Is feminism overrepresented in western culture today? Should we start a mens rights trend in the other direction?
No and no.
To clarify are we talking about equality or gender identity?Is feminism overrepresented in western culture today? Should we start a mens rights trend in the other direction?
Is feminism overrepresented in western culture today? Should we start a mens rights trend in the other direction?
Good post. Strange thing is people are a lot more human than they are male or female. Splitting a human being up into male and female is going to have artificial results. If I have an itch it may be desirable to scratch it, but do I want to devote my entire self to scratching? If a small section of society wants to take up the nature, impact and meaning of scratching let them be free to do so. But if I'm not interested, allow me the freedom to leave it alone.Yes and no.
Before when woman had far less right it was mandatory for feminist groups to appear for equality. Now it is just so out of hand, women get so much leverage in today's society it is seriously a joke. They claim to be for human rights, yet little to nothing actually includes both genders. Us men are out to be the enemy, we are the blame for skinny models, I personally think super skinny women are sick and quite honestly, models look so damn fake that I do not find them attractive at all most of the time. Us men as a whole are also the reason for rape in their book seemingly. When in reality it's the select few of the sick bastards who happen to have penises. Pretty much, feminism can be compared to poor man that started out stealing food to be able to eat that gradually started making his way up to robbing banks and never getting in trouble because, after all, he is a "poor man".
The reason I say no to a mens rights group is because it already exist and frankly society does not care about mens rights. It's sad when you look up women's rights on Facebook and there's way more likes than there are for men's rights and human rights combined. We should really be looking into human rights. But the feminists have that taken care of right?
Societal Food Chain:
Female Children>Male Children>Women>Men
When extremes exist that are harmful, it becomes desirable to contain them. Evil men require a special effort by specialists to damp them down. What better choice than those who are harmed*? It requires a minimum strength to do so. It helps for the rest of society to take notice and aid them. At the same time there will be those among the specialists who are angry.Who cares what people are its how they are treated based on what they are percieved to be that matters in this context.
Can you and/or spongetable please exemplify this bankstealing a bit? Right now all you are doing is talking about how you percieve feministic ideas to be stupid based upon your own subjective interpretation of them which isn't even right at all.
Good job whining at feminists for blaming rape on men collectively while at the same time talking about feminisms as if though it were constituted of moronic feminazis only. All this anger directed at a strawman... it's obvious feminism is needed.
I disagree, or I understand feminism differently. I would say that what is important is the protection of human rights or rights of cogitating individuals while eradicating the possible biased and negative treatment based on discrimination that isit's obvious feminism is needed.
People are the same and they are different. That is, we have things in common and things not in common. To make this more clear, there are men, women and children. Presumably it is wrong to outright kill any of these who are innocent and more positively, let all live and try to prosper. But there are inequalities. Society has decided not to give children the freedom adults have. Why is that? Is there is something different about children? Now apply that to men and women. Should women have to wait in longer lines than men at public bathrooms? Should that be fixed?to me people are the same regardless of gender, ethnicity, etc. sure, women were objectified and stripped of rights in the past but it's not like that anymore, at least in most places today. instead of fighting for a female president, become one yourself.. it's not like women can't run for presidency. i think sexism is like racism. it's kind of a natural tendency for differences of any kind to cause conflict or friction. kind of unavoidable in society. i'm not saying that it's okay or that everyone is sexist or racist. i think that formal action should take place only if sexism/racism causes injustice. otherwise promote equality through socially acceptable manners instead of being overly headstrong in a way that produces the opposite of the desired effect. feminism already has a sort of negative connotation.
Is feminism overrepresented in western culture today?
Should we start a mens rights trend in the other direction?
People are the same and they are different. That is, we have things in common and things not in common. To make this more clear, there are men, women and children. Presumably it is wrong to outright kill any of these who are innocent and more positively, let all live and try to prosper. But there are inequalities. Society has decided not to give children the freedom adults have. Why is that? Is there is something different about children? Now apply that to men and women. Should women have to wait in longer lines than men at public bathrooms? Should that be fixed?
there should be some equalizing movement, [no U]but women should accept that we are different, we have different tendencies and even strenght, overall.[/no U] Thats a fact, so, every intent to do something regarding the subject should start bearing that in mind and trying to avoid that sense of "gender revenge" that some women have. Here's to you, feminist woman: you dont have to prove anything to anyone, period
Humanism. Equalitarianism. Utilitarianism.Something like a pro-identity-individualistic anti-generalization movement that promotes a cultural and legal shift towards people being treated based on less overarching/strong/much-encompassing bemes (being+memes).
I like to look for general truths. An answer to that above is, how much do we want to keep the sexes/genders different? In a world where it didn't matter which sex we were attracted to, if any, none of this would matter. But that isn't reality. "Opposite" sexes are attracted to each other in statistically the ninety percent range. That means they have an interest in getting along and promoting that interest. Feminism seems to deal with women's issues; men's issues, ahem, deal with men's issues. That may or may not coincide with the opposite sexes getting along. After all much of life partakes in men with men and women with women. So there will be a natural conflict depending on how separate the sexes/genders are.Is feminism overrepresented in western culture today? Should we start a mens rights trend in the other direction?
Us men are out to be the enemy, we are the blame for skinny models, I personally think super skinny women are sick and quite honestly, models look so damn fake that I do not find them attractive at all most of the time. Us men as a whole are also the reason for rape in their book seemingly. When in reality it's the select few of the sick bastards who happen to have penises.
To clarify are we talking about equality or gender identity?
I don't think anyone honestly opposes equality but there are differing views on male and female gender identities.
I don't know, feminism seem to represent a lot of different things for everyone, I got the idea to ask from this guy:
W..T..Fuck? I just flicked through that 'book'. How do you even find this stuff?
Does this refer to between genders or between individuals?
Addressed at topic:
At this stage, or maybe in a decade or so I think feminism needs to get absorbed into or morph into a conceptual or ideological framework that centers around concepts that make it capable dealing with what feminism attempts to deal with, but in a more general and inclusive manner that tackles things from a human perspective. Something like a pro-identity-individualistic anti-generalization movement that promotes a cultural and legal shift towards people being treated based on less overarching/strong/much-encompassing bemes (being+memes).
Currently, the plethora of subcultures and the everyperson being exposed to people behaving in ways there wouldn't be space for social-norm wise in most smaller communities or in the past is increasingly forcing/causing people to utilize ways of making sense of others that are less reliant on high order generalizations (because they are constantly bombarded with in-their-face data conflicting with their overgeneralizations). This will and is leading things in the direction of the emergence of such a movement or shift among the general populace, albeit with some painful anti-mainstream identity identity side effects in the birthpangs of a new mainstream cognitive paradigm of relating to others.
Nvm just kidding we're doomed.
social equality
No and no.
Feminism is extremely important in current society. There's a LOOOOOONG way to go to reaching social equality, and a lot of insidious bullshit that women have to put up with in our culture that they shouldn't. Body image programming, harmful portrayal in media, early childhood programming, inherently gendered language, etc, the list goes on and on, and needs to be addressed. Feminism isn't about hating men and wanting more stuff- if you think that, you're buying into some crazed right-wing bullshit. A lot of men are feminists. Like me. And Patrick Stewart. We have this crazy idea that maybe women and men should be treated equally.
For some further study, in an area where INTPs tend to have a lot of opinions, I'd suggest checking out Anita Sarkeesian of Feminist Frequency, who did a series on harmful elements of sexism in video games and is a brilliant and generally excellent human who has put up with a LOT of bullshit from the misogynist gaming community.
All I’m saying is that there are gender differences and we as I society need to recognize and celebrate those rather than demonizing the other gender over those.
Is feminism overrepresented in western culture today? Should we start a mens rights trend in the other direction?
Feminism in America is functionally obsolete. Sure there can still be minor gains made in certain areas. But for the most part, women can vote and own property and run for president. What more can we achieve?
There's no point to discuss this with someone ignorant enough to write what I quoted. Either Goku is a genuine misogynist or he's speaking from ignorance. Regardless it's so off the mark that there's no point to even attempt discussing the topic.
Seems to be a common issue on many forums, young angry who see little to no oppression of women but are quite able to spot oppression or something like it when it comes from feminists. This skewed perspective in itself proves that feminism is needed.
There's no point to discuss this with someone ignorant enough to write what I quoted. Either Goku is a genuine misogynist or he's speaking from ignorance. Regardless it's so off the mark that there's no point to even attempt discussing the topic.
Seems to be a common issue on many forums, young angry who see little to no oppression of women but are quite able to spot oppression or something like it when it comes from feminists. This skewed perspective in itself proves that feminism is needed.
There's no point to discuss this with someone ignorant enough to write what I quoted. Either Goku is a genuine misogynist or he's speaking from ignorance. Regardless it's so off the mark that there's no point to even attempt discussing the topic.
Seems to be a common issue on many forums, young angry who see little to no oppression of women but are quite able to spot oppression or something like it when it comes from feminists. This skewed perspective in itself proves that feminism is needed.
There's no point to discuss this with someone ignorant enough to write what I quoted. Either Goku is a genuine misogynist or he's speaking from ignorance. Regardless it's so off the mark that there's no point to even attempt discussing the topic.
Seems to be a common issue on many forums, young angry who see little to no oppression of women but are quite able to spot oppression or something like it when it comes from feminists. This skewed perspective in itself proves that feminism is needed.
I find it amusing that men are much more qualified to determine if women are being persecuted than women. The opinions of women are obviously wrong, they only have a lifetime of experience to draw from.
Cherry cola was much more charitable than you deserve. You're an insufferable prick.
Cherry cola
The forum has long been a haven of the coddled and self absorbed. Their ability to perceive things that happen to other people rivals that of an infant. Cut down one of these clots and three more take its place. You are correct in your assessment of futility. Their worldview serves them. They have no firsthand experience and they can't imagine or understand the issues, so the issues must of be a product of a bunch of delusional, selfish women.
Fortunately they usually shut up about it or move on after a semi-short period, but sometimes they persist for an annoyingly long time by propping each other up. There are a LOT of them, but they are good for target practice.
Okay, how are you being persecuted, Adaire? Because with all this screaming about "persecution" and "oppression," I still have not seen one example which we can examine. Just a bunch of generalization and witch hunting.
You also, exhibit the bitch attitude, by the way (but I'm sure you get that a lot so you probably know already).
Men take up more than 70% of the media positions. That means they control TV, Radio, Magazines, and every other form of media. Sure, not every man is to blame for the skinny models partaking in Fashion Week, but men in positions of power give a thumbs up because that is what the consumers seem to want. They eat it up and talk about it and generate revenue for it.
The reason men are seen as the reason for rape is because of all the people (men and women) who blame the victims for tempting men. "Were you wearing something revealing? Were you out late by yourself? Were you drunk? Were you watching your back?" These are questions that imply men are animals who can't control themselves.
Here is the definition of "Feminism" as I know it: Equal rights for men and women, regardless of color. It is a movement that rallies for the rights of men to be emotional creatures and for women to be able to achieve a higher career position (aka getting rid of the Glass Ceiling). Feminism is a movement that rallies for Hispanic and Black women to make a living wage because they make less than White women, who even then make less than Men in general. Feminism is for the victims of sexual and domestic abuse who get blamed for their suffering and can't escape, whether the victim is a man or a woman.
Feminism is also around so that women don't have to fight congressmen over the right to women's healthcare, such as birth control pills and safe abortions.
Just like in any group, there are bad apples. I noticed the term "feminazi" thrown into the debate and then someone complained about how men are blamed. Sure, some women get the wrong idea about the feminist movement, as do men. Some either take "equal rights" and translate it into "women are so so so much better than men" or "they are men-haters who think they are so so so much better than men."
Well, how about custody law which in the main frame of events is against the male?
Well, custody law decisions favour the female.
That may very well be true. But when it comes to decisions being made beyond this critical age, the judicial system favours the mother nontheless.Maybe that is because kids, in general, are better off with the mom, if there must be a choice to be made. It is not like a man can breast feed a child.
That may very well be true. But when it comes to decisions being made beyond this critical age, the judicial system favours the mother nontheless.
I would like to make the case of gender discrimination.