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What Is My MBTI Type?

Which type?

  • INTP

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • INTJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ENTP

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • ENTJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • INFP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • INFJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ENFP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ENFJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ISTP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ISTJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ESTP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ESTJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ISFP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ISFJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ESFP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ESFJ

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Troll Vote

    Votes: 4 50.0%

  • Total voters


Local time
Today 8:23 PM
Jul 26, 2016
First of all, my main language is not english. I am sorry if you can not understand something i said. Also i am sorry for lenght of this message. Also i don't know where to open such a thread so i open here.

I am a good chess player. I don’t know what is my rating or my playstyle is. Because i don’t play official games so much. When i play, i generally win though. None of the amateurs did win a match against me. (Ofcourse they win sometimes but very very rare. They just win 1 match in 20–30 match) I mean by amateurs is below 1500–1600 range.
I am interested in philosophy ever since i could remember, i don’t read philosophy books too often though. I just think about philosophy. And there is a incorrect common sense in the society that if you are interested about something you need to read about it or study it. I think this is bullshit. Especially about philosophy.
I was very good at school in first grades. I was at the top of the school and class. I have even be 11. in the country when i was in the fifth grade. (I did full correct but my name starts with B… So… I was 1. actually.) I started to bored in second grade and i left working on classes in fourth grade. I left doing my homeworks in the fifth grade. I am in the twelfth grade right now. My scores are low since eighth grade but i can pass the class and i don’t care about my scores. I know that test about i did good is not so important though. In this country the test scores are can be maximum 500. I don’t know how the system works in other countries. I take 500 in fifth grade. 460–480 in fourth. I take 420–430 in eight grade and high school starts in 9. grade. This scores are avarage but right now i take lower than 400. Anyway school is not a problem for me. It is not about intelligence either because it is just more work. Not challange. Let’s skip this thing because i hate school and i just telling you about my life.
I played games for 4 years all day in my 10–14 ages. I do nothing productive, i literally screwed up my life in that years. But i play too much games and i bored of games. I don’t play them now. That is good.
When i become 15 years old, i started to feel very very empty. I was depressive for 1–2 years, maybe i am even depressive now but i don’t know.
I try to solve ‘’odd perfect number problem’’ (it is an unsolved math problem) when i was 15 years old, i couldn’t solve it ofcourse but it was fun and at the same time frustrating. I did interesting things, i am sure they are nothing and i waste my time for to invent the wheel again. I quit trying to solve it.
When i was 16 years old, i was constantly late for classes. Our guidance teacher speak to me and said to me ‘’You are in depression, you need help.’’ I don’t think i have a disease called depression, but i feel empty, you know. I consider suicide seriously 1–2 times, but it was stupid and weak, i realize now. It was giving up and i hate giving up. I was healthy i think though, i did not consider suicide with a depressive mind, i am not sure.
My real weakness is i can not decide things. Literally. When i go to the market for chips, i can not decide which chip i want, you know. When i play MMORPG games, i can not even pick a MMORPG class to play, because i don't know which one is best for me. When i play chess, i have a bad tendency about analyzing every move. Even that move is suck. I need to analyze it. The real frustrating thing about my weakness is i can not make a life plan. I don't know what i want from life, i don't know how to be happy, i don't know. I want to be a physicist maybe because it is kind of like philosophy and very lovely but ofcourse… I am not sure… Also i know MBTI theory for 1 years, i don't research about it a lot. The thing is i can not even decide which type i am. Tests says me that i am INTP but you know, tests are wrong.
I tried to write all my thoughts and tried to decide after that. But whenever i do that, there is at least one attacker too every thought, when i try to defend that idea, there is more attacker ideas, and so on. I can not even say i am definitly not X type because, i feel like everything can be.
I am not stupid. I believe i am smart. I know that most people can decide things easily than me but i feel like they are all take action without thinking. I am slow, but not the way that my processing speed. I am slow for making decisions. I see infinite possibilities everywhere and i feel like i am crazy. I can also see why peoples decide that way. But i feel like that way is wrong. All ways are wrong.
I want to be determined, strong willed but i am just all over the place. My mind is just messy.
My friends are just seems like doesn’t experience these kind of problems. They all want to be engineers, they all want to be doctors. And end up doing nothing about their desires because they are just wanna earn money and live and die. I guess they don’t even know what ‘’passion’’ really means or ‘’You live your life only once.’’ I guess these kind of things are just some cool words to them. They think they know what they want but…Maybe i am underestimating them…
So, what is my type and ofcourse why? Please add details as much as you can. And if you want to help me a bit, you can give me advice about my ''real weakness'' you know.
(I am not sure, but i don't think i am a S type. It can be though.)
(Note: If you ask me, what is your favorite classical music, i can not answer to that question. I am just writing the musics from my mind. Also same for the animes, films, movie series etc.)
I like watching animes. DeathNote, CodeGeass, Kaiji, OneOuts, Log Horizon, Detective Conan. My favorites. I didn't watch too much anime though.
I like classical music. My favorites are Bach-Air, Pachbell-Canon, Beethoven-Moonlight Sonata.
I like strategy games in PC and MMORPG games.
I like go and chess more than any game. (I am a newbie in go.)
I like INTJ's. Well, everybody like them, they are cool. And... They can decide.
My favorite film is Shawshank Redemption. (It just come to my mind and i writed. I don't know what film is my favorite. But that film is nice.)
My favorite TV-Series are BigBangTheory, Sherlock, True Detective, House MD, Numb3rs.
I believe everything is possible. We can be immortal one day, we will gonna colonize space etc. but if we don't destroy ourselves. I also believe everybody capable of doing what they want. Everybody can do imposibble things. Imposibble just means, we can not do it right now. For example, people believed flying was imposibble but it is possible.

1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type?
I don't know. I don't even have a type to be unsure about.
2) What do you yearn for in life? Why?
I am student. I want to be a physicist, not sure though.

3) Think about a time where you felt like you were at your finest. Tell us what made you feel that way.
There is a moment in my life, a fight. I feel like i am ready for every attack and i am stronger than my opponent. Like he can not do anything, i know everything he can do. I mean everything. ( I don't like fight ofcourse.)

4) What makes you feel inferior?
Not being able to understand something.

5) What tends to weigh on your decisions? (Do you think about people, pro-cons, how you feel about it, etc.)
I don't care money, status, reputation etc. I can help peoples but it is not my main focus.

6) When working on a project what is normally your emphasis? Do you like to have control of the outcome?
First of all i ask tons of questions, usually peoples can not answer them, not because they are hard, they are too many. When i got the answers i lost interest.

7) Describe us a time where you had a lot of fun. How is your memory of it?
I don't remember...

8) When you want to learn something new, what feels more natural for you? (Are you more prone to be hands on, to theorize, to memorize, etc)
I hate memorize, it is just wrong. Hands are good but understanding and theorizing is the best thing for... Ofcourse understanding.

9) How organized do you to think of yourself as?
I want to be organized but i am just a mess right now. I am trying though.

10) How do you judge new ideas? You try to understand the principles behind it to see if they make sense or do you look for information that supports it?
Both. I do everything. I don't know.

11) You find harmony by making sure everyone is doing fine and belonging to a given group or by making sure that you follow what you believe and being yourself?
I prefer second option.

12) Are you the kind that thinks before speaking or do you speak before thinking? Do you prefer one-on-one communication or group discussions?
I think my speaking untill my listener bored and goes away. One-on-one is good but i don't know because i never experience a group thing. I didn't even try.

13) Do you jump into action right away or do you like to know where are you jumping before leaping? Does action speaks more than words?
I want to know. And there are some things, you can't know... Yeah, i am wrong. You can know everything given enough time to think. But the problem is, life is not infinite. That's why i want to be immortal.

14) It's Saturday. You're at home, and your favorite show is about to start. Your friends call you for a night out. What will you do?
I don't open the phone, so i can not know.

15) How do you act when you're stressed out?
(I make not funny humor, but it is funny to me) I sleep and try to do it again. If it is not hobby and it is important, i must do that thing untill i die. I didn't die yet. So...

16) What makes you dislike the personalities of some people?
When they say ''I know this is true and you need to believe me. I can not explain why this is true, don't question it, because i heard from my mother, it must be true.'' You know... It is not some hunch by the way. They can not explain it because they don't know anything about what they say. Also they are not gonna be right after that discussion. They are just wrong.

17) Is there anything you really like talking about with other people?

18) What kind of things do pay the least attention to in your life?
Getting plesure.

19) How do your friends perceive you? What is wrong about their perception? ? What would your friends never say about your personality ?
They can not perceive me. I don't speak with them. I don't have friends either. I don't want to have friends. I am not anti-social, not psychopath. They are just talking about unnecessery things. I want to have a friend that do not talk about unnecessery things.

20) You got a whole day to do whatever you like. What kind of activities do you feel like doing?
I don't know. It is hard to decide.

My big five test results,

withdrawn, loner, moody, dislikes crowds, avoidant, not big on fun, socially unskilled, not that interested in others, overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings frequently, depressed, requires lots of time alone to recharge, socially awkward, hard to get to know, feels defective, averse to change, low self confidence, dislikes small talk, dislikes touchy feely types, private, not prone to complimenting others, driven by own personal gain, pessimistic, self absorbed, indifferent to the feelings of others, does not easily forgive, inflexible, skeptical, embarrassed easily, tense, lower energy level, attracted to things associated with sadness, very suspicious of others, does not believe in human goodness, interested in intellectual pursuits, does not put the welfare of others ahead of self, lonely, not known for generosity, unadventurous, doubting, quick to judge others, discontent, hard to understand, wounded at the core, believes in a logical answer for everything, worrying, uncooperative, agnostic/atheist tendencies, has anxiety, not physically affectionate with most people, feels second place is not good enough, frustrated when people don't live up to expectations

more interested in intellectual pursuits than relationships or family, detaches to analyze factors from multiple perspectives, regularly uses ideas and tools to transform understanding, enjoys playing with random interconnections between ideas and patterns, would describe self as a nerd in high school, likes science fiction, introspective, good at fixing things, more comfortable around adults as a child, feels both special and defective, knows the darkside of life well, is not bothered by going long periods without speaking with people, more intellectual than sensual, can be bitter, problem solver, relies on mind more than on others, driven by curiosity, feels best when working, minimalist

(I don't think i have low self-confidence. I am not nerd. I am also not sure about that i am RLOEI... Just did the test and paste here.)

My multiple intelligence test scores:
Logical/Mathematical 95%
Intrapersonal 85%
Visual/Spatial 75%
Verbal/Linguistic 65%
Bodily/Kinesthetic 40%
Musical 35%
Naturalist 25%
Interpersonal 25%

I will be thankfull if you do not just vote. I need your ''whys and becauses''


Local time
Today 8:23 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Hello to you too.


Local time
Today 8:23 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK

You sound like you could be an INTP.

Although, you seem to have a lazy attitude in regards to learning and studying.


Local time
Today 8:23 PM
Jul 26, 2016

You sound like you could be an INTP.

Although, you seem to have a lazy attitude in regards to learning and studying.

I can not decide, it seems like i am lazy. But i think about thinks a lot. Just i don't think someone should study or read books about philosophy for example. We have our brains and if we stuck in a problem we can look to the books. Just like i did right now. I don't have enough information and i am stuck, so i came here to ask/read.
Why, IxxP btw?


Local time
Today 8:23 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK


Local time
Today 8:23 PM
Jul 26, 2016
It'll cost you $99.99

Give me your answer.


Local time
Today 8:23 PM
Jul 26, 2016

Well, i believe deciding a type with letters is wrong. When i try to use functions, i see contradictory information about them.

I changed my mind. It'll be $299.99




Give me your answer.


Local time
Today 8:23 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
IXXP, because I'm taking a wild guess in thinking that you're an Introvert, and you described the tendencies of a Perceiver... It's not complicated. Deducing the rest should be as simple as picking between the descriptions offered in my links.

You didn't answer my question about what you have narrowed the options down to, or why.


Local time
Today 8:23 PM
Jul 26, 2016
IXXP, because I'm taking a wild guess in thinking that you're an Introvert, and you described the tendencies of a Perceiver... It's not complicated. Deducing the rest should be as simple as picking between the descriptions offered in my links.

You didn't answer my question about what you have narrowed the options down to, or why.

I try not to think with T-F letters, or P-J etc. I try to think with functions.
I draw a chart and write all the types there, i also write all the functions. Then i try to pick which function i use. For example Fi or Fe. I like being around people if we are discussing about good, interesting stuff. So seems like Fe, but it is nothing to do with ''being around people or feel them or helping them'' i just want to hear new ideas. I am only interested in new ideas when i speak to other people. So it may not be Fe.
If i am interested in new ideas about topics come from people, i might be a Ne user, but it is just wrong logic because it is deciding what it is just by looking at ''e'' letter. It doesn't mean it is ''extraverted'' intuition, just because ideas come from other people, also there is HouseMD which people say he is INTJ, he is a Ni user and he needs external ideas. He need to see something in order to achieve a hunch moment. I exprerience hunch moments and i talk with people because of the hunch moments, so i might be a Ni user? Well not sure, because IntravertedIntuition is focused about one idea and develop that idea. Since it can not create random ideas, it needs external ideas to develop and experience hunch moments. But i don't get hunch moments from external ideas too often. Sure i need external pressure (for example discussing with people) but i don't like their ideas and i want to create my ideas instead. So when i do that i use Ne. When i understand what i create, it is Ne Ti, but Ni Te or Te Ni can still create ideas from themselves using Te, organizing, planning and gathering knowledge. And so on, so on... I can write more but it is just long. When i wrong about so much i feel like everything can be possible about my type.

If you want to write my guesses about which functions i use,
I feel like i use Fi, Ti (They are contradictory, so... You know...)


blurb blurb
Local time
Today 9:23 PM
Jan 4, 2009
Can i ask ''Why?'' in detail? Thanks.

Why exactly are you expecting members to provide a wealth of information based on one post when you a) just joined, and nobody really knows you b) haven't contributed anything and expecting to be spoon fed information?


Local time
Today 8:23 PM
Jul 26, 2016
Why exactly are you expecting members to provide a wealth of information based on one post when you a) just joined, and nobody really knows you b) haven't contributed anything and expecting to be spoon fed information?
Is there a rule ''You can not ask why they think about you the way they think, before posting 100 comments.'' How can i use the information when somebody just says me that ''You are INTP.'' In order to use it, i need to know why. I don't bother him, if he don't want to answer or he is bussy, it is not a problem. I don't command him, i just ask for a help.
How do will you know me when i wil be a 1 year old member exactly?
You are also free about leaving a message here or not. I don't command you.


blurb blurb
Local time
Today 9:23 PM
Jan 4, 2009
Is there a rule ''You can not ask why they think about you the way they think, before posting 100 comments.'' How can i use the information when somebody just says me that ''You are INTP.'' In order to use it, i need to know why. I don't bother him, if he don't want to answer or he is bussy, it is not a problem. I don't command him, i just ask for a help.
How do will you know me when i wil be a 1 year old member exactly?

You're expecting too much, and being a bit too demanding. You made one thread and are now expecting people post essays on your type. It's just not realistic, not to mention a bit rude to the community.

People are making limited guesses based on superficial information, and they can't substantiate them as much as you'd like to. Being exposed to more information about a person before helps with making a judgment about their type. People here can't provide a 20 page report on why you're whichever type, if you want that better cash out for a MBTI specialist instead of demanding such from an internet forum.


Local time
Today 8:23 PM
Jul 26, 2016
You're expecting too much, and being a bit too demanding. You made one thread and are now expecting people post essays on your type. It's just not realistic, not to mention a bit rude to the community.

People are making limited guesses based on superficial information, and they can't substantiate them as much as you'd like to. Being exposed to more information about a person before helps with making a judgment about their type. People here can't provide a 20 page report on why you're whichever type, if you want that better cash out for a MBTI specialist instead of demanding such from an internet forum.
If i am being rude, i am sorry. I don't want 20 page reports, i just want to know what they think that way rather than just ''You are an INTP.'' I know this information can not tell my personality %100 but he thinks this information leads to an INTP. I just wanna know why. There is no need to a 20 page report.


Local time
Today 8:23 PM
Apr 19, 2014
Objects in the mirror might look closer than they
yeah, i mean all i can say is that the attitude u describe here would fit with my view of INTPs, example: u say u ask a lot of questions. Ne-Ti, u seek for understanding, u have to find it outside, different views on the matter and then make sense of them. Could be also ENTP but nothing really makes me think of u as an extrovert


Local time
Today 8:23 PM
Jul 26, 2016
yeah, i mean all i can say is that the attitude u describe here would fit with my view of INTPs, example: u say u ask a lot of questions. Ne-Ti, u seek for understanding, u have to find it outside, different views on the matter and then make sense of them. Could be also ENTP but nothing really makes me think of u as an extrovert
Thanks for the answer, but why Ti-Ne instead of Ne-Ti?


Local time
Today 8:23 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK


Junior Hegelian
Local time
Tomorrow 5:23 AM
Dec 7, 2014
From reading the entirety of your post you seem like an INTP. Fe also seems to be low, (as in Fe seems to sit at the inferior), to be blunt about how you are responding to some of the other users. ;)

However may I ask, what is your native tongue? I think your bilingualism points to a biculturalism, which could cause you to hesitate on what type you may be.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 9:23 AM
Mar 20, 2011
I would say INTP because of your first post. But your insistence of demanding answers is very SJ, maybe ESFJ :D jk but yeah post on the forum more often and then I'll get back to you? You're most probably INTP though.


Local time
Today 8:23 PM
Jul 26, 2016
Ha, well, your username suits you.
Hmm... Thanks. But can i ask ''Why?'' in detail, please?

From reading the entirety of your post you seem like an INTP. Fe also seems to be low, (as in Fe seems to sit at the inferior), to be blunt about how you are responding to some of the other users. ;)

However may I ask, what is your native tongue? I think your bilingualism points to a biculturalism, which could cause you to hesitate on what type you may be.
I am Turkish and no i learn English from movies, series etc. (Learning Japanese from animes now :phear: ) Also i want to move abroad if i can because i want to be a physicist (not sure) and seriously this country people are not thinkers. They are not feelers either, they are just, you know...
I am not rude, man, i just want information.

I would say INTP because of your first post. But your insistence of demanding answers is very SJ, maybe ESFJ :D jk but yeah post on the forum more often and then I'll get back to you? You're most probably INTP though.
Thanks, waiting for your ''get back.''


Junior Hegelian
Local time
Tomorrow 5:23 AM
Dec 7, 2014
I am Turkish and no i learn English from movies, series etc. (Learning Japanese from animes now :phear: ) Also i want to move abroad if i can because i want to be a physicist (not sure) and seriously this country people are not thinkers. They are not feelers either, they are just, you know...
I am not rude man, i just want information.

Hey that's very cool, I admire how you can formulate goals for yourself and go towards them.

However, it does seem like you have qualms with people in your own culture, which I guess depending on how you view it, is unfortunate. I don't know much about Turkish people, but I'm grateful for their services in South Korea during the Korean War. Your ancestors, your grandfather's generation, helped immensely on the peninsula, and generally I think South Korea still has amiable relations with the Turkish. Your country sent about 5,500 troops, the fourth biggest deployment after Britain, the US and Canada.

I think generally for MBTI, your interests could point to your type, but your relationship with people around you could also be a factor as well. So family dynamics and how you interact with them could also be another key. I think generally, certain types have similar upbringings. I think common ground could be made more easily from there. This however does mean that you would have to disclose your personal stories, so it's all up to you, at your personal discretion. Hope that helps.


Local time
Today 8:23 PM
Jul 26, 2016
Hey that's very cool, I admire how you can formulate goals for yourself and go towards them.

However, it does seem like you have qualms with people in your own culture, which I guess depending on how you view it, is unfortunate. I don't know much about Turkish people, but I'm grateful for their services in South Korea during the Korean War. Your ancestors, your grandfather's generation, helped immensely on the peninsula, and generally I think South Korea still has amiable relations with the Turkish. Your country sent about 5,500 troops, the fourth biggest deployment after Britain, the US and Canada.

I think generally for MBTI, your interests could point to your type, but your relationship with people around you could also be a factor as well. So family dynamics and how you interact with them could also be another key. I think generally, certain types have similar upbringings. I think common ground could be made more easily from there. This however does mean that you would have to disclose your personal stories, so it's all up to you, at your personal discretion. Hope that helps.
I don't hate my own culture. What you are saying is past and i am talking about present. In present, you need to know what is happening here. Also there is so much religious people. There is so much people that doesn't respect philosophy, thinking, questioning. There is so much people their only life goal is just ''Eat, sleep, die.'' A fun fact: You can not do science here. It is imposibble. Also, Turkey has so much criminal statistics right now. There is not even justice, rapers are released just because ''women need to be careful, she provoked me etc.'' I don't event want to say about goverment. Also education system is just stupid. Even teachers accepts this. Everyone accepts it but there is no one who try to change it. I consider helping my country in past but... Seriously i can not sacrifice my life for them. There is good and intelligent people ofcourse but very rare. Maybe it is just teenager feelings :). I hope so.
If we are considering my people relationships for I-E, i am definitly I. Just saying. I don't try to think with those letters. A Te dominant can seems introverted by others.
Thanks for the message.


Junior Hegelian
Local time
Tomorrow 5:23 AM
Dec 7, 2014
I don't hate my own culture. What you are saying is past and i am talking about present. In present, you need to know what is happening here. Also there is so much religious people. There is so much people that doesn't respect philosophy, thinking, questioning. There is so much people their only life goal is just ''Eat, sleep, die.'' A fun fact: You can not do science here. It is imposibble. Also, Turkey has so much criminal statistics right now. There is not even justice, rapers are released just because ''women need to be careful, she provoked me etc.'' I don't event want to say about goverment. Also education system is just stupid. Even teachers accepts this. Everyone accepts it but there is no one who try to change it. I consider helping my country in past but... Seriously i can not sacrifice my life for them. There is good and intelligent people ofcourse but very rare. Maybe it is just teenager feelings :). I hope so.
If we are considering my people relationships for I-E, i am definitly I. Just saying. I don't try to think with those letters. A Te dominant can seems introverted by others.
Thanks for the message.

No problem. :)

Turkey does seem to be a volatile nation, considering it sits at the crossroads of Europe, Russia, and the middle east. I think generally countries which are in seats of middle power churn out the most complex characters because of how they, by force almost, has to balance all the interests and forces around them. Its history is also complex (lots of coups! even one recently too). As you can see I'm very interested in geopolitics ^_^

If this is any consolation for you, South Korea lived in a militarial dictatorship until the 1980s, with an actual liberal, civic president only being elected after 1990. It took about a generation to come to its form now, but Korea still has lots of problems of its own. If a small country like Korea can overcome them, I'm sure your country, a former empire, could overcome them too. Also generally I think Turkish ice cream is infinitely better than some of the ice snacks we have in Korea. ;)

If Korea isn't a good enough example, look to America, where during the 50s where the crime rate like which you describe of Turkey now was similar. It's true that's around 70 years ago, but they had an entire continent to themselves without any regional powers competing with them.

But anyway yeah I feel like rambling now. Basically: same things happened all around the world.


Local time
Today 8:23 PM
Jul 26, 2016
No problem. :)

Turkey does seem to be a volatile nation, considering it sits at the crossroads of Europe, Russia, and the middle east. I think generally countries which are in seats of middle power churn out the most complex characters because of how they, by force almost, has to balance all the interests and forces around them. Its history is also complex (lots of coups! even one recently too). As you can see I'm very interested in geopolitics ^_^

If this is any consolation for you, South Korea lived in a militarial dictatorship until the 1980s, with an actual liberal, civic president only being elected after 1990. It took about a generation to come to its form now, but Korea still has lots of problems of its own. If a small country like Korea can overcome them, I'm sure your country, a former empire, could overcome them too. Also generally I think Turkish ice cream is infinitely better than some of the ice snacks we have in Korea. ;)

If Korea isn't a good enough example, look to America, where during the 50s where the crime rate like which you describe of Turkey now was similar. It's true that's around 70 years ago, but they had an entire continent to themselves without any regional powers competing with them.

But anyway yeah I feel like rambling now. Basically: same things happened all around the world.

Yeah, you are right. Coups. We live one of them 12 days ago. It failed though. We have casualty higher than 100 people...
I agree with ice creams but, ice creams are not for making good science. There is not enough resource to make science, there is science-haters everywhere etc. I can not do what i want in here.
Our goverment has a lot of supporters (I am not one of them.) and those kind of supporters are also support hierocracy. It is so similar to what ISIS doing. They think ISIS is a terrorist group but they are doing same thing.
Same things happened all over the world. I know but, Einstein escaped from Germany when there is war. It doesn't mean Germany is bad right now. Turkey can be a good country in the future but it does not mean i shouldn't leave here.
Anyway i feel like rambling now too. Thanks for the message.


Full of stars.
Local time
Today 8:23 PM
Sep 18, 2012
However may I ask, what is your native tongue? I think your bilingualism points to a biculturalism, which could cause you to hesitate on what type you may be.

True that.

Spanish ENTJ wife. She looks NOTHING like a British ENTJ. She's fiery, animated and quite emotive. Culture has a huge bearing on type. Huge.
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