I tend to see the idea of unconditional love as more of a matter of the one who loves, rather than his/her love object. Someone who loves unconditonally does so probably as a product of his/her personal philosophy of love, and not so much as a product of what conditions the object has met. (in other words, you can't say it's unconditional if conditons had to be met before it could become unconditional.)#
Of course, this depends on one's definition of love. I'm using the term in a broad, general sense; not in the sense of "romantic" love, which requires conditions of attractiveness and compatibility, among other things.
But yeah, I think if one chooses to love people unconditionally, this is possible, but only in certain contexts*. What it normally means, I think, is that they will love the people close to them, the people they know well, even if those people do terrible things. This, I think, is due to their philosophy of love, in which they see love objects as being worthy of love regardless of whether they "earn" it. They are worthy because the lover likely sees love as a universal "good" that is worth giving no matter what the object does. This is probably based partially on the belief that giving love to others will ultimately make them better people, thus making it an appropriate response to "bad" behavior, rather than hate, which may exacerbate the situation. *The main one being they know the person well. It's hard to love people you've barely met.
Of course, there's always indifference. But maybe some don't wish to give up on those who may need love the most?
See, I think this topic touches on a key distinction of how people view "love". Which is, do you love others on the basis that they deserve it (and thus deny love to those who don't)? or do you love others as a matter of principle, without regard to specific conditions?
I think the last POV is more generous, although I can't blame anyone for not being so generous. Hell, it's hard enough loving myself. Loving others is tough. Ideally though, I don't think love is something anyone should have to earn. It should be a state of mind, a quality of thought, you might say, that the lover approaches the world with. Not a scarce token of appreciation reserved only for those deemed worthy.
But, alas, there's a big difference between should and is. Maybe a little love is better than none at all. *shrug*
#AFTER THOUGHT: Oh yeah, what if they're not human? That's a condition too.