Harry Arrigonie, a policeman who was present said that about twenty men were put onto a bus; those who tried to escape were shot and then the driver of the bus was forced to drive over a powerful land mine buried by the soldiers which completely destroyed the bus, scattering the mutilated bodies of the prisoners everywhere. The other villagers were then forced to bury the bodies in a pit.

Despite these measures Lieutenant-General Haining, the General Officer Commanding, reported secretly to the Cabinet on 1 December 1938 that "practically every village in the country harbours and supports the rebels and will assist in concealing their identity from the Government Forces." Haining reported the method for searching villages:

A cordon round the area to be searched is first established either by troops or aircraft and the inhabitants are warned that anybody trying to break through the cordon is likely to be shot. As literally hundreds of villages have been searched, in some cases more than once, during the past six months this procedure is well-known and it can be safely assumed that cordon-breakers have good reasons for wishing to avoid the troops. A number of such cordon-breakers have been shot during searches and it is probable that such cases form the basis of the propaganda that Arab prisoners are shot in cold blood and reported as "killed while trying to escape".After the cordon is established the troops enter the village and all male inhabitants are collected for identification and interrogation.

The report was issued in response to growing concern at the severity of the military measures amongst the general public in Great Britain, among members of the British Government, and among governments in countries neighbouring Palestine.

In addition to actions against villages the British Army also conducted punitive actions in the cities. In Nablus in August 1938 almost 5,000 men were held in a cage for two days and interrogated one after another. During their detention the city was searched and then each of the detainees was marked with a rubber stamp on his release. At one point a night curfew was imposed on most of the cities.

It was common British army practice to make local Arabs ride with military convoys to prevent mine attacks and sniping incidents: soldiers would tie the hostages to the bonnets of lorries, or put them on small flatbeds on the front of trains. The army told the unfortunate victims that any of them who tried to run away would be shot. On the lorries, some soldiers would brake hard at the end of a journey and then casually drive over the hostage, killing or maiming him, as Arthur Lane, a Manchester Regiment private recalled:

... when you'd finished your duty you would come away nothing had happened no bombs or anything and the driver would switch his wheel back and to make the truck waver and the poor wog on the front would roll off into the deck. Well if he was lucky he'd get away with a broken leg but if he was unlucky the truck behind coming up behind would hit him. But nobody bothered to pick up the bits they were left. You know we were there we were the masters we were the bosses and whatever we did was right .... Well you know you don't want him anymore. He's fulfilled his job. And that's when Bill Usher [the commanding officer] said that it had to stop because before long they'd be running out of bloody rebels to sit on the bonnet.

British troops also left Arab wounded on the battlefield to die and maltreated Arab fighters taken in battle, so much so that the rebels tried to remove their wounded or dead from the field of battle. Sometimes, soldiers would occupy villages, expel all of the inhabitants and remain for months. The Army even burned the bodies of "terrorists" to prevent their funerals becoming the focus of protests.

Nevertheless, it has been argued that British behaviour overall was good compared to most other examples where a foreign army suppressed a popular insurgency.

I'm thinking Genghis Khan or Tamerlane...

Arab Investigation Centres

Arab Investigation Centres were torture centres established by the British administration during the 1936-1939 Great Arab Revolt in Mandate Palestine.

The Centres were established on the authority of Sir Charles Tegart, a senior police officer ‘headhunted’ from British India. Victims were waterboarded and generally given the ‘third degree’ until they ‘spilled the beans’. One such centre in a Jewish quarter of West Jerusalem was closed only after colonial official Edward Keith-Roach, the governor of Jerusalem, complained to the High Commissioner. Keith-Roach argued that ‘questionable practises’ were counter-productive both in terms of the information gathered and the effect on local people's confidence in the police. The Anglican Archdeacon in Palestine believed police abuses were the cause of the violence rather than a response to it. He detailed the daily complaints from Arabs of beatings at the hands of rampaging police officers in a letter to the Mandate Chief Secretary in 1936. An Anglican Chaplain in Haifa also wrote to the Lord Bishop in Jerusalem, Graham Brown, in December 1937 about an incident he witnessed in which a suspect whose teeth were already knocked out before he was brought into the station was given another brutal beating:

A second man came in who was in plain clothes, but whom I took to be one of the British Police, and I saw him put a severe double arm lock on the man from behind, and then beat him about the head and body in what I can only describe as a brutal and callous way. Once or twice he stopped and turned to the other people in the station, and in an irresponsible and gloating manner said "I'm so sorry"—"I'm awfully sorry." And then proceeded to punch the prisoner round the station again. A third man came in. He was in plain clothes, and was wearing a soft felt hat. He was, I think, British, and may have been a member of the Police Force, but I thought at the time that he was a soldier in civilian clothes .... But this man also made a vicious and violent attack on the prisoner, and punched him about the head and body .... I am gravely disturbed at the possibility that one of the men who was in the station, and who beat up the first person who was brought in was not a member of the police force, but a soldier—this was the man who was wearing a soft felt trilby hat .... I was for two years Chaplain to a prison in England, and in the course of my duties not infrequently witnessed the methods which police and prison warders were compelled to use with men detained or serving long terms of imprisonment, and can only say what I saw on this occasion sickened me and filled me with the gravest misgivings.

Palestinians themselves also made complaints to the authorities. There are accounts in Arabic of suspects being tortured, being beaten until they were unable to walk, being blown to bits, being left in open cages in the sun without sustenance, being beaten with wet ropes, ‘boxed’ and having their teeth smashed, of having their feet burnt with oil and of ‘needles’ being used on suspects and of dogs being set upon Arab detainees. British and Jewish auxiliary forces maltreated Arabs by having them hold heavy stones and then beating them when they dropped them. Guards also used bayonets on sleep-deprived men and made them wear bells around their necks and then dance.

Arab prisoners jumped to their deaths from high windows to escape their captors, had their testicles tied with cord, were tortured with strips of wood with nails in, had wire tightened around their big toes, hair was torn from their faces and heads, special instruments were used to extract fingernails, red hot skewers were used on detainees, prisoners were sodomised, boiling oil and intoxicants were used on prisoners, as were electric shocks, and water was funnelled into suspects’ stomachs. There were also mock executions.

Despite protests and revulsion expressed even by British officials and Anglican clergy extrajudicial executions, torture, beatings and general violence remained commonplace responses by the police during the Arab revolt.

Claverhouse :phear:

Da Blob

Local time
Yesterday 9:29 PM
Dec 19, 2008
Violence so rarely solves problems, yet it is still the primary tactic used by Man against Man. I guess because it requires no intellectual ability or foresight. If I were a terrorist in those days and i wanted to blow up a British patrol, I would place the land mine on a road in a Rival tribe's territory, not in my own territory, killing two birds with one stone...

Still and despite their own inhumane conduct and atrocities, the Palestinians have the "Victim's stance" nailed down. Their posturing for the cameras over the last decades have won the hearts and minds of America's Liberals who see themselves, also cast in the permanent social role of the Victim...

So When was the last time the winner of a war, was expected to return territory and make concessions to the Aggressors that attacked? It is as though the Palestinians and those countries employing Palestinian mercenaries take no risk, for even if they lose, militarily, they win in the Public relations battle. What a sick form of advertising these conflicts in the Middle East are. The rulers of the Palestinians are quite willing to pay in the currency of 'cheap lives' for expensive advertising from their friends in the media. Just think - paying the family of one brain-washed teenage suicide bomber $20,000 will purchase at a minimum $2,000,000 of advertising for "the cause" in the form of sympathetic Media "News" reports...

And "So It Goes"...


Royalist Freicorps Feldgendarme
Local time
Today 3:29 AM
Sep 7, 2007
Between the Harz and Carpathians
In my country there always have been a large number of youths one would willing volunteer to be suicide-bombers --- preferably in an empty field --- I daresay the same applies in America. Getting $20K for each would just be a delightful bonus.

Conquest is certainly the ultimate justification for possession, and the Palestinians are whistling in the wind if they think Israel hasn't got quitclaim --- with the caveats that personally I recognise no sacrosanct status to any people not ruled by an Absolute Monarchy, whether Palestinians or Israelis, and that I can see that the other muslim states, despite their vaunted religious charity have no more wish to help or settle Palestinians than the West does the unappealing white Afrikaners who also are being tortured and murdered to extinction --- yet there is a pragmatic justification for treating the conquered with greater charity and less brutality than the self-righteous British or Israelis.

Claverhouse :phear:


Royalist Freicorps Feldgendarme
Local time
Today 3:29 AM
Sep 7, 2007
Between the Harz and Carpathians
Sector DSM-IV in Axis II, Please Report To Control

Back in the day, people used to classify the odder of their neighbours by remarking --- not wholly unsympathetically --- a/ 'He's a rum 'un.'; b/ 'He's as queer as Dick's Hatband.'; c/ 'He's a nutter.'; d/ 'He's mental.'; e/ 'He's round the bend and up the pipe.' etc. etc..

This was considered crude and insensitive by later generations, so science stepped in to classify, rationalise and regulate mental dissent. The soviets took great steps here towards the end by having the KGB authorised to certify persons who objected to the state as mad, and imprisoning them in mental wards instead of those death labour camps that swallowed unknown millions in previous decades.

However, earlier from communism's beginnings, not from the state, but from the self-discipline and spontaneous choice of ordinary communists, many as far away from the USSR as it is possible to be, a high degree of voluntary self-censorship enabled them to continue the struggle for universal equality and fun by turning upon any other lax or weak communist who had lapsed in doctrine ( often by subscribing to literally the previous day's doctrine ) or faith, and ritually denouncing them --- and renouncing were they family or friends --- in the marvellous stereotyped jargon of the true believer.

Thankfully, that is all long behind us. Other than in classifying, say racists, fascists or greens or whom next is the state's bete noir de la jour, as scientifically mad, modern psychiatric medicine has the highest possible standards of independent accurate diagnosis.

Wiki : Personality Disorder


The DSM-IV lists ten personality disorders, grouped into three clusters in Axis II. The DSM also contains a category for behavioral patterns that do not match these ten disorders, but nevertheless exhibit characteristics of a personality disorder. This category is labeled Personality disorder not otherwise specified.
Cluster A (odd or eccentric disorders)

  • Paranoid personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.0): characterized by irrational suspicions and mistrust of others.
  • Schizoid personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.20): lack of interest in social relationships, seeing no point in sharing time with others, anhedonia, introspection.
  • Schizotypal personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.22): characterized by odd behavior or thinking.

Cluster B (dramatic, emotional or erratic disorders)

  • Antisocial personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.7): a pervasive disregard for the law and the rights of others.
  • Borderline personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.83): extreme "black and white" thinking, instability in relationships, self-image, identity and behavior.
  • Histrionic personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.50): pervasive attention-seeking behavior including inappropriate sexual seductiveness and shallow or exaggerated emotions.
  • Narcissistic personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.81): a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.

Cluster C (anxious or fearful disorders)

  • Avoidant personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.82): social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, extreme sensitivity to negative evaluation and avoidance of social interaction.
  • Dependent personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.6): pervasive psychological dependence on other people.
  • Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (not the same as obsessive-compulsive disorder) (DSM-IV code 301.4): characterized by rigid conformity to rules, moral codes and excessive orderliness.

Appendix B: Criteria Sets and Axes Provided for Further Study

Appendix B contains the following disorders. They are still widely considered amongst psychiatrists as being valid disorders, for example by Theodore Millon.

  • Depressive personality disorder - is a pervasive pattern of depressive cognitions and behaviors beginning by early adulthood.
  • Passive-aggressive personality disorder (negativististic personality disorder) - is a pattern of negative attitudes and passive resistance in interpersonal situations.


The following disorders are still considered to be valid disorders by Millon. They were in DSM-III-R but were deleted from DSM-IV. Both appeared in an appendix entitled “Proposed diagnostic categories needing further study”, and so did not have any concrete diagnostic criteria.

  • Sadistic personality disorder - is a pervasive pattern of cruel, demeaning and aggressive behavior.
  • Self-defeating personality disorder (masochistic personality disorder) - is characterised by behaviour consequently undermining the person's pleasure and goals.

The obvious question is, is someone with all these at once --- perhaps minus the two deleted ones --- a completely balanced and rounded individual ?

Still, like famous Article 58 of the Soviet Criminal Code* --- and there were similar catch-all laws in many military and penal codes in other states --- so loose it could mean anything the prosecutor decided, DSM-IV shall get all of you in the end...

Claverhouse :phear:

* Lenin's Pokemon Clause

Da Blob

Local time
Yesterday 9:29 PM
Dec 19, 2008


Royalist Freicorps Feldgendarme
Local time
Today 3:29 AM
Sep 7, 2007
Between the Harz and Carpathians
Smaller Butts

The present fashion for starlets is the collection of randomly selected 'orphans', as I was reminded by a pretty sentence in a comment on the Nashville Floods --- which tragic event is not even mentioned in the wiki on Nashville, being relegated to a separate unenthused wiki on the May 2010 Tennessee Floods. Various reasons have been educed by conspiracy theorists for the lack of media attention --- Newsweek probably nailed it in Why the Media Ignored the Nashville Flood in that the MSM can't walk and chew gum at the same time: they were concentrating on the BP Oil Disaster ( sorta, in a half-hearted way ) and the ludicrous fellow who attempted a car-bomb in Times Square ( and whom they averred --- as do they always --- was a disgruntled white loner prolly connected to the vile Huteree and the infamous KKK and George W. Bush, and who, as usual, turned out to be a cross little muslim immigrant --- yet this comment was worthy if only for the last bit:

geno I'll go one step further (as always): I think Hollywood is ignoring this story because it affects AMERICA, largely WHITE (capitalist) AMERICANS (as you all pointed out) and NOT A COUNTRY WHERE THEY BUY ORPHANED CHILDREN FROM! Imagine the attention from Angelina alone if we cut off her "orphaned kid" supply!

Another article dealt with why the Hollywood persons are ignoring the Gulf Disaster, and a comment there offered a remarkably probable cause of why BP is rather ignoring it too ( compared with the urgency most of us can show in finding something. anything, to eat in a fridge ):

Fortunate Son: I spoke with an petroleum engineer yesterday about my idea to plug the hole with a rebar cone shaped framework with a hatch and a relief valve covered in hydraulic cement.
“Oh that would probably work, he said… but you’re missing the point.
BP knows how to stop the flow of oil, they just don’t know how to stop the flow of oil so they can access it in precisely the same spot again at the least possible cost.
They’re insured up the wazoo for disaster coverage and exposure is probably limited to $75M of liability, but they don’t want to be permanently barred from accessing that huge reserve of oil…whatever solution they implement, it will absolutely incorporate some method of continuing to extract oil from the hole.
If they cap the hole with hydraulic cement and interrupt oil extraction, they will never, ever be allowed back in the area to extract the oil the paid so much to discover, access, etc”

Anyway, back to the starlets: when I was young they had a different way of attracting attention. Should they go for a run in the park, or to an event, they would be surrounded by man-mountain black minders. As I remarked at the time, they looked like nothing so much as cute little pink piglets frolicking with gigantic black bears or gorillas.

If that sounds condescending, it is not. These chaps were superlative in their jobs of actually protecting someone. Mere size alone would discourage any mentally normal man, of whatever skill in martial art or endurance, from prodding their chests; and any woman who attacked them would find the exercise a quick --- if unpleasant --- method of suicide. So they were/are highly competent. Not being fools, more so than the chiefs of the Metropolitan Police...

From Auster taken from The Sunday Times via The Australian:

Mini gun to lure female UK Cops

MEMBERS of Scotland Yard's elite bodyguard unit are being armed with smaller, lighter "baby" guns as part of a drive to attract more female officers.

The move is aimed at recruiting bodyguards with smaller hands. However, critics fear it could hamper the close protection officers who guard the Queen, the Prime Minister and other VIPs if they have to fend off an attack.
"It's a disadvantage because the smaller guns have less firepower and are less accurate," said a police firearms expert.

Supporters deny the Yard is putting political correctness before security by trying to recruit women.
They say the change is part of a legitimate attempt by the Metropolitan police chiefs to reflect the community better.
Others believe the move underlines the explosion of a "diversity agenda" that began in the 1990s and was led by a new breed of police chiefs who thought the traditional force was too male-dominated.

The trend to bring more women into the police was reinforced last week when British Prime Minister David Cameron was seen jogging with a female protection officer.
Historically, the standard-issue weapon of the Met's specialist and royalty protection units is the Glock 17, a semiautomatic pistol fed with 17 rounds of ammunition.
The self-loading pistol has a magazine that is double-stacked in a zigzag formation and requires a wide gun butt.

The replacement weapon for women officers and those with smaller hands is believed to be the "sub-compact" version, the Glock 26.
Marketed by its Austrian manufacturer as the "Baby Glock", the gun has a single magazine with 10 bullets and therefore requires a smaller butt.
The Glock 26's barrel is just under 9cm long, more than 2.5cm shorter than that of the Glock 17. This makes it a less accurate weapon, particularly at longer range.

In a firefight, officers using the "Baby Glock" would have to stop shooting and reload their weapon more frequently than those with the bigger gun.
Details of the new guns were disclosed by John Bunn, a senior detective in the Yard's counter-terrorism command, to the Metropolitan Police Authority, the force's watchdog.

Noting "considerable improvements" in the work of SO1, the specialist protection unit, Mr Bunn wrote in a report: "A diversity forum and work strands following best Metropolitan police service practice have been established, for example changing the type of firearm used to accommodate smaller hands, changes in recruitment advertising, female-only insight days and mentoring for under-represented groups expressing an interest in SO1."

Peter Waddington, an expert in police firearms, said the new weapons delivered less firepower but denied the move was driven by political correctness.
"People with smaller hands find it difficult to grasp the butt of a regular-size self-loading pistol," Professor Waddington said.

"The double-stacked magazine is broader, and ... women find this more than a handful. They cannot grip the weapon properly and therefore fix their aim. So they can't shoot ... like a big man is able to."

I believe Col. Gadhaffi has an all-female guard, as would president Berlisconi if he dared. So far they have been more of a decoration than an elite since the only people who wanted the Colonel dead, and had the capacity, were the Americans, and even they only managed to kill his children --- and miss him --- by dropping a tonnage of bombs upon his palace.

Claverhouse :phear:


Royalist Freicorps Feldgendarme
Local time
Today 3:29 AM
Sep 7, 2007
Between the Harz and Carpathians
Weird Relationships Low On The Social Food Chain

One of Life's Mysteries is not merely that attractive young women are sometimes drawn to old men, but that particularly leathery faced old men seem to get a lot of attractive young women yielding their most precious possession: think Hugh Hefner, Frank Sinatra, Sid James and LBJ; the last of whom utilised every room in the White House in a mode that makes Bill Clinton seem as white as snow. Customary explanations by the jealous include wealth and power, yet women do not throw themselves at Warren Buffett, and the late senator Byrd seems to have been chaste enough in the previous half-century.

Johnson was one of the strongest presidents and master politicians, and oddly for both still had a queer moral streak, as evinced in his famous quote at the appalling revelation of what the Kennedys had been up to during Camelot: "...we had been operating a damned Murder Inc. in the Caribbean.", but he was a devil with the ladies. Which leads to the first portion --- both are by way of splendid old VDare, Mr. Sailer having pointed to Mr. Stein's article.

Lament for Menlo

My town is totally unfamiliar to me. The Pizza Hut where my busboy friends stole pies for our drunken parties is now an Indian sweets shop with a completely inappropriate roof. The A&P I shoplifted from is now an Indian grocery. The multiplex where we snuck into R-rated movies now shows only Bollywood films and serves samosas. The Italian restaurant that my friends stole cash from as waiters is now Moghul, one of the most famous Indian restaurants in the country. There is an entire generation of white children in Edison who have nowhere to learn crime.

I never knew how a bunch of people half a world away chose a random town in New Jersey to populate. Were they from some Indian state that got made fun of by all the other Indian states and didn't want to give up that feeling? Are the malls in India that bad? Did we accidentally keep numbering our parkway exits all the way to Mumbai?

I called James W. Hughes, policy-school dean at Rutgers University, who explained that Lyndon Johnson's 1965 immigration law raised immigration caps for non-European countries. LBJ apparently had some weird relationship with Asians in which he liked both inviting them over and going over to Asia to kill them.


After the law passed, when I was a kid, a few engineers and doctors from Gujarat moved to Edison because of its proximity to AT&T, good schools and reasonably priced, if slightly deteriorating, post–WW II housing. For a while, we assumed all Indians were geniuses. Then, in the 1980s, the doctors and engineers brought over their merchant cousins, and we were no longer so sure about the genius thing. In the 1990s, the not-as-brilliant merchants brought their even-less-bright cousins, and we started to understand why India is so damn poor.

Unlike some of my friends in the 1980s, I liked a lot of things about the way my town changed: far better restaurants, friends dorky enough to play Dungeons & Dragons with me, restaurant owners who didn't card us because all white people look old. But sometime after I left, the town became a maze of charmless Indian strip malls and housing developments. Whenever I go back, I feel what people in Arizona talk about: a sense of loss and anomie and disbelief that anyone can eat food that spicy.


But if you look at the current Facebook photos of students at my old high school, J.P. Stevens, which would be very creepy of you, you'll see that, while the population seems at least half Indian, a lot of them look like the Italian Guidos I grew up with in the 1980s: gold chains, gelled hair, unbuttoned shirts. In fact, they are called Guindians. Their assimilation is so wonderfully American that if the Statue of Liberty could shed a tear, she would. Because of the amount of cologne they wear.

Joel Stein --- My Own Private India TIME Magazine

The second set of quotes is from VDare itself and is a review of a book, Arrest-Proof Yourself: An Ex-Cop Reveals How Easy It Is for Anyone to Get Arrested, How Even a Single Arrest Could Ruin Your Life, and What to Do If the Police Get in Your Face
by a present lawyer, Dale C. Carson.

There are a number of useful points about what to say and do, and not say and do.

.If you're prescribed drugs, it's important to carry them in the prescription bottle with your name on it. If you are actually in possession of narcotics, it's good to be able to prove it's legal.
· You should always have your ID with you, just so you can prove you're you. If they think you may be someone else, they may want to keep you until they're sure. This bound to be tedious at best.
· You should have your lawyer's business card with you, so the police officer knows you have a lawyer.

That kind of thing is useful. But of course, it's only useful to people like you and me who read books.

Carson reminds us, based on his experience as a defense lawyer, that the law enforcement community spends most of its time dealing with people who are totally clueless. They don't read books, they don't wear watches, they don't have calendars, they don't have jobs, and they don't have a fixed address.


Carson is not, of course, any kind of “racist”. But you can't spend years on the street arresting people, and years in court defending people and have a politically correct "All Races Are The Same" viewpoint. For one thing, you'd be dead. So Carson examines a popular profiling question:


“Let’s talk about a group people of color often know little about: poor, clueless white people. Some black Americans have myths, of course, and think poor whites are bogeymen with white Ku Klux Klan hoods in their pockets, always ready for a nighttime lynching. On their part, some poor Southern whites fly Confederate battle flags at home and on their vehicles to signify a certain disinclination to appreciate the full panoply of America’s racial and ethnic diversity.

Some lower-class whites in the Jacksonville area live on boats, or floating boat-like objects, and have motorboats of their own that go fishing for illegal drugs and illegal immigrants. Carson describes the low-life lifestyle:

"They're fond of the magic herb and can be seen growing their very own shipboard marijuana bushes, which they mist and fertilize lovingly. Nothing, of course, replaces beer. They consider the 24-pack and the kegger to be the most important advances in human convenience in the last century. When in need of jollification, they hie forth to roadhouses and biker bars, where misunderstandings about women sometimes require the intervention of civil authority. When their women are in need of enlightenment, they improve their lady’s understanding with a few sharp raps to the head. Their dress code runs to jeans and T-shirts. Their hair is long or shaved off, their beards scruffy, and their skin adorned with tattoos and piercings. Got the picture? These are petty criminals, but why aren’t more of them in jail? Because they’re not totally clueless."

Now, cluelessness sometimes relates to IQ, but there are also social factors:

"Let’s consider manners first. Although low on the social food chain, these characters don’t have a chip on their shoulders about race. They are less likely to act out in the presence of police. Generally they can stifle the profanity during those crucial minutes and mumble ‘Yes, officer’ and ‘No, officer’ until the heat has passed."


"Most important, they don’t adopt the outdoor [i.e. street-corner] lifestyle. They’re almost never visible walking on streets where they can be seen by cops riding around in cars. When they drive, their cars and pickups may be junkers, but they’re street legal, so they have fewer traffic stops. They get wasted indoors, where search warrants are required, and are less likely to carry dope on their persons and in their cars. Often they grow their own marijuana, so they do not buy drugs and fall victim to police stings, undercover cops, and confidential informants. Their dress is scruffy, but T-shirts and jeans blend in better than gang colors and hip-hop gear, so they don’t get targeted as quickly by police. Once they do get arrested, they have some resources. For time management, they generally can muster an alarm clock and a watch, and in emergencies a calendar. They often marry their women, so they have a wife, the ‘old lady,’ in addition to Mama and sisters to pay legal fees and bail bonds. When driving, they get their buzz from beer rather than marijuana. This means that if they’re stopped and are not legally intoxicated, they will receive only a citation for driving with an open container—and not even that if they can slide the can out the rear window and into the truck bed before the cop gets close. Rednecks have some knowledge of police procedure. They know that police do not like to find guns, so they carry the all-purpose and legal knife. When they do carry guns, they are likely to have a permit."

James Fulford -- VDare

It is unlikely that I shall visit America soon, and even less likely that I would choose Florida as a destination: but if ever I do, it is least likely of all that I would go anywhere near Jacksonville.

Claverhouse :phear:


Royalist Freicorps Feldgendarme
Local time
Today 3:29 AM
Sep 7, 2007
Between the Harz and Carpathians
Unusual Proclivities

The semi-infamous Irish Savant publishes a semi-racialist anti-pc blog from the Green Isle with Irish whimsy. In the other hand he also attacked lynching --- which after all was one of the reasons Europeans of the first half of the 20th century had reservations about the US of A: after all, there was only one peaceful country where enraged simpletons could drag supposed offenders out and set fire to them, and it wasn't Germany --- so he's not entirely one-sided.

Three posts are considered here, one where he considered weddings, and showed this picture of a wedding dress which women disliked; but which males --- quite rightly --- considered delightful: which is noteworthy for the charming comment 'As far as the wedding dress, it looks like at least 6 former boyfriends are paying their respects underneath all that crinoline.'and the surprising information from someone that in America wedding dresses can cost $30 - 40K.

Time was when you could buy a house for that over there. Come to think of it you still can.


The next is his recent post upon some photos --- which I certainly have no intention of displaying --- of a child's training into manhood in the Taliban. All I ever learnt in the scouts was... actually I learnt nothing: still, I'm glad they didn't include head-trimming.

As every schoolboy knows, the word Taliban means student in Pashto. And the focus of study is of course confined to the Religion of Peace and all its works.

Now every schoolboy also knows that the ability to cut off heads and various other parts of the anatomy forms a valuable tool for a budding follower of the 'Prophet' (peace be upon the fucker).

The following excerpts from a Taliban training programme show an instructor explaining the finer points of the process to a twelve year-old inductee. The lad does really well. See how he proudly holds up the severed head at the conclusion of the exercise.

Which goes to prove the importance of a good teacher.

And just to show that responsibility can't begin early enough, the same Taliban publicly hanged a seven-year-old boy in Heratiyan village of Helmand province earlier this month on charges of espionage for Afghan government.

Don't jump to conclusions. Maybe he was guilty.

Lastly is a mordant celebration of the profound wisdom of ancient Aboriginal customs now lost to modern man, prompted by the lacrimose apology of Mr. Rudd. Modern Aussie Prime Ministers burst into tears like schoolgirls at a funeral for no easily apparent reason. Fifty years ago it would have been put down to the demon bottle, but now it's just that they are wet little fucks...

Now I've always been a bit confused by this because, as a dedicated cultural relativist, I always assumed that all cultures were equal. How then did the Stolen Generation suffer so much?

So I decided to spend some time researching the issue to determine just how much those kids suffered. After all, if the PM apologised in such profuse terms, they must have suffered a lot, right?

My main direct source was a book by Lloyd de Mause entitled The Origins of War in Child Abuse. This drew heavily on the work of leading anthropologists who studied the aboriginal culture and he quotes extensively from them.
I read early on that “the early infanticidal childrearing mode of Australian Aboriginals has been arguably the most abusive and neglectful of all tribal cultures”.

My goodness! Who could have imagined?

But surely it can’t be worse than what these innocents suffered under white adoption?

Well, I’ll let you be the judge.

According to the anthropologists who studied them (and who are highly complimentary to their, eh, culture) the Abos had some unusual proclivities. This from Roheim “the children who watched their mothers killing or eating babies suddenly avoided their parents, shrieked in their presence, or expressed unusual fear of them…recounting dreams about animal-man beings with the faces of parents smeared with blood. The fears and dreams get stored in their inner alters as time bombs to be exploded later in life."

Gee! I can't for the life of me imagine why.

Describing it as “a quite favourable picture”, Roheim tells us of “the custom of raping Aboriginal children, eating every second child and making the older children also eat them. Mothers regularly forced their children to eat their newborn siblings in the belief that the strength of the first child would be doubled by such a procedure. Sometimes the fetus would be pulled out by the head, roasted and eaten by the mother and the children and sometimes a big boy would be killed by the father by being beaten on the head and given to the mother to eat”

Ok, so the unfortunate victims being reared by their white kidnappers missed out on some tasty baby food. But still, couldn't it have been somewhat upsetting for them to experience this, especially knowing that they themselves might be on tomorrow’s menu?

And not just tasty food. They also missed out on some kinky sex while in white captivity. Such as “the constant masturbation by mother of her children’s penis and vagina while she lies on top of them, twisting and pinching them as we saw was the practice in New Guinea.”

Apparently anthropologists report routine “incessant fondling of infants, masturbation by mothers kissing the boy’s penis, women passing baby boys back and forth over their heads, taking turns sucking the penis, lying on sons in the male position and freely masturbating them at night.”

But don't worry – these experts assure us that these practices are fine. In fact they’re “nurturant”.

And it wasn’t just the boys who missed out. “The mutilation of young girls’ vaginas is also practiced by the Aboriginals, in which old men roll emu feathers with a loop of hair. This device is put into the vagina and then removed, pulling away a large part of the womb. The rest of the womb is then cut horizontally and vertically with a stone knife. When this wound is healed, the girl is then circumcised and made to have intercourse with many young men. The mix of blood and semen is collected and given to frail tribesmen as a fortifying elixir.”

Just in case you think there’s anything wrong with this (have you not heard of cultural relativism, where all cultures are equal?) we have renowned experts like the (in)famous Kinsey and Pomeroy, and indeed the even more (in)famous Margaret Meade to reassure us that “incest between adults and younger children can be satisfying and enriching.”

Well, if they said it, that’s good enough for me. And just in case we get the wrong idea, we’re admonished in closing that “the origins of the very violent personalities of Aboriginals are, of course, in no way caused by genetic differences, only developmental.”

But of course!! My goodness, how could we even consider such a possibility?

As the Savant would say: "Peace be on the fucker['s]."

Claverhouse :phear:


Is Kredit to Team!!
Local time
Today 11:29 AM
Apr 30, 2008
Purgatory with the cool kids
Finally! A proper use for a Crusade!

Oh, and nice blog you got here.


Royalist Freicorps Feldgendarme
Local time
Today 3:29 AM
Sep 7, 2007
Between the Harz and Carpathians
That Was Then, This Is Now

Two great jewish actresses reveal their craft...

Which reminds me of Mme. Bernhardt, who is --- well, different. Oh, the mystery in the eyes that look out from the shadow of her hair! And in the hands, and the lips, and the draping of the gown, which gives her the lines of a slender vase still bearing the faint aroma of a Greek wine.

One quotation from our conversation:

"Is it possible, Mme. Bernhardt, to do anything great in art without having experienced a great love?"

"Oh, yes. To portray the passions one need not have lived the reality. That would be too sad. Think what we poor players would be compelled to suffer --- Oh, La! La! If it were love alone, that would be agreeable; but there are wicked passions to be portrayed and crimes to be committed. An artist must be able to express all with truth, because within himself --- in the imagination --- he is capable of all. Then sometimes it is innocence that one portrays. Oh, an actress may play the part of a nun excellently without experiencing the purity of a nun."

And Mme. Bernhardt spread out three fingers of her left hand and translated herself into a long-drawn and coaxing Irish-Americanism "sure."

"Shu-u-u-err!" she trilled, with the most writhing and eloquent of shrugs; "shu-u-u-err! Ce grand amour n'est pas indispensable au grand art!"

Kate Carew interviews Mme. Sarah Bernhardt in 1904


It was my great honor to be asked to call at the home of the star upon the following day. Not more than a stone's throw from the wall of Paris in the direction of the Porte d'Asnières is the modest, typically Parisian house where Madame Bernhardt passes her days in town. A tug at a gleaming bronze knocker gains admittance into a long motor entrance leading to an open court beyond.

[SIZE=+2]A[/SIZE]T either side of the dim passageway are many doors, the intervening spaces hung with fur rugs and mounted antlers. The doors lead into various rooms and service corridors of the house, and a steady stream of liveried servants whirls through the maze, chatting and laughing, with no attempt at restraint.

Madame Sarah, as she is called by the members of her household, spends her days in a sunlit room on the second floor. She never leaves her big chair. On leaving the house she is carried to the motor and carried up the broad flight of steps when she returns.

I was shown into a small, dark reception hall while my card was being taken to the sunlit room above. About me the atmosphere was suggestive of the mystery of an antique shop at dusk. A chandelier of venetian crystal threw a faint glow over the congested assortment of chairs, tapestries, heavy curtains and numerous art treasures. The faded carpets and mellowed canvasses gave forth the musty odor of a room long closed. I sank into a divan and stared at the fireplace before me, guarded defiantly by two polished dragons. Upon the mantle a glass case reached to the very ceiling, stuffed with countless dolls of all sizes and nationalities.

[SIZE=+2]T[/SIZE]O the left were high closed gates of wrought iron. Beyond, stretched a bigger, deeper room. A soft rose light from the expansive skylight played over the mélange of shadowy objects. There was the mystery and charm that breathes of the past. It was like standing upon the edge of roped-off partitions in the Palaces of Fontainbleau and Versailles, gazing upon the relics of departed kings and queens. At the far end a sprawling fireplace covered the wall. Over the mantle was one of the most famous paintings of Madam Sarah, depicting the suppleness of limb and panther-like grace that once was hers. To the right, a broad couch lay in the shadow of a purple and golden canopy.

In the centre of the studio, covered like a bierr by a scarf of old rose and silver, was a grand piano, and beside it an ancient music-stand supporting a book of lined parchment covered with the square heavy notes of the fifteenth century. A curiously fresh note in the surroundings -- and unexpected in such a confusion of antiquities -- came from mammoth bouquets of fragrant lilacs arranged in bowls, baskets and tall vases in every available spot.

The door behind me opened, and a little old lady with white hair and a pleasant smile greeted me.

"Madame will receive you," she announced. "Madame is sorry to have kept you waiting, but it was the afternoon of the little Delia's lesson, and she has been reposing for a bit since her departure."

I followed her out into the corridor and up the broad, winding staircase. Upon the first landing we turned to the right and entered an anteroom. My guard drew back a curtain and waited for me to pass. Entering after me she announced my presence to Madam Sarah.

The actress was seated in a high-backed chair before the window. The late afternoon light fell upon her simply-coiffured hair -- now quite white about the roots -- and upon her loosely-girdled, long-sleeved and high-collared robe of white. Upon her bodice was pinned the medal of the Legion of Honor. Over her knees was a rug of ermine. At her feet, supplementing the court which had been in attendance at the theatre, were a number of dogs. She turned her gaze from the window and smiled that
grand sourire so dear to her country people. Extending her hand, she asked me to be seated and dismissed the little old lady who was still standing, smiling and bowing, at the entrance.

[SIZE=+2]W[/SIZE]E chatted for some time. I found that politics was one of Madame Sarah's favorite topics. No one could be more alive to the world situation, more au courant with the art, music and literature in other countries. It was as though Madame Sarah were the interviewer, and I the interviewed. She asked many questions about America, she inquired after the health of our President; she expressed an interest in the strikes and labor troubles; she was anxious to know what was happening in the world of the theatre "over there." Closing her eyes and tilting back her head, she concluded:

"Politics and governments -- they are more than I can understand. Present systems are corrupted by personal ambition. It is all so complicated and insincere. Conditions are much worse now than they were during the war. In 1914 we went into the fight without argument. We finished it with very little, but now, strangely enough, comes all the wrangling, the restrictions, the selfishness. And the sad part of it is,
il n'en finit plus."

Howard Greer interviews Mme. Sarah Bernhardt aged 78 in 1920.


Tori Spelling's husband shaved her pubic hair while she was pregnant.

The '90210' actress was forced to ask her spouse Dean McDermott to trim her "lower region" when her stomach grew too big for her to do it herself.

She explained: "I wasn't prepared for losing sight of my lower region. I'd say, 'Dean, how's it looking down there? Do I need to shave?' But of course I couldn't shave. So Dean had to do it."

Keen to ensure his wife was satisfied with the results, Dean would give Tori regular updates on his progress.

She wrote in her book 'Mommywood': "He'd hold up a mirror and say 'How'd I do?' Or he'd take a picture with his Blackberry to show me."

The 35-year-old star --- who has two children, Liam, two, and 10-month-old Stella, with Dean, 42 --- recently admitted she had some help in achieving a slim post-pregnancy body.

She previously said: "I haven't lost the weight yet! I've been wearing Spanx underwear. I just stopped breastfeeding so now I can start a diet. Getting back to working out is the hardest part, but we have a really active lifestyle."

Miss Tori Spelling writes her autobiography

Claverhouse :phear:

Da Blob

Local time
Yesterday 9:29 PM
Dec 19, 2008
One always wonders is this the era of the "Ascent of Man' or the era of the "Descent of Man"? Personally, I believe it is only childish optimism that allows for the former. The only thing that is ascendent about our species is the technology. The individuals who crew the first human interstellar vehicles, will have Neanderthals as role models and call a Machine "mommy"...


Royalist Freicorps Feldgendarme
Local time
Today 3:29 AM
Sep 7, 2007
Between the Harz and Carpathians
The Illustrious Dead

In a post yesterday, I referred to 'Russian Businessmen' --- this now and then being code for 'wealthy psychotic looting thug', ( capitalism transcends and wipes away international differences ) --- googling to discover what the little devils have been up to recently I came across this sad murder.

MOSCOW (REUTERS).- A Russian businessman who set up a museum dedicated to Soviet dictator Josef Stalin was electrocuted and bludgeoned to death on Friday, media reported.

Vasily Bukhtiyenko set up the Stalin museum in 2005 in Volgograd, previously called Stalingrad, about 560 miles southeast of Moscow.

"He was resting at a tennis court. That is where the murder happened," state-run RIA Novosti news agency quoted a spokeswoman for regional investigators as saying.

Police said a motive for the attack was unclear at present.

Volgograd newspaper "Pervaya Gazeta" reported that Bukhtiyenko was attacked by three men with electric shock devices and then repeatedly hit on the head, it said on its site pro-volgograd.ru.

1st May 2010.

Whilst I do not care for people who admire Stalin, they have every right to do so; and to establish museums for their hero. At a guess, from least likely to most, one idly imagines in Russia responsibility rests on 1/ Government sanction [ ironic, nu, for a stalin-lover ? ], 2/ Russian neo-nazi thugs, 3/ Aggrieved business associates.

Since that nice Mr. Putin is out of the killing business, and 'neo-nazis' are more propaganda media myth than real --- even in Russia where they frequently regard Hitler as a great leader, as many, often the same, so regard Iosif Vissarionovich --- ( I've never met one... ) one is drawn to the conclusion that Gangster Capitalism is alive and well in the Russian Federation. Just more so than in America or Britain etc. where also rich businessmen are sometimes topped.

Just not enough of them.


A link from that page led to the tale of Ice Age Baby Khroma. Having once mentioned Ice Age Baby Lyuba, the mammoth child now in Chicago, and found 'baby mammoth' then became a permanent search term for the blog, I couldn't help but feel charmed at yet another body being on exhibit. ( Although it must be said, any enthusiasm for viewing bodies strictly depends upon them being non-human... ).

PARIS (AP).- After tens of thousands of years under the Siberian frost, a baby woolly mammoth is taking a summer vacation in southeast France.

Baby Khroma, one of the oldest intact mammoths ever found, went on display in a French museum Friday - after it underwent special tests to ensure it was no longer bearing the anthrax believed to have killed it.

Khroma is on display at the Musee Crozatier in Puy-en-Velay in a special cryogenic chamber kept at -18 degrees C (-0.40 Fahrenheit).

The 80-centimeter-high, 1.6-meter-long (1-foot-high, 5-foot-long) prehistoric guest may be the oldest baby mammoth ever discovered. Carbon dating methods failed to determine its age, suggesting it is more than 50,000 years old, said French researchers and Sergei Gorbunov, project coordinator for the Geneva-based International Mammoth Committee. Russian news reports have said it is 32,000 years old.

It will undergo further isotope analysis in France to try to pin down its age - and its gender, up to now unclear.

"It's a unique discovery," Gorbunov told The Associated Press by telephone. "Any discovery of a new mammoth gives us new scientific information about prehistory."

Similar enthusiasm was felt six months ago in the United States when a 42,000-year-old baby woolly mammoth named Lyuba arrived at the Field Museum in Chicago, where it is still on display. The practically intact specimen, discovered in 2007 in Siberia as well, is the best-preserved of her kind, according to researchers.

You will note they are unlikely ever to have met, any more than we are contemporaneous with someone who lived in ancient Sumer, but we may hope that in the Mammoth Afterlife they may meet and rub trunks or whatever it is that mammoths do, linked by this brief mutual notoriety in the mysterious world of men.


Finally, Russians again: from the wiki:discussionpage upon FeldMarschall Gebhard Blücher:

In 1945 his grave was destroyed by russian troops, his corpus exhumed and his skull used as football to play soccer/football. Today, now in Poland, his grave looks exactly like the russians left it 60 years ago.

Picture: http://wroclaw.hydral.com.pl/67611,foto.html (copyrighted) Should this be mentioned?

Really, it's not that such people are wicked that annoys, more the fact they are oafish, creepy orcs.

[ Glancing at the picture you'd have thought someone would have tidied the crypt up in the last half-century... ]

Claverhouse :phear:


Royalist Freicorps Feldgendarme
Local time
Today 3:29 AM
Sep 7, 2007
Between the Harz and Carpathians
Someone Else’s Clean Urine

Having no idea how baseball or steroids, nor yet how the mind of a politician, works I was still surprised at a remark by Steve Sailer in an article on these things.

This followed a State of the Union address in which President George W. Bush used his bully pulpit to call for a crackdown on athletes using chemical muscle-builders, a denunciation that stood in contrast to the Bush dynasty’s previous encounters with steroids.

The silly old fool actually seriously included drug-taking sportsmen in a State of the Union address ? This takes frivolity to a whole new level... This is no more important than the news that kids sometimes steal candy.

However, it's moderately interesting to read. Some excerpts:

Have you noticed that a lot of steroid cheaters, alleged and admitted, are jerks? So, do jerks take steroids? Or do steroids make jerks? Both are likely true. Good guys don’t cheat. And the masculinizing side effects of steroids make many users more volatile, even violent. Baseball’s brouhaha illuminates a growing challenge for society in general as the biotechnology-driven masculinity arms race (or, perhaps more precisely, biceps race) expands beyond sports. Politicians, such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jesse Ventura, and even pundits, such as Andrew Sullivan, have turbocharged their careers by ingesting the manly molecule. But do we want the most aggressive men to boost their masculinity even further by artificial means? Or is the natural balance best for society as a whole?A history of baseball’s seduction by steroids can now finally be pieced together. First synthesized in central Europe in the 1930s, scientifically savvy athletes, such as Olympic shot-putters, began injecting artificial male hormones in the 1950s. Bodybuilders were close behind. For example, Austrian weightlifters who trained with the teenage Schwarzenegger told the Los Angeles Times that the future governor of California started using steroids in 1964 at age 17. In the 1970s and 1980s, the manly ladies of East Germany dominated the distaff side of the Olympics because their Communist regime forced steroids upon them.


Following Ben Johnson’s disgrace, track became more serious about drug testing. This slowed women runners noticeably. Because women naturally produce only about one-tenth as much testosterone as men, they get more bang for the buck out of a dose of steroids. That’s why Warsaw Bloc women dominated women’s sprinting, but their menfolk could seldom beat sprinters of West African descent. Tougher testing combined with the collapse of the Communist sports-industrial complexes meant that female medalists ran a striking 0.6 percent slower at the cleaner 1996 Olympics than at the 1988 Festival of Androgens, while men’s times continued their steady improvement. Runners still cheat, but can’t be as brazen. Most of the absurd women’s records set in the 1980s by the communists and by America’s late Florence Griffith-Joyner remain untouched.


The National Football League cracked down hard enough that some dopers reportedly had to pump someone else’s clean urine up catheters into their bladders.


The elder Bush was probably naïve, but the younger Bush surely knew Canseco’s reputation when, as co-managing director of the Texas Rangers, he signed off on a blockbuster trade for the macho man in 1992. (It’s important to note that Bush’s partners did not allow him much other executive responsibility. Ranger general manager Tom Grieve told PBS, “George was the front man .… He was the spokesperson. He dealt with the media, he dealt with the fans, and it was obvious to us right from the start that that’s what he was made for.” Why a man whose friends didn’t consider him qualified to run a ball club is qualified to run the country is a question for another day.)


Downsides quickly appeared. Although players drank less, they seemed to get arrested for assault more—what bodybuilders call ’roid rage. Time spent on the disabled list grew 20 percent just between 1997 and 2001, and some injuries were gruesomely unprecedented. A former teammate of Canseco’s ruptured his bicep swinging at a pitch. “In all my years of watching sport, I’ve never seen/heard anything so awful,” wrote a fan. “When his muscle ripped, it produced a sharp snap and traveled up his arm and into his shoulder like a scurrying rodent.”

Out of the Park

Claverhouse :phear:


Royalist Freicorps Feldgendarme
Local time
Today 3:29 AM
Sep 7, 2007
Between the Harz and Carpathians
Every Single Girl In That School Got Saved, Including All The Nuns

As a European I had only heard of the enticing Mr. Hinn once, in a chance remark back in intpcentral: however, Europe has it's occasional charismatic nutters too; it's just that they are always politicians, usually right-wing. Over here we haven't really touched religion much since the seventeenth century.

The religious nutters we gave to America.

Why Benny Hinn Became Our Wacky Neighbor

By John Bloom


If you drive west from Dallas, through the neo-moderne lunarscape of a pod city called Las Colinas, past a massive international airport on a denuded prairie, into the warren of faceless office buildings that make up cosmopolitan Grapevine, you'll never find Benny Hinn.

He wants it that way. The nerve center of his worldwide organization is tucked away in a group of cheap white nondescript buildings that look like the kind of domiciles favored by Mafia fronts on the wharves of New Jersey. Inside, several dozen employees process an estimated $100 million per year in donations from people who believe in Hinn as a sort of Elmer Gantry for the 21st century. (Obviously they didn't read the novel.)

Now go the other way, into the cul-de-sacs and barrios of deep East Dallas. On a dead end street next to a nursing home, in an expansive two-story house once owned by the Dallas mob, the Trinity Foundation works 24/7 trying to find out just how much money passes through Grapevine, where it comes from and where it goes, running undercover operations, infiltrations, spying, surveillance, the cultivation of disgruntled ex-employees, and even going through Benny Hinn's garbage in an effort to . . . well . . . to make him prove he's not a fraud.


It's weird. It was weird when he announced he was moving to Dallas in 1999, pretty much abandoning his church congregation in Florida. It was weirder still when he announced that God had ordered him to build a $30 million World Healing Center in Irving, making it sound like a combination theme park and New Age miracle spa. The way he laid it out, it would be a sort of shrine to famous faith healers of the past, complete with "stereophonic statue gardens," as well as a Holy Ghost Mayo Clinic for the halt, the lame and the afflicted. I had visions of wheelchair-bound hordes being lifted off jumbo jets at DFW Airport and convoying their way over to Las Colinas, like pilgrims pouring into a Disneyworld version of Lourdes. Isn't this the kind of thing that belongs in Tulsa?

Fortunately, God changed his mind in the summer of 2002 and told Hinn not to build the healing center after all, even though he had spent two years collecting donations for it. (God was apparently vague about what Hinn should do with the money. The county tax assessor was less vague, telling Hinn it was unlikely that his tax exemption would survive theme-park ownership.) Hinn said it was just a timing matter. God wants the healing center, but he didn't want it right then. (Since the only other building the Almighty is known to have ordered is the Temple at Jerusalem, maybe He's just unimpressed with Irving.) Hinn finally said he would keep his headquarters in Dallas because the central location saves him money.


Aside from his twice-monthly appearances at his own choreographed "crusades," held in the largest sports arenas on the planet, Hinn is a virtual recluse, surrounded by armies of bodyguards, ensconced in an $12 million oceanfront hacienda in southern California, traveling by private jet for "snorkeling vacations" in the Cayman Islands, staying in $10,800 per night presidential suites in Italy, a $15,000 per night suite in Greece, and claiming a level of financial secrecy and paranoid internal security that's more often associated with drug dealers than men of the cloth. By surrounding himself with yes-men and stage-managing every detail of his public image--even to the point of stiff-arming the occasional paparazzo who tries to photograph him--he has more in common with Michael Jackson than Jerry Falwell. He may, in fact, be the first Christian rock star.


He has no church. He belongs to no denomination. He's not even affiliated with any particular religion, although his buzz words indicate he tends to dwell on the freaky backwoods fringe of Pentecostalism. As recently as three centuries ago, he probably would have been burned as a heretic. (To give you some idea of his doctrinal strangeness, he once preached that the Trinity is actually nine persons, because each member of the Trinity--Father, Son, Holy Spirit--is also a Trinity. He also says that God and the Holy Spirit have real bodies, with eyes, hands, mouth, etc. Various theologians have trashed him, of course, for preaching "new revelations" directly from God that turn out to be, when examined, variations of thousand-year-old heresies.) He thinks of himself as a prophet (even when his prophecies don't come true) and, in one burst of grandeur, "a new messiah walking on the earth." He believes that the Biblical Adam flew into outer space, that when God parted the Red Sea he made it into a wall of ice, that God talks to him more frequently than he talked to, say, Moses, that a man has risen from the dead in his presence, that a man turned into a snake before his eyes, that angels come to his bedroom and talk to him, and that the only reason we're not all in perfect health, living forever, is that there are demons in the world, attacking us. He's expressed opinions normally heard only on schizophrenia wards, and he's done it in front of millions of people--and still they come. They come in such numbers that thousands have to be turned away, and even the ones turned away gladly give him their money.


He's a Palestinian with a Greek father and Armenian Turk mother, raised in a Catholic school along with eight brothers and sisters who were stuffed into a tiny two-bedroom apartment in the Tel Aviv suburb of Jaffa. In Hinn's books he claims that his father was the mayor of Jaffa. As it turns out, Jaffa had no mayor after the year 1948, four years before Hinn was born. Like many factoids in the Hinn legend, this one seems to be a fib.

Toufik Benedictus Hinn, known to his family as "Tutu," didn't much like living in Palestine with an Arabic first name, so early in life he became Benny. He was not particularly noted by his classmates at College de Frere elementary school in Jaffa or, after the family emigrated when Benny was 14, at Georges Vanier Secondary School in Toronto. In his sermons and books, Hinn has portrayed his childhood as that of a social outcast, handicapped by a severe stutter, who was nonetheless a stellar student. But when G. Richard Fisher and M. Kurt Goedelman, two journalists who write for Christian publications, looked into Hinn's youth, they found that both claims were untrue: nobody remembered Hinn stuttering, and he had dropped out of high school after the 11th grade. The reason I use these particular examples--"white lies" that by themselves don't really mean that much--is to indicate how twisted Hinn's mythmaking can be. He invents things that reflect badly on him just as easily as he invents things that reflect well on him. Psychologically he can't stand the unadorned truth.

Occasionally, though, the enhancements expand into the land of the whopper. For example, Hinn claims to have preached at an all-girls Catholic school in Jerusalem in 1976 and "every single girl in that school got saved, including all the nuns." Since there's only one Catholic girls school in Jerusalem, Schmidt's Girls College, it was a fairly easy matter to question all the nuns who were there in 1976, as well as Father Dusind, who has overseen all religious instruction since 1955. The result? "This is nonsense, real nonsense," Dusind told Fisher and Goedelman. "It never happened and could not happen because a Charismatic healer or Protestant preacher would never ever be let in to talk to the girls."

Or how about the time Hinn went into a Catholic hospital in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, and healed everyone there? The way Hinn tells it is that he, three other Pentecostal preachers, and seven Catholic priests held a service together in the hospital chapel, where everyone went to work with "anointing bottles" and patients were healed instantly. They were then asked to lay hands on all the patients in the hospital's rooms, so Hinn and his "Miracle Invasion" team went down the hall healing people, knocking them down with God's power, until "the hospital looked like it had been hit by an earthquake."

The reality--easily confirmed by speaking to officials at Sault Ste. Marie General Hospital and the Gray Sisters of the Immaculate Conception who work there--is that no patients were released the day Hinn held a small service in the chapel and that, furthermore, "Mr. Hinn's claims are outlandish and unwarranted."


Along about 10 p.m., when all the checks and dead presidents have been collected, Hinn announces that God is speaking to him. Sometimes he sees angels in the room. Sometimes he sees ugly demon monsters that are fleeing from the building. ("You ugly spirit of sickness, go out of this place! Let God's people go!") Sometimes he just feels the presence of spirits, or angels. Once he saw the whole arena bathed in golden dust. And then, as though his body has been taken over by a force he can't control, he starts running around knocking people over. Sometimes he knocks them over with his coat, sometimes by blowing on them, sometimes by pushing their forehead with his hand--but when he touches them, they fall over. As he does this, he calls out the healings--a brain tumor, a cancer, a crippled left leg--as though he's watching something occurring that the rest of us can't see. And then, one by one, various people are brought up onto the stage, and an announcer describes their affliction so that Hinn can lay hands on them and pronounce the disease vanquished. On an average night he'll heal about 80 people, in addition to the ones he shouts out in a sort of "wherever you are, you're healed" way.

No wonder Hinn needs bodyguards. Very few, if any, of these people are actually healed. And when they die, or their disease becomes worse, their relatives tend to become angry.


As Hinn put it himself, in a moment of rare revelatory candor, "I don't need gold in heaven, I gotta have it now."

During 1993, his one year of "reform," he talked about being stung by being portrayed as a millionaire and how he wanted to be "more Christ-like." His solution: "The Lord said sell the Benz and the watch."

He got rid of his Rolex and his Mercedes. Notice he didn't give them away. He sold them--and then replaced the Mercedes with a $65,000 BMW. This is what God told him to do. And who better to know what God wants, because Hinn, after all, is only the third person in the history of the universe to have actually seen God and lived to tell about it. God, he says, is 6-2 or 6-3, with long hair of a light brown color, and eyes that can look right through you.

Actually, I'm 5' 10".

Claverhouse :phear:


Royalist Freicorps Feldgendarme
Local time
Today 3:29 AM
Sep 7, 2007
Between the Harz and Carpathians
Support Your Local Stasi

The implicit tendency of modern democracy to impose totalitarianism seemed to have reached it's natural level with the United States' risible 'Homeland Security'; after that, it can only increase strength and gain more intrusion into ordinary lives.

However, America's Bitch is doing her best to outdo the paranoid fantasies of neo-cons.

I was looking up Victoriana and came across a blog, The Cat's Meat Shop: today's entry was on something else...

This blog is normally about history, so apologies for the interruption in service. But I came across a news story today that made me feel angry.


In short, it's a public information broadcast, that has been playing on the popular radio channel 'Talk Sport':

"The following message is brought to you by Talk Sport and the Anti-Terrorist Hotline. The man at the end of the street doesn't talk to his neighbours much, because he likes to keep himself to himself. He pays with cash because he doesn't have a bank card, and he keeps his curtains closed because his house is on a bus route. This may mean nothing, but together it could all add up to you having suspicions. We all have a role to play in combating terrorism. If you see anything suspicious, call the confidential, Anti-Terrorist Hotline ... if you suspect it, report it."

The Advertising Standard Authority have banned this advert, but they have allowed the following advert to go ahead:

"The man two desks down from you at work looks at online aerial photos, because he’s thinking of moving house, he rents three lock-ups, full of his mother's things he just can't throw out, he paid for a flight with cash, but that's because he's a spontaneous kind of guy. This may mean nothing, but together it could all add up to you having suspicions ..."

Ok, full marks to the ASA for banning the first advert. They had complaints. Good. Thank God for that. The second one is obviously detailing much more suspicious behaviour; and it is much more reasonable.


if you look at the Met Police site, you'll see that some if their 'spot a terrorist' things are quite reasonable ... weird purchases of chemicals in bulk etc. Some, however, are quite barmy:

Suitcase - Terrorists need to travel. Meetings training and planning can take place anywhere. Do you know someone who travels but is vague about where they are going?

Now, I suspect a significant proportion of the married men in this country are vague about their 'business trips'. But - I've got news for you, MI5 - they're not visiting that seedy motel on the A1 with Keisha from Accounts to ferment global terror.

You might argue, of course, that I'm being frivolous here. We have been bombed and attacked, after all. None of these individual things are sufficient grounds for 'suspicion', but the public must use its judgment. The Anti-Terrorist Hotline is there to provide clues and hints for the interested and vigilant member of civil society, no?

I disagree. I think we have a security service that is paid to track terrorism; that the clear and tangible signs of someone being a terrorist (if such signs do exist) are the ones that can be traced - frequent visits to extremist websites; frequent, unusual or large purchases of chemicals; contacts with known terrorists. All these things might be grounds for suspicion. Anything else, the 'vigilance' demanded of the public, is both impossible to comply with, and highly corrosive, generating an atmosphere of fear and distrust.

If I took all the advice above, and applied it to my neighbours, I'd guess that 50% of Hackney would be 'suspicious' - should I get on the phone immediately?

Eventually people will be denounced for not denouncing others --- which has happened before, during the French and Russian Revolutions...

[ The original Stasi* had a Division of Garbage Analysis, I'm sure the old brutes in charge of ordering officers to rummage through The People's Rubbish retired to pensioned old age as much as any Gulag commandants did... ]

Claverhouse :phear:

* From wiki:

While these calculations were from official records, according to the federal commissioner in charge of the Stasi archives in Berlin, because many such records were destroyed, there were likely closer to 500,000 Stasi informers. A former Stasi colonel who served in the counterintelligence directorate estimated that the figure could be as high as 2 million if occasional informants were included.

Stasi efforts with one agent per 166 citizens dwarfed, for example, the Nazi Gestapo, which employed only 40,000 officials to watch a population of 80 million (one officer per 2,000 citizens) and the Soviet KGB, which employed 480,000 full time agents to oversee a nation of 280 million residents (one agent per 583 citizens). When informants were included, the Stasi had one spy per 66 citizens of East Germany. When part-time informer adults were included, the figures reach approximately one spy per 6.5 citizens.


Royalist Freicorps Feldgendarme
Local time
Today 3:29 AM
Sep 7, 2007
Between the Harz and Carpathians
Lost In The Game

Max Raabe interprets modern Classics into Berliner 1920s -30s Dance Orchestra style.


Claverhouse :phear:


Royalist Freicorps Feldgendarme
Local time
Today 3:29 AM
Sep 7, 2007
Between the Harz and Carpathians
Nothing Has Ever And Will Ever

Sadly no. I downloaded that, and others around 4 years and 6 hard disks ( judging by a similar entry in my main blog ) back. Any albums in torrent are alas usually .ape.

Here's Max's Orchestra site, which has some songs up there.

And of course there's Youtube; there's always Youtube ( not entirely enthused )...

YouTube- [Max Raabe] Sex Bomb

Is Britney Spears the greatest musician EVER?

I think she absolutely is. She is by far the greatest act in music, nothing has ever and will ever come close to her genius.


I shouldn't go that far myself; but I don't mind Britney. Mad as a hatter, of course; but fame does that for a girl. Kinda cute.

Plus I very strongly approve of grown women dressing as schoolgirls.*

Claverhouse :phear:

*It's a lot better than over-sexualised kids dressing as grown women.


Royalist Freicorps Feldgendarme
Local time
Today 3:29 AM
Sep 7, 2007
Between the Harz and Carpathians
'Optimized for Internet Explorer 6 and Firefox 1.0'

This could have gone in Websites of Interest, but since it is merely a blog entry it scarcely seems worth it; however since it shows a lot of government sites that most of us wouldn't dream of seeking out, the sheer dedication of Mr. Chapman the collator is worth a mention.

He shows and critiques the official websites of many countries' governments, and whilst judgements are necessarily subjective --- in all matters of taste or value or action I take the ultra-understanding liberal view that everyone has a valid personal belief; combined with the iron reactionary view that inferior people have inferior beliefs --- he seems justified in many criticisms. And anyone doing anything might as well do it right...

The Ultimate Ugly Showcase of Current Government Websites

A fact oftimes overlooked in the 363 comments; many of which display the point-missing, tearful, hand-wringing blubbering typical of the depraved self-indulgent faux-sentimentality that substitutes for reason in the minds of liberals...

Among the more lunatic...

Yeah let’s take the piss out of third world countries for have a crap website!
Honestly, half the countries in this list have a lot more important things to worry about than whether Mr Chapman likes their choice of colour scheme.

Why would I be any more likely to visit a country if they have a pretty web site? or any less likely to visit if it’s crappy? I doubt I’m even going to visit a country’s site before embarking on the trip. As has been mentioned before, some of these places have far more important things to worry about than proper use of fonts and whitespace. Like, staying alive. I’m amazed some of these places even HAVE websites.

This post involves more emotional reaction rather than a true designer point of view.

Dude, what browser did you use? Bangladesh came out perfectly, in under ten seconds. Somebody’s just obviously racist.

It surprises me that you expected the Polish website to be so bad. Poland has a massive collection of extrememly talented designers so this comment was probably down to your ignorance rather than any education.

It would be interesting to see if any were any cultural factors that led to some of the design/content decisions. ‘ugly’ is being applied from a western culture and values model then ‘designer’ aesthetic (in that culture model) perhaps. For example, Would some local citizens expect a text heavy institutional look for that sense of authority,trust, credibility or other values that may not be apparent without cultural considerations e.g. power distance relationships, cultural values etc. Hopefully a local or culturally sensitive ux practitioner and designer will tackle some of these for their audiences.

I’m a government web designer, and I would really like to see a well-researched post about GOOD government web design. Governments have limited resources and often don’t have centralized decision-making when it comes to technology.

Simply savour: 'Governments have limited resources'.

Claverhouse :phear:


Royalist Freicorps Feldgendarme
Local time
Today 3:29 AM
Sep 7, 2007
Between the Harz and Carpathians
Words To Live By

[FONT=&quot]The person, or a body of people who has thought, are that thought. If a religion or church, person or body of people think they are the only church, that there is no other god or church but them, that thought is thinking there is another. That way of thinking that thought is thinking there is another, and that other that they are thinking is what they think. The real God, body, Will of God, don’t think there is another. They know there is not. The one of god is all, and even if there is thoughts of other gods, would be all that also. It is like, you can’t divide water with a dam because water is still water on all sides. There is no two to god. Two is only one in two parts. That what says they
are one must be thinking there is another. The one don’t think there is another. The one don’t think there is another because there is not another. BC, before Christ, in mans’ mind now, from the pyramids are becoming the coming of Christ.

And the going and falling down of the civilization is the South rising again. One and one, it’s still one, in two parts. The coming of love is the going of frustration and hate. Peace of mind is in the grave, slave, and the Will of God is: going backwards. Bin Laden is Vietcong Charlie. Peace on Earth. We want our peace on Earth.


The Wren Tale

[/FONT]Death row windows a bird came to me and I gave him a seed.

It's mom said come let's go for food it told mama I got food.

Mama said you can't always count on that. It's come each day and eat and sang and was cool.

Mom died and with that she took the way she got food from her mom.
Baby bird got big and laid eggs and came to me with her babies. I fed them and they sang and got fat near jail birds. A lot of birds for over 100 years fed on the prison.

Then one day death row was overturned and the men left and the rows were empty. The birds set in the windows not knowing what to do. Cons set in other places and watched thousands of birds die. It was heart breaking to see helpless friends starve.

I was moved and a sparrow came and nested and a wren broke its eggs and I seen this wren and how he didn't sing he just broke the eggs of the little bird. I put my hand and protected the little bird.

I had a dream, a God like thing came to me with a wren's head on and said stay out of our eggs. We know what we are doing- your not needed and he said behold, as he was saying that the little bird lays much more eggs then the wren it laid more nests each year then the wren and if the wren didn't break the eggs the skies and sunlight would be blocked out and he showed me millions of birds that were eating everything they ate all the leaves and the trees died. It was all being eaten up and destroyed. I felt like a fool. There was so much I didn't understand. I didn't want to make it harder on the wildlife. I realize they have a hard time as it is.

When death row was over turned by the kids of the 1960's people didn't see or understand. The power people wanted to blow the world up people forget so fast because they are always lieing to the kids and raising the children up on a new set of lies for money. Egg men see whole worlds come and go again.

A little baby bird was being pushed and picked on and she fell down the wall and other birds were after her and I put my hand up. The wren looked at me and said get out of my way. I said I'm not going to let you hurt the young bird. I defied him and he stormed mad and flew close and I waved my hands at him and the baby bird went off and got away and he was left mad at me.

Then I noticed she had a new guy and they had a nest and the other birds that flew with the mean wren and he said see you have made us weak and divided up and caused conflict with your stupid ways. Your ways are not flying and you have no wings and your brain is slow.

I tried to defend and I have other friends like spiders, ants, bugs, dragonflies, crows, hawks etc. but they all say he's right I had no right to get in to what he was doing. That was his survival and I got no thoughts in what's what in the wrengod.

I had a mouse I got from some people who wanted to destroy it. I got it and snuck it out where no one could see. Wren seen it and let the sea gull see it and the sea gull ate it and he flew by making fun of me and calling me stupid.

In my window I had a spider and we got on well. He flew by yesterday came ate the spider and set in the window looking at me.

How do we know when or where to do anything. We think we know but no matter what we think it's not that way. I write this to tell you I see the truth to you is what you want and need.


Now, we must transcend the media brainwash, turn and face our children and our dying world. Become one heart, one mind, and work to redeem the Air, the Trees, the Water, and the Animals, which includes us. Manson is your reflection, if you wish to understand him you will need to know yourself first and be willing to face yourself and the way you live your life.

We are all breathing the same air. Whoever sins against our air by polluting it or destroying the green, the trees that give us our air, is a criminal and must face a World Court that has no mercy for transgressors. Everyone was and has been warned. You are either working for ATWA, or you will simply cease to exist.

Under Mansons’ authority there will be no movies, no sports or music for entertainment; only work. One world, working to clean and support the air and water and protect the trees and animals. Prisons will be farms producing their own food. All schools, all jobs, must and will serve life’s survival or they too will fade away. Our money will function only in service to the people and ATWA, not as a tool for greed, corruption or control.

This message is urgent. There is no time for lies, competition or personal games of ego and ambition. We must give Charles Manson the authority, the authority to bring order to our world, one world in service to Life.

Manson Direct

Claverhouse :phear:

Da Blob

Local time
Yesterday 9:29 PM
Dec 19, 2008
To be or not to be– that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And, by opposing, end them. To die, to sleep
No more – and by a sleep to say we end
The heartache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to – ‘tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep
To sleep, perchance to dream. Ay, there's the rub,
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause. There's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th’ oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of disprized love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th’ unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovered country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience doth make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action.—Soft you now!

To do or not to do
That also is a question
Who can criticize the Weaver
of the Timelines?
He has been accused of being cruel and unjust.
Destroying Babel, Sodom and Gomorrah
before the invention of morality

However, only He knows where those
Threads would have ended,
if they had not been derailed
They would have discolored the Tapestry
and distorted the Design.
Think about the Burden carried
while walking the Paths of the Timelines...

Revelations 11: 15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. 16 And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God, 17 Saying, We give thee thanks, O LORD God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned. 18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. 19 And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.


Royalist Freicorps Feldgendarme
Local time
Today 3:29 AM
Sep 7, 2007
Between the Harz and Carpathians


Royalist Freicorps Feldgendarme
Local time
Today 3:29 AM
Sep 7, 2007
Between the Harz and Carpathians
I Am Not Convinced Cannibalism Is The Answer

Atrocities of the past involving --- understandably --- disputable numbers, and of the present too when they happen outside one's own doorstep, have a fatal flaw built in, which is that except for propaganda purposes no-one actually cares. If one could actually profoundly care about the suffering in the world, realizing it, one would kill oneself: and killing oneself would be futile and cowardly since few people would actually care about one's suicide.

In that spirit, and viewing it purely academically with just a little inescapable propagandizing included, I offer the recent claim that the CCP's Great Leap Forward cost --- alone --- 45 million souls.

Speaking at The Independent Woodstock Literary Festival, Frank Dikötter, a Hong Kong-based historian, said he found that during the time that Mao was enforcing the Great Leap Forward in 1958, in an effort to catch up with the economy of the Western world, he was responsible for overseeing "one of the worst catastrophes the world has ever known".

Mr Dikötter, who has been studying Chinese rural history from 1958 to 1962, when the nation was facing a famine, compared the systematic torture, brutality, starvation and killing of Chinese peasants to the Second World War in its magnitude. At least 45 million people were worked, starved or beaten to death in China over these four years; the worldwide death toll of the Second World War was 55 million.

Mr Dikötter is the only author to have delved into the Chinese archives since they were reopened four years ago. He argued that this devastating period of history – which has until now remained hidden – has international resonance. "It ranks alongside the gulags and the Holocaust as one of the three greatest events of the 20th century.... It was like [the Cambodian communist dictator] Pol Pot's genocide multiplied 20 times over," he said.

Between 1958 and 1962, a war raged between the peasants and the state; it was a period when a third of all homes in China were destroyed to produce fertiliser and when the nation descended into famine and starvation, Mr Dikötter said.

His book, Mao's Great Famine; The Story of China's Most Devastating Catastrophe, reveals that while this is a part of history that has been "quite forgotten" in the official memory of the People's Republic of China, there was a "staggering degree of violence" that was, remarkably, carefully catalogued in Public Security Bureau reports, which featured among the provincial archives he studied. In them, he found that the members of the rural farming communities were seen by the Party merely as "digits", or a faceless workforce. For those who committed any acts of disobedience, however minor, the punishments were huge.

State retribution for tiny thefts, such as stealing a potato, even by a child, would include being tied up and thrown into a pond; parents were forced to bury their children alive or were doused in excrement and urine, others were set alight, or had a nose or ear cut off. One record shows how a man was branded with hot metal. People were forced to work naked in the middle of winter; 80 per cent of all the villagers in one region of a quarter of a million Chinese were banned from the official canteen because they were too old or ill to be effective workers, so were deliberately starved to death.

The Independent : 17th September 2010

Und so weiter... Still, whether one thinks this was a Heroic Achievement of the Human Spirit in Crushing Class Enemies and Populist Elements, or bloody murder, it's fairly clear that a fun time was not held by all. And as ever with progressives, they are always doing it for one's own good: which is the truly unforgivable aspect.

However, what does the Wiki Talk Page have to offer on it's treatment of the issue ? Mr. Wales himself descended from Olympus, quite modestly, to deferentially point out the above report.

From 2003 to this year, about one quarter of a massive page discusses previous estimates, mainly discounting them as one would expect --- the only certainty Wikipedians as a group have on massacres is the modernist view that nazi/fascist atrocities are all true and anyone else's are all inflated --- including a few gems such as:

There is definitely something missing! The bodies of the multi millions who died in this period.I am not convinced that cannibalism is the answer.

In all of the Western and Eastern sources I've read on this topic, majority agree that between 1959-1962 about 20 million died of starvation and malnutrition. I personally believe anything above 25 million is propaganda. Afterall, China only had 500 million people in the late 50s.
Some actually estimated the toll at nearly 40 million. [[User:Colipon|Colipon+(T)]] 17:17, 28 Sep 2004 (UTC)
One of the problems facing those who produce estimates of millions of deaths during the Great Leap Forward is the lack of bodies. To allege that the bodies were eaten is an interesting suggestion! No doubt derived from the common assertion that Communists eat babies. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 09:09, 27 October 2007 (UTC)

Jung Chang's book on Mao is unmitigated drivel from the first line of the first page to the very end! No one should rely on this as a source for anything except Jung Chang's prejudices. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk)

I agree with this. Jung Changs book is good fun to read but bears little relation to the realities of life in China during this period.
The claim for a death toll ignores how much Mao had raised Chinese life expectency from the norm in the Nationalist era. Chang and Halliday treat 1% death-rate as the norm, but it was not the norm under the Kuomintang. -- 18:26, 16 August 2005 (UTC)Gwydion M. Williams

Chinese expert of demography, Dr Ping-ti Ho, professor of history at the University of Chicago, in a book titled Studies on the Population of China, 1368-1953, Harvard East Asian Studies No 4, 1959, mentions that:
My conclusion is that the claim that in the 1960s a number between 17 [million] and 29 million people was "missing" is worthless if there was never any certainty about the 600 millions of Chinese. Most probably these "missing people" did not starve in the calamity years 1960-61, but in fact have never existed.

How can a book/pamphlet supposedly written in 1959 talk about the early 1960s in the past tense?

And my very favorite:

The death toll is irrelevant in a country such as china, which at the time had a population growth rate of 80 million people/year. So one year it only gained 40 million people due to losing 40 million boo hoo. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:21, 7 July 2008 (UTC)

You may note that the population then is given as either 500 million or 600 million: what's a 100 million between friends ?

So, ah, what does the rest of the amazingly long Talk Page discuss ?

Whether Wikipedia should entitle the article Great Leap Forward or "Great Leap Forward".

The dead can rest easy in their graves this night.

Claverhouse :phear:


Royalist Freicorps Feldgendarme
Local time
Today 3:29 AM
Sep 7, 2007
Between the Harz and Carpathians

So I read this:

Here is President Obama's confession of his faith in Jesus Christ:
"I am a Christian, and I am a devout Christian. I believe in the redemptive death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I believe that that faith gives me a path to be cleansed of sin and have eternal life. I also believe in the example that Jesus set by feeding the hungry and healing the sick and always prioritizing the least of these over the powerful."

which is an utter refutation of those who consider him a muslim ( though some muslims have their own crazed slant, deciding that he is an apostate since his papa was muslim ) or, still more endearingly loopy, an atheist ( generally held by the kind of atheist who would assume the president to be 'Just like me !' and a liar ).

Actually, apart from attending Church for 20 years, listening wrapt to one of the nuttiest --- yet rather truthful --- christian bores alive: which is not something the most deeply hypocritical liar would do just to achieve office: president Obama references and calls upon his Saviour in public far more often than his distinguished predecessor --- for whom he acts as a caretaker president, wisely continuing the same policies laid down. But probably not by either of them.

Anyway, that linked to another 'Answer' which raised an eyebrow:

How many vaginas does a female kangaroo have ?

I dunno, I never looked, I swear.

However the answer is given:

Female kangaroos have two vaginas and two uteruses. They also have a third canal that is used solely for birth.

Female kangaroos have what are called paired lateral vaginae. These are for the purpose of transporting the sperm to the womb, but there is a midline pseudovaginal canal for actually giving birth.

Like most marsupials, male kangaroos (with the exception of the two most common species - red and gray) have a two-pronged penis to accommodate the females' two vaginas.

K. Fair play to them; yet it's always best to go to the Discussion Comments...

Suggestive/insane replies high-lighted by me.

38) On December 15, 2010 at 4:18 am Mrfuc200 [0] said:

the guy who asked probably knew the answer already. He just wanted people to post it. (TWO vaginas and all that) (37) On December 14, 2010 at 10:46 pm SexPro [9] said:

why are people saying this is wierd ? it is totally natural. As stated in the answer, there are specific functions for having 2 vaginas, and like most marsupials, there is a pronged penis. There is a purpose for this, therefore it is not strange, and a perfectly normal question to ask.

(36) On December 12, 2010 at 9:48 pm Pinkie508 [0] said:

2 vaginia i have one it's pretty interseting

(35) On December 12, 2010 at 1:57 pm Emily Thompson98 [0] said:

so what are both the vaginas for?...:) <3x

(34) On December 11, 2010 at 4:36 pm Denis-parsons [0] said:

The male kangaroo must be in ecstasy.And so the female of course.BUT.....Why does the female kangaroo have them many Vaginas?It's God's joke I suppose.Is it really necsessary.I've got one penis,a bit bent but not forked.

(33) On December 8, 2010 at 11:00 pm ArtisanTechnic [1] said:

I have checked, and yes, this topic has provoked more discussion than any other. People, you are wonderful. Keep up the thinking.

(32) On December 8, 2010 at 10:39 am JohnSawyer [26] said:

Here's how someone might post a question asking how many vaginas a female kangaroo has, without being a prevert (yes, I know I'm not spelling that correctly): they may have heard someone say on TV, radio, in a movie, or read somewhere, that they (meaning female kangaroos) have two, and the person hearing this may have been doubtful, and so they thought they'd ask here to get information from multiple people, preferably an expert. Pretty simple. People wondering how anyone would ask such a question without being a prevert, should ask themselves why they couldn't think of that as the reason.

(31) On December 8, 2010 at 2:55 am Epic azin ninja [5] said:

how about a male kangaroo? how many ding dongs does it have?

(30) On December 7, 2010 at 1:09 am Ptorquemada [288] said:

They do (at least in some species) have two vaginal canals. However, there's only one external opening, it divides on the inside.

(29) On December 7, 2010 at 12:55 am Bergmanj1 [0] said:

"Does that mean that the male kangaroo has two penis'" He did say that

(28) On December 5, 2010 at 11:51 pm Tee Dot [0] said:

"cool and amusing but who asked this question im wondering why the heck that was on their mind"
I'm guessing they were watching a kangaroo orgy on the internet and then began wondering how that one kangaroo was able to handle so many others.

(27) On December 5, 2010 at 4:12 pm Beatlemania1234 [2] said:

I'm puking right now but very interesting fact to tease others with.

(26) On December 3, 2010 at 8:10 pm Drno503 [0] said:


(25) On December 3, 2010 at 6:22 am KlingL [180] said:

That's very "interesting". Why would female Kangaroos need two vaginas? Who had the assumption that female Kangaroos might have more than one vagina anyways?

(24) On December 2, 2010 at 11:11 pm Bunny13302 [0] said:

cool and amusing but who asked this question im wondering why the heck that was on their mind

(23) On December 2, 2010 at 2:10 am Hannah Gately [1] said:

That's quite interesting! You learn something new every day ^.^

(22) On December 1, 2010 at 11:23 pm Andrew1821525 [2] said:

haha wtf. how wierd is that?

(21) On December 1, 2010 at 8:44 pm KatLady138 [1] said:

The answer sounds like it was written by a wildlife vet, teacher, biologist, or other educated person. It is NOT gross, weird, or disgusting.It may be an oddity, but it IS science and amazing. Try learning about the world around us. It IS ASTOUNDING!

(20) On December 1, 2010 at 1:57 am Aussiekid99 [0] said:

that is really gross

(19) On November 30, 2010 at 11:56 pm Manuelh1 [0] said:

this is just weird XD (18) On November 30, 2010 at 1:49 am Dagurlmimi [0] said:

i think if it was a random question that someone asked like in public then it would be disgusting but it is actually interesting to know. but some people actually learn about these things and actually find it very interesting.

(17) On November 30, 2010 at 1:13 am Mystery800 [0] said:


(16) On November 29, 2010 at 11:29 pm Clifton i7 [1] said:

Does that mean that the male kangaroo has two penis'? :P

(15) On November 29, 2010 at 7:50 pm Bebepost [0] said:


(14) On November 29, 2010 at 3:19 am Mark Tupai [0] said:

WOW.I never knew this,"Mom! I learned something new today!!!"lol.

(13) On November 28, 2010 at 10:07 pm Overlord20 [4] said:

wow i never knew that.it's weird but interesting at the same time

(12) On November 28, 2010 at 1:03 am Sparks246 [0] said:

is this guy joking around?

(11) On November 27, 2010 at 6:53 pm Lay Lay Wright [0] said:

I agree with RoxasDive this is quite the anomaly for a female kangaroo to have 2 pairs of both the male and female reproductive organs plus an extra canal whose sole purpose is to transport the kangaroo's spawn out safely. Imagine if humans could do this! That would certainly be quite the extraordinary being. But what would u classify such a creature? Would u consider them a he a she or a them? Or even more astounding what if this "super human" was not considered a male nor female but a whole new species!

(10) On November 26, 2010 at 9:53 pm Killerkid100 [5] said:

wow i wonder whats so amusing about this very disturbing question

(9) On November 26, 2010 at 9:10 pm Urwrong3 [0] said:

looks like kangeroos can make a 6 some 5 some lol or more than some at least

(8) On November 25, 2010 at 8:22 pm Kelly44449 [1] said:

I totally agree with ILuvBoys! this is grossssssss II pukes II

(7) On November 25, 2010 at 3:01 am Iluvboys [2] said:

that is discusting!why on earth would you know this?!?!?!?!?!? EWWWW

(6) On November 23, 2010 at 6:42 pm RoxasDive [31] said:

This is very interesting. It's amazing how different species evolve to better accommodate their counterparts. :-)

(5) On November 23, 2010 at 6:28 am Cjddhar [0] said:

it is anews as iam not azoology student

(4) On November 23, 2010 at 12:43 am Knowitall10199 [1] said:

Thats really weird. all I knew was a kangaroo was a marsupial and I don't even think i know that for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(3) On November 22, 2010 at 7:51 pm Imo pop [69] said:

Yes this is true.

(2) On November 22, 2010 at 6:09 pm 4lizzixx [0] said:

is this true?

(1) On November 22, 2010 at 6:09 pm 4lizzixx [0] said:

is this true?

Naturally, Duty impelled me to check Marsupials with Wiki, which said 'Yes, indeed' but had this disturbing information in addition:

Extant native Australian placental mammals (such as hopping mice) are more recent immigrants, arriving via island hopping from southeast Asia

Since to my exact knowledge, Mice do not have Navies nor Fishing-Boats, they could have expanded this to say they came with men and their ships, rather than leaping on a raft and floating across the Pacific like Huck & Finn navigating the Big Muddy...

However the map on that page was one of the most idiotic I have ever seen, having neither scale nor direction nor labelling. Apparently it was meant this way, being designed by the visionary fruitloop Buckmaster Fuller: a Dymaxion Map.

He also invented the name: 'Buckminster Fuller was obsessed with this word "dymaxion" which I think was supposed to be a combination of "dynamic" and "maximum".'

From the Wiki above:

More unusually, the Dymaxion map does not have any "right way up". Fuller argued frequently that in the universe there is no "up" and "down", or "north" and "south": only "in" and "out". Gravitational forces of the stars and planets created "in", meaning 'towards the gravitational center', and "out", meaning "away from the gravitational center". He attributed the north-up-superior/south-down-inferior presentation of most other world maps to cultural bias.

He would.

Not that sea-faring mice ever had any need of either conventional scrawled ships' charts nor his useless map...

"Fifteen Mice on the Dead Man's Chest: Yo Ho Ho, and A Bottle of Rum !"

Claverhouse :phear:

Deeply Distasteful Pi

New Yorker:

Fuller’s schemes often had the hallucinatory quality associated with science fiction (or mental hospitals). It concerned him not in the least that things had always been done a certain way in the past. In addition to flying cars, he imagined mass-produced bathrooms that could be installed like refrigerators; underwater settlements that would be restocked by submarine; and floating communities that, along with all their inhabitants, would hover among the clouds.

Fuller was fond of neologisms. He coined the word “livingry,” as the opposite of “weaponry”—which he called “killingry”—and popularized the term “spaceship earth.” (He claimed to have invented “debunk,” but probably did not.) Another one of his coinages was “ephemeralization,” which meant, roughly speaking, “dematerialization.” Fuller was a strong believer in the notion that “less is more,” and not just in the aestheticized, Miesian sense of the phrase. He imagined that buildings would eventually be “ephemeralized” to such an extent that construction materials would be dispensed with altogether, and builders would instead rely on “electrical field and other utterly invisible environment controls.”

Turning his attention to mathematics, he concluded that the Cartesian coördinate system had got things all wrong and invented his own system, which he called Synergetic Geometry. Synergetic Geometry was based on sixty-degree (rather than ninety-degree) angles, took the tetrahedron to be the basic building block of the universe, and avoided the use of pi, a number that Fuller found deeply distasteful.

Castro-like, Fuller could lecture for ten hours at a stretch.

He also envisioned what he called Cloud Nines, communities that would dwell in extremely lightweight spheres, covered in a polyethylene skin. As the sun warmed the air inside, Fuller claimed, the sphere and all the buildings within it would rise into the air, like a balloon. “Many thousands of passengers could be housed aboard one-mile-diameter and larger cloud structures,” he wrote. In the late seventies, Fuller took up with Werner Erhard, the controversial founder of the equally controversial est movement, and the pair set off on a speaking tour across America.

Fuller championed, and for many years adhered to, a dietary regimen that consisted exclusively of prunes, tea, steak, and Jell-O.


Royalist Freicorps Feldgendarme
Local time
Today 3:29 AM
Sep 7, 2007
Between the Harz and Carpathians
Come The Ghostly Magi Bearing

As a kid, about 4 or 5, when I visited my maternal grandparents my aunt would often play old records of Flanders and Swann for my benefit. Flanders, bearded and in a wheelchair from polio, the deeper-voiced, and Swann, thin and bespectacled, were a satirist duo who were popular in the 1960s. I am always amazed and mistrustful of Americans having regard of English cultural icons, particularly past cultural icons, yet apparently some of them know of F&S, most probably through The Hippopotamus Song ( Mud, Glorious Mud ! )

YouTube - Flanders & Swann - The Hippopotamus Song (Live)

A bold Hippopotamus was standing one day
On the banks of the cool Shalimar
He gazed at the bottom as it peacefully lay
By the light of the evening star.
Away on a hilltop, sat combing her hair
Was a fair Hippopotami maid;
The Hippopotamus was no ignoramus
And sang her this sweet serenade:

'Mud, Mud, glorious mud
Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood!
So follow me, follow
Down to the hollow
And there let us wallow
In glorious mud'

The fair Hippopotama he aimed to entice
From her seat on that hilltop above
As she hadn't got a Ma to give her advice
Came tiptoeing down to her love.
Like thunder the forest re-echoed the sound
of the song that they sang when they met
His inamorata adjusted her garter
And lifted her voice in duet ( in Russian )

(i n Russian, DS sings, MF translates )
'Mud, Mud, glorious mud
Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood!
So follow me, follow
Down to the hollow
And there let us wallow
In glorious mud!'

That should improve our cultural relations

The bold Hippopotami began to convene
On the banks of that river so wide
I wonder, now, what am I to say of the scene
That ensued by the Swhalimar side ?
They dived all at once, with an ear-splitting splosh
Then rose to the surface again
A regular army
of Hippopotami
All singing this haunting refrain:

'Mud, Mud, glorious mud
Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood
So follow me, follow
Down to the hollow
And there let us wallow
In glorious mud' !

Anyway, not having recordings, I hadn't thought of them for years: and then I saw a torrent and downloaded it. New to me were two less jolly songs, although with happy tunes.

YouTube - Flanders and Swann - The War of 14-18

The War of 14-18 ( adapted by Flanders from Georges Brassens, in French. )

Every war has it's own attraction from total war to border raid,
Call it rebellion, police action,
War of containment or crusade,
I don't underrate the late war we see so often on the screen,
But that wasn't the really great war like the war of 14-18,
No, the late war wasn't the great war like the war of 14-18.


YouTube - 20 Tons of TNT - Flanders and Swann

Twenty Tons of TNT

I have seen it estimated:
Somewhere between death and birth
There are now three thousand million
People living on this earth
And the stock-piled mass destruction
Of the Nuclear Powers-That-Be
Equals --- for each man or woman ---
Twenty tons of TNT.

Every man of every nation
( Twenty tons of TNT )
Shall receive this allocation
Twenty tons of TNT.
Texan, Bantu, Slav or Maori,
Argentine or Singhalee,
Every maiden brings this dowry
Twenty tons of TNT.

Not for thirty silver shilling
Twenty tons of TNT
Twenty thousand pounds a killing ---
Twenty tons of TNT.
Twenty hundred years of teaching,
Give to each his legacy,
Plato, Buddha, Christ or Lenin,
Twenty tons of TNT

Father, Mother, Son and Daughter,
Twenty tons of TNT
Give us land and seed and water,
Twenty tons of TNT.
Children have no need of sharing;
At each new nativity
Come the ghostly Magi bearing
Twenty tons of TNT

Ends the tale that has no sequel
Twenty tons of TNT.
Now in death are all men equal
Twenty tons of TNT.
Teach me how to love my neighbour,
Do to him as he to me;
Share the fruits of all our labour
Twenty tons of TNT.

Really, it could be well-sung by a deeper voice, with more massive drums, such as the late Ivan Rebroff ( German, actually ) or Heino.

Speaking of which latter cultural icon, I include him singing the Slaves'Chorus simply since the girl is so absolutely fit I'll almost forgive her wearing the German National colours instead of the Black, White & Red ( not really ).

YouTube - Heino - Teure Heimat (Gefangenenchor aus Nabucco)

Addendum: From Mudcats:

I saw Flanders and Swann on Broadway in the mid-60s -- I think it may have been the night they introduced "Twenty Tons of TNT." Certainly no one in the audience had heard it before. This was mid-60s, when war protest was still a dangerous business -- it got me blacklisted. When the song was finished, half the audience gave them a standing ovation, half (probably a little more than half) sat on their hands in stony silence.

Presumably back then American Republicans were just as sour and ungracious as they are now...

EDIT: I've just noticed that the 1914-18 video maker included Hitler around 35 seconds in: chap on the far left, whilst two others sit with a white pup. The Imperial Army seemed to have a vast numbers of pets around...

Very sly...


Biking in pursuit of self...
Local time
Yesterday 10:29 PM
Nov 12, 2010
Somewhere North of you.
Wow, you weren't kidding that these songs are less than jolly, but have really happy music. The sheer contrast between the seriousness of the lyrics and the merriment of the music was enough to make this an instant favourite. Is it wrong that the contrast made me giggle a little bit?
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