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Truth Contest: Spiritual Warfare.

The Void

Local time
Today 7:14 PM
Dec 23, 2013
In the Void
“Seekers, tell me your truths.”

“Truth is God”

I saw light, I woke up. I was in a white room, sitting in a chair near a big round table. There were 6 other humans besides me. One fat eating pizza and French fries, a depressed looking man with a figure like a stick, two women, a monk, and a charming man with a strange smile.

But there was someone else too. A transparent looking whitish man with no eyes, ears, nose. Mouth, hair or anything.
What the hell is going on? Oh well, I do not care, let’s just observe.

Woman1: Truth is God.

Fat Man: Define God. Everyone has their own version of God, even if it is theist or atheist. Atheist also creates their own version of God to disbelieve. The word God is just a word but what the word means? Thousands people means thousand things while using the word God. So before using it correctly define it.

Woman1: God is Goodness.

Woman2: God is love itself that binds everything together.

Fat Man: Those definitions are vague. So you mean God is an emotion or a virtue? So why complicate communication by using the term God instead of goodness or love? Again you said God is truth. So goodness is truth. What do you mean actually? This types of lines sounds all inspiring and beautiful but they are just full of ignorance.

Woman1: Obviously God is not just an emotion or virtue! God is a being with a mind, eternal, all powerful, all merciful, all wise.

Transparent Man: Obvious is the most ridiculous word. Obviously, of course or common sense they are nothing but a product of accumulated prejudices. A lot of things that looks simple and obvious are weirdest of all. Using the word ‘obvious’ to explain your judgment only shows ignorance.

Woman1: …………

Fat Man: So will you specify and correctly define God with all the attributes?

Woman1: God is the first cause omnibenevolent, omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent.

Fat Man: Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able not willing then why call him God? That is what Epicurus said.

Meditator: He who has eyes can see the sickening sight; Why does not God set his creatures right? If his wide power no limit can restrain, why is his hand so rarely spread to bless? Why are all his creatures condemned to pain? Why does he not to all give happiness? Why do fraud, lies, and ignorance prevail? Why triumphs falsehood — truth and justice fail? I count your God one the unjust among. Who made a world in which to shelter wrong. That is a paragraph I remember pretty well.

2b continued

It is about the war within my mind

The Void

Local time
Today 7:14 PM
Dec 23, 2013
In the Void
Part 2 (negating the concept of independent God)
Woman1: You people are too arrogant! The wisest human is just a monkey compared to the wisdom of God. If you try to comprehend God you will turn insane. What a naïve effort trying to judge the mind of God with such a feeble finite mind that we have. God works on his own way, he created the whole universe. You! You are not even dust compared to the galaxy. And that massive things are created by God alone. And how dare you to put this God to trial? And also it is all very clear. We suffer because of our own faults. We were given free will, it is we who had turned away from God and induced all the suffering. Peace from suffering can easily be gained by submitting to God. And even though a complete suffering free life may not be possible for some people in life, in afterlife they will be surely rewarded by God if they keep their faith.

Fat man: Hahahhahah! Hahahahah! You said it is a naïve effort to judge or comprehend God yet you keep on attaching attributes like omnipotence, Omnibenevolence, and that he cares about rewarding the faithful and all that things. You keep on shaping and describing your God however you want and then say God cannot be comprehended and understood when any criticism is present. What a joke!

Woman1: I am not making up my own God! I am talking about the true God clearly depicted by the scriptures written by the prophets of the God.

Fat man: What makes you believe those are true?

Woman1: What makes you believe those are lie?

Fat man: I never claimed they were lie. I claimed nothing. I only asked what makes ‘you’ think that they are true.

Woman1: you are just ignorant. Do you really think we are just self-replicating DNA produced due to evolution out of randomness or some property called emergence? You really think thinks are all like these without any transcending force keeping everything together? Are we just mindless robot? It is much more reasonable to have faith in God than thinking that all of these came out of nowhere.
Transparent man: The words like ‘more reasonable’, ‘of course’ and all that are mostly prejudice based unless you provide an in-depth explanation on your reasoning. Universe is a spontaneously creating machine. By universe I meant the totality of everything. The universe is randomly creating all possible types of things, and your planet, and you are one of those. And it works based on some laws of physics, because of which some order appears. What is wrong with that possibility? Why is it so unreasonable? I am not saying it is true but why is it less reasonable?

Woman2: I don’t believe in a scripture depicted God but I still believe in a loving God that is looking after all of us. I still believe in a transcendental force. Universe is perfect however it is. Look at the birds chirping. Look at the calm lakes, feel the warmth of sunshine! Every experience is spiritual if you choose to feel it. Every apparent disorder is just misunderstood order. I experience magical synchronicities all that time. I believe them to be winks from God.

Transparent man: That is just a story you are making up to make sense of reality and to comfort yourself. And I think you are turning a blind eye to the other side of the coin.

Two eyes glowed in the face of the transparent man. He stared at the woman and the woman got all scared and disgusted.

Transparent man: Let me show you the true nature of sufferings!

The Woman saw something that others didn’t, and looked terrified.

Woman2: Okay enough, enough!

Woman1: There are sufferings but all will be fixed by God. It is all a part of God’s grand scheme. The faithful shall be rightfully rewarded.
Fat man: You completely avoided my question but I am letting it go. Can you even give some scientific evidence for your God?

Woman1: You all disbelievers need hard proof and that is why you all are so far from God. The proof of my God is my faith. The power of having absolute faith on God without even having any evidence is the very proof of God.
Fat man: I had faith in Santa Claus when I was younger. So it proves Santa’s existence?

Woman1: Everyone in their deepest core knows clearly that God’s exist. It is imprinted in our conscience. That is what I meant. You are all just trying to deny yourself, deceive yourself, but the faith in God is intrinsic.

Fat man: “Everyone in their deepest core knows clearly that God’s exist.“ What a ridiculously big claim! How can you know what is in there within everyone’s deepest core? The mind is a meaning addict. Extremely prone to delusions. It always tries to makes sense of things by making stories. Psychological experiments approves it. A guy had his leg paralyzed but he couldn’t believe his. He made up all reasons to explain why he was not moving it but he could not accept that he can’t move it. That is the nature of the mind. And weak minds need a leader, need something to depend and lean on, they need someone to take their responsibility. They want hope. They want someone to save them in the end. They fear death. And so they buy into the concept of God to answer everything. But this is just a defense mechanism, for those who can’t tolerate uncertainty. They don’t want to think too much, they don’t want to know, and thus they build up walls of faith to prevent themselves from critical thinking. And when anyone questions themselves to which the answer God is not applicable they just say ‘we are not supposed to know’, ‘God is not supposed to judge’ and bla bla bla all the craps.

Woman1: You are getting this upside down. It is those who are weak minded pathetic narcissistic imprisoned in the darkness of ignorance, denies God. They are just scared to submit to the master, our divine creator.

Woman2: Every effect has a cause. If every effect is dependent on a cause which is an effect of another cause, then there has to be a transcending uncaused independent first cause which sustains the system. And that first cause is God. Belief in God is perfectly reasonable.

Fat man: the first cause can be anything. It may not necessarily have any of the Godly attributes.

Meditator: Every effect is a form of cause. Destruction is nothing but going back to the finer forms. If there is an ultimate creator then the created must be nothing but a form of the creator itself. Creator is the created. Everything is interconnected. All is One. We are God!

Woman1: You meditating non-dualists are all possessed by demons. What do you think? We are God? God is some impersonal force? God is a transcendental personal entity! Stop spreading such blasphemous message. We are not God. God is our father. Is your parents you yourself? Is the worm also you? All is one? Are you joking? It is just demonic arrogance and desire working through you, making you want to be God himself.

Transparent man: All that talks but do you have any evidence or argument back up your claims? From where does you confidence come from?

Woman1: You people are stuck too deep within the cave to see the light. I had a divine revelation. I had a personal experience with the supreme God and I received illumination and knowledge about the other world.

Fat man: What makes you believe that it was real not your hallucination? May be you have schizophrenia.

Woman1: When you have a divine revelation, all doubts are cleared from your bones. Everything becomes clear.

Transparent Man: You have no idea about the power of mind. There are people who can eat and do everything but completely certain that they are dead. There had been three people and each of one claimed they were Jesus and each of one criticized each other’s arguments but never they were doubtful of their shared conviction and they are Jesus re-incarnated. And you are also ignorant of the forces of the beyond. There are entities with powers beyond your wildest imaginations, and they can make you believe whatever they want. Do you want an example?

The transparent man’s eyes glowed again. He stared at the woman. The woman looked paralyzed in fear. Then she started screaming and breathing heavily.

Woman1: Agagagagaghhahahhaha!! No it can’t be! No it ca can’t be! Sa-sa ---Satan! Everything is run by satan! We are all prisoners of Karma and the endless cycle of life and death. We are born in an impure world, where unknowningly we perform lots of impure actions and karma does not make any exception. We can never leave. There is no way to leave. After every birth our memory is deleted. We can never know what we learned previously. No No NO! We are all puppets of Satan! We are all puppets dancing on the will of Satan!! Nooooo!!
Transparent Man: All you saw was a vision induced by me. It was a lie. Or may be a possibility. But I am not certain yet you feel so certain don’t you?

Woman1: ……………..

The horror didn’t leave the woman’s face. She was not getting anything to speak about anymore.
2b continued

The Void

Local time
Today 7:14 PM
Dec 23, 2013
In the Void
Part 3 (negating science)

Fat Man: Ahahahahah! Personal experiences proves nothing. We just need to wait for science. Science will figure everything out.

Transparent Man: Oh so you think science is going to figure it all out? What do you think about supernatural?

Fat Man: There is nothing as supernatural.

Transparent Man: What do you think of me then? What do you think of this room?

Fat Man: A dream.

Transparent man: If it is a dream and you know aren’t you supposed to be able to do anything? Isn’t it your dream?

Fat Man: I am not that good of a lucid dreamer. I had dreams with lucidity lot of times but my control over my own dream is not very good. And all I want is to eat some French fries which is what I am doing right now.

Transparent man: Hahahahahahhah! Let me ask you something. How does ice melts?

Fat Man: what? What kind of silly question is that?

Transparent Man: Just answer me!

Fat Man: The water molecules in ice are more strongly attached to each other when it is not in the form of water. That is why ice is a solid. As the ice warms up, the heat makes the molecules jiggle around more and more. When it is warm enough, the molecules cannot stay stuck to each other like they did when they were ice. It is then when they break away from each other and melting happens.

Transparent Man: How does heat makes the molecules jiggles?

Fat Man: I don’t know, I guess when they are heated, the molecules absorbs the energy and the energy increases the entropy of the molecules?

Transparent Man: And how does that happens? Also can you answer me, how does we get an opposite and equal reaction with every action?

Fat Man: What kind of ridiculous questions are these? Now will you ask how will the ball move if I punch it?

Transparent Man: Yes How? How is force applied in something? How can force create acceleration or motion? How does force actually works?

Fat Man: Well it is the way it is. There are just these basics laws of physics based on which everything runs.

Transparent Man: We can always go deeper into a subject. From classical mechanics to quantum mechanics, we can learn about deeper mechanisms of nature responsible for the mechanisms appearing on the surface. We can go deeper and deeper but in the end we face the same wall, a wall in which it is written: That is how it is; deal with it. So what is the meaning of all these explanations and theories, if everything is just based on a law or a way which itself has no explanation? Does not it makes all the explanations and theories we have, just superficial? All theories are just most probable sounding stories to connect the dots that are found from physical evidence and also based on the assumption that what we perceive is true. The more humans learns the more they understand that they don’t understand. Fools confuse the fingers pointing the moon with the moon. I can apply heat and melt an ice, without even knowing how it is happening. Only with the superficial understanding about how nature works surely science can make great machines, and manipulate, destroy and create. But not necessary know. How the effect follows the cause? To explain why one effect follows a certain cause one can give some description of an underlying deeper system of cause and effect responsible for the apparent cause and effect. But I can again ask how that effect follows cause and so on indefinitely. Yes may be science will figure it all out. But right we know pretty much nothing. But I do have great respect for the scientific methods and its endeavors though.

part 4 (advent of nihilism)

Meditator: Truth becomes to you during enlightenment when you transcend beyond the self. When the mind sees a picture of a crow flying in the sky, the mind quickly starts to interpret it by differentiating, categorizing, and labeling. The mind makes up the abstract concept of separation and see the crow and the environment as different when in fact the crow is not an isolated being. The crow is continuously interacting with the environment to sustain. By interacting with the environment the crow grows, and one day die, and the body will decompose and become a part of the environment. Same for human beings. From a little sperm it grows into a body continuously interacting with the universe, and then decompose and will merge with the ground. Everything is interconnected. Can’t you see the whole universe is our body? You don’t even need to believe in a spiritual force to see it. You can observe it in daily life. All is one. I hope you all know about the law of conservation mass and energy. None of them is either created or destroyed. Everything is just one thing in different forms which are interacting and changing all the times. Matter can turn into energy, energy into matter. When the heat is applied to an ice, the heated ice only change its form to water due to interaction with heat. Nothing is destroyed. Effect is always a form of the causes involved. So you see the divine creator is the creation itself. He is the cause and the effect.

Woman2: So if someone makes some garbage is the maker garbage too?

Meditator: Garbage is not created out of nowhere. One merely manipulates what is already created to make the garbage by expressing one’s thought of garbage into action. You can’t consider the one to be lone cause of the garbage. There may be so much causes involved behind the creation of garbage that it can never be imagined. The one merely shapes the garbage from pre-existing materials. But there is no pre-existing material other than oneself in case of the divine creator. Thus the creation must be nothing but the divine creator himself in a different form. And since our true self is that creator itself, yes in that sense the garbage is also the maker of the garbage.

Stick Man: Enough of these! Does any of these even matter? It is all vain and meaningless without any ultimate purpose. If there is a God, why is there a God? What is a God needed? Why not just nothing exists? Why Why Why? I can go on asking infinitely! If there is an ultimate purpose what is the purpose of that purpose? Surely nothing. If the ultimate purpose itself has a purpose behind it then it is sure ain’t hell ultimate. The whole concept of purpose or meaning is ridiculous. Where is any truth? As soon as we look at reality we start interpreting it, making fancy stories and theories to explain it. We humans are nothing more than an overevolved abomination. God is just a story created for comfort. If the creator can be an uncreated existence why can’t the creation be the same? No one really knows anything, only pretends to know. The mind is a meaning addict, it badly needs a purpose and meaning, and so it makes up all types of stories to live by. Responsibility, purpose, morality, blah blah blah! Most of the religions are only based on fear of hell and greed of everlasting life. Everything in the world runs for the selfish desire of surviving, living, gaining power and recognition. Absolute right and absolute wrong who is there to judge? If my parents, who are my creators from a materialistic perspective, now tell me eating poop is right, then I am surely not listening to them. Then why would I follow The God? Existence itself is suffering to me. I never wanted to be created in the first place. God created me for his own meaningless schemes and now wanna use me as a puppet? Are we just puppets? Playthings under some grand scheme? God only makes my story even more depressing. Intelligence is not proportional to benevolence. God may be wise, but benevolent? Doubtful. Does he even exist? Even more doubtful.

Woman2: It is not God but the fallen angels that has created all the sufferings. God had gifted us with free will…..

Stick Man: Keep you fairy tales to yourselves! If he gives us free will then why he is said to punish those who don’t do things his way? If he punishes, why is there so much ignorance about God? Why so many religions of God? Why so many silly contradicting ideas and confusion? Is this a test? Why is there a test in the first place? Is this world a mishappening due to fallen angels or something? Why didn’t God stop the mishappening from happening? Because God is a story, an imagination! God is dead or never alive or just an impersonal force or a manipulative psychopath. If God is omniscient then he must be just an evil mastermind, and knew all about how people is going to suffer and planned everything to turn out like this. An omniscient being needs not to test. The mind needs support. The mind wants to belong, to fit in, to increase its rate of survival. Human is a social animal. We needs constant social validation. We wants to connect and communicate. That is how the laws of nature created humans to be. It is hard to defy the urge to belong. Humans start belonging in groups. And of course there are many different humans, and thus different group. One group may contradict another. And so does conflict occurs. From this, rises religious wars, irreligious wars, racism, narrow-mindedness, prejudices, political wars and all other things! Everyone thinks they are doing the right thing and they are also validated by other members of the same group which makes them more certain that they are right. Just like Hegel once said “Genuine tragedies in the world are not conflicts between right and wrong. They are conflicts between two rights.

Woman2: We have conscience which is a gift from God, which can be …..

Stick Man: Were you even listening? Conscience can be easily conditioned by infusing some stories in the head. Rich men are infusing stories of patriotism to make soldiers fight and die so that they can turn even richer. By infusing the stories of patriotism they make humans kill each other. Where is the conscience at that time? When is the conscience when you take the life of an insect or spider? Conscience is only a product of evolutionary instinct to help us survive by forming groups and refraining from killing ourselves and continue breeding ensuring survival of species and evolution.

Woman2: Insects don’t have emotions….

Stick man: How can you know? Did you ever experienced as an insect? Insects don’t fill pain? Who says? And what are emotions but just survivalist mechanisms?

Woman2: We can love. Love makes life worthy. It is through the divine love of God that we were created. You just need to accept love. Don’t you see the beauty of unconditional love of a mother? We are here to connect with each other and form relationships.

Stick Man: To ensure the survival of your species, you need to unite with your opposite sex and breed your progeny. A strong bond was needed between the two opposite sex. That is why romantic love evolved. To ensure survival of your species. All of these can be explained by ‘survival of fittest’. Maternal love exists so that the mother protects their progeny who carries the gene and has a better chance for survival. So a mother may even risk her life to save her son but the same mother may not give a penny to a child of beggar. Love is just chemicals. Nothing more. Blind biological urge to make you breed and make your species survive. Homosexuals are exceptions to the rule. Because there are no rules without exceptions. You already know, that love is impermanent. You can only be in denial. Relationship is a piece of paper. It can be torn apart any moment. Nothing lasts. Nothing. Relationship is nothing but a prison. Love, relationship, duties all are chains tightly shackling the cage in which you imprison yourself. From the bigger picture it is all vain, all! It is all impermanent. Does not matter how much you contribute to society or what, all things will be destroyed. And then perhaps again a new beginning will arise. An endless cycle. An endless cycle of meaninglessness.

Transparent Man: Muhahahahahhahahahahhahahh!!! Vanity all Vanity! Hahahah!

2b continued

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 12:14 PM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama

The Void

Local time
Today 7:14 PM
Dec 23, 2013
In the Void
Part 5 (finding the best way of life)

Meditator: Yes it is true, existence has no purpose. Life is unbounded by purpose. No reason is needed. Life is for living. And that is what increases the beauty of life. Life is like love. When you give reason to love it becomes impure, conditional. The real beauty is in love which is without any reason. Life is like that. You are free and unbounded by any reason. Feel the freedom. Liberate yourself from the clutches of the self. Yes there are suffering, diseases, betrayal, death and losses. Yes there is also happiness and pleasure in connection, love, relationships, toys and gains. Most of the humans are stuck in the cycle of happiness and suffering. The law of pendulum. Happiness is followed by same amount of suffering. The happier you are the more you will suffer when time will come. When a child desires a candy, after eating it, he will desire more. But if he eats too much he will get bored of it and want something new. And if desire remains unfulfilled sufferings appear. Hope is as shallow as fear. Hope may give some comfort but it is no real way to defy suffering, and when the outcome is not as hoped, even more distress appears. This is the age of machines and technology. Life is becoming more and more comfortable. New medicines are appearing yet diseases are increasing. There is more physical comfort yet mental stress is increasing. Mind is turning more unstable. Pettiest things make people depressed today. Humans had mastered the outside world but losing the inner battle. Every search for happiness is misery. In this wretched age Truth is the thing of least importance. Fantasies are taken as truth. As the roads get broader the mind is getting narrower. There is a void within all of us. Everything is done in the world in order to escape the inner unsatisfactoriness or the void. But the unsatisfactoriness never truly escapes. Humans goes on entertaining themselves through mundane means. Humans do not really grow up. Only their toys grow. Humans are naively seeking happiness by chasing behind the impermanent materials. Foolishly they think that happiness achieved by depending on impermanent materials is going to be permanent. They are always in fear, they try hard to defend their possessions. But in this transient world loss is inevitable. If you value something, it will tear you apart when you will lose it. In the end it is all just striving after the wind. In this age the average mind is extremely weak, strip someone out of all his companions and entertainments and watch how easily it breaks apart. Humans are going on searching for happiness with vain means but when the base of the mind is so weak, all these are of no use. Today humans wants to know programming, robotics, mechanisms of various machines and science but have no interest in knowing who they themselves truly are. Sufferings arise due to ignorance about our true self. Today humans are so shallow that they define themselves by likes, and dislikes and superficial appearances. The sense of self for which so many things are done is in the end only a sense and nothing more. The sense of ‘I’ is just an imaginary concept. The mind is nothing but a culmination of habit and memory with incredibly complex mechanisms involved, and works largely depending the external stimuli, impulses and conditionings. Millions of neurons are working together in a vast network to create the sense of one ‘I’. The mental sense of a continuous self is the greatest delusion. You die every second. Dislike, like, belief, personality anything can change any minute. In an accident you can you turn lunatic. Any continuity of this sense of mental self is an illusion. I myself have changed so drastically so many times. A great deal of suffering is caused by naively having too much attachment to the ‘I’ that don’t even exist.

Stick man: I know what you mean. True self is no self. Everything is impermanent and trying to find happiness from any of the impermanent material is just striving for the wind. There is no permanent essence. This table right here is a table now but after some hours it may be break into pieces and won’t be a table anymore. Same for the human body and mind. None of it has a permanent identity or self. All is changing forms, identities and their nature. The only truth is the Void. Only the Void remains.

Meditator: Once a Zen student said something like that. His master hit him and the student said ouch. Then the master asked, if there is no self then who got hurt? Sense of self is true but only as a sense. What is that continuous thing that keeps the illusion of continuity of sense of self? Every change takes place on an unchanging background. The divine self which is your true self is that unchanging background which lies beyond the mind, and both physical and spiritual bodies. The divine self is the ultimate creator! The mind and body is just like a machine, running on impulses and memories and habits. But the divine self which is the source of the pure state of awareness lies beyond it. The path to divine self is through negation. You have to figure out what you are not first to understand the divine self. You are not the body, the mind, the feelings, the emotions, the senses, the beliefs, the likes or dislikes or anything that you perceive yourself to be. The very act of perceiving shows that you are not that because you are the perceiver. Actually what I just said is not completely true. They are a part of you surely but a very tiny part of you, and they are not your primary self or your deepest core. This world is nothing but a play of consciousness. Your divine self is the dream and the dreamer. The divine self is reflecting itself in infinite mirrors creating an illusion of separation. What you perceive yourself to be is merely a reflection not what you truly are. You are the infinite, the divine creator, without beginning and end. You are all that is, was and ever will be. Why is bad, bad? Why is good, good? Why is pain painful? Why is pleasure pleasant? Why is purposelessness depressing? It is all because the mind interprets to be like that. Both happiness and suffering arises from the mind. To transcend beyond suffering one have to transcend beyond the mind. Enlightenment is not learning something magical but it is the utter annihilation of everything you believe to be true. And when nothing remains, you meet the divine self. Just wake up, be aware and see the reality as it is without letting your mind interpret it with abstract concepts you have learned since birth and you will be enlightened. We exist and there is suffering. There is no purpose, no meaning, but there are relative purposes, and responsibilities. It is most logical to find the best way to live your life instead of crying about it. There is a way to end mental suffering. Physical suffering cannot be avoided but when the mind is strong, it can even be happy in any form of physical suffering. The way is detachment. There is no use in attachment with the parts of a transient world. The first cause is actually an unthinkable matter. If the first cause is uncaused then indirectly everything is. Things ‘just’ happens. They come and go. There is no use of crying for the loss or gripping on to what you have. All these urges for control, power and possession only adds up stress. There are many spiritual materialists seeking behind supernatural powers, altered states of consciousness, supernatural bliss and channeled knowledge but all of these seeking are useless, just spiritual materialism and will bring no true peace unless the mind is enlightened. Truth is what that remains when all seeking end. There is nothing to chase, nothing to seek, nothing to become. Recognition, fame, power, control only strengthens the prison you are in. Heaven is here and now. Kingdom of God is within you. Just ‘be’. Nothing else is needed. Just ‘be’. Being is our true nature. In the end all we do is for peace and satisfaction. But we need to do nothing but just ‘be’ to be in peace. It is because we always think that we have to become something and do something for peace we never gain peace. Wake, up, become aware, just remain aware of everything for at least 30 second and see the magic of life. No need to resist anything not even resistance. Accept what comes, let go of what goes. Let life unfold itself. Just observe everything from a detached perspective. Just surrender to the flow. No need to worry or fear or predict. Just ‘be’. It feels much better if you let life unfold itself without any effort to control, without any hope, expectation, fear or prediction. Control is an illusion most of the time anyway. A lot of things you do is just mindless, reflexive, stimuli based, and controlled by the unconscious mind. Who is making your heart beat? Who is sustaining your organs? Lot of your actions are spontaneous or unconscious. If notice time to time you do things without even being aware. You may have regrets based on your choice but may be you didn’t really have a choice but an illusion of choice. Instead of crying over the loss enjoy the freshness caused due to impermanence. Follow the path of least mental and physical resistance. Sometimes there is less physical resistance but more mental resistance. Find the balance and follow where the flow takes you. The mind blocks the life. People is seeking to add years to their life but not life to the years. Open your mind. Let go of all the belief systems, all at once and let life enter you and fill the Void within. The sense of separation between you and your perception is abstract. There is no difference between you and what you experience. What is an experience without an experiencer? What is an experiencer without experience? The answer to both is nothing. Experience is the experiencer. The mind perceives then interprets and then creates an abstract sense of self and then overall, an illusion of an ‘I’ perceiving something. All sufferings comes from all the interpretation of mind and the formation of the sense of self. The best moment is spend when you get lost in the moment. A work is done best when you become lost in that work. Those types of work are also effortless. The best arts are formed when the artist gets lost in their own art while creating it. You truly live in the present moment only when you become the present moment itself. True happiness is here and now in the present moment. But alas! Most of the people waste their whole life anticipating and worrying about the future or regretting the past. The masters do their work without doing because they don’t need to, because they become the deed while doing. Do that in which you can get lost, in which you can be completely mindful and be without the hindrance of the sense of self and constant interpretations, judgments and chatters of the mind. Life is a show. Just enjoy the show. Enjoy the pain and pleasure. There is nothing to be serious of. Let go. Be free. By telling you to just be and all that I am not promoting inaction. You must fulfill your duties and do what you truly love. Find your true will. ‘Become’ but become by only ‘being’. ‘Do’, but without any expectation. All is interconnected. All is one. Whenever you hurt someone, you hurt a part of yourself. You are not in the world, the world is in you. Those who strive by hurting others, are never truly happy. As they say, misery loves company. Those who are miserable within seek for misery in others. There are no bad or good guys. Trying to extinguish fire of hatred and revenge with hatred and vengeance will breed even more hatred and create and endless cycle of war and conflict. Anger is just a poison of mind. Most of the time when you act irrationally with anger or stupidity, you are not aware of your actions until it is too late. Then the mind performs backward rationalizations to explain the irrational actions by making up false stories. Expressing angers on some inanimate thing don’t really solves the problem. Just become aware of yourself. When the unconscious reactions takes place become aware so that the choice to how to react comes down to your conscious self. It is love that nullifies fear, hatred, shame, anger and everything else like that. Love is the highest way to live by. Love is what makes everything possible. Love unites people and makes birth of life possible. Be it love for power, love for money or be it love of recognition it is always love. But most of the types of love in the modern age is just ego related, conditional, or just desire to possess. If you love a flower and pick it up in order to possess it, it will die. Because of all the impure forms of love, there are wars in name of love, there is jealousy arising from love and all other things. Love creates and love destroys. But the most pure form of love transcends everything. It is unconditional and universal love. When you get access to the true love which is your divine self itself you can accept every fate and be it ghost, demon, beggar, rich, poor, killer, savior, saint or psychopath you can feel the same divine love towards everyone. But first you have to love yourself. Those who love others also love themselves. It is generally those who hate their true self, hate others too. Yes, be selfish. Being selfish is beautiful. Those who are truly selfish, those who truly love their divine or true self don’t hurt others. Most of the people don’t love their true self but their body. Love everything. Be nice and peaceful to everyone. And then one day you may achieve the enlightening experience of cosmic unity and see the ocean of consciousness. We are the drops in the ocean yet also the ocean itself. Some of my words may be contradicting. Make your own balanced mixture from what I said and use it on your life to gain the ability to face pain and loss without suffering.

Stick Man: Why care for all these? Why love? Will it even matter if I kill and burn everyone? Why be nice to anyone?

Fat Man: Because everyone outnumbers you by like 6.5 billion.

Stick Man: Good point.

Part 6

Transparent Man: Your philosophy about the way of living a complete life is great. Truly astounding. But I don’t agree with what you say to be truth. Consciousness is like light. Without it there is darkness. There may be things present but without light they are not visible. Consciousness brings things under light. But consciousness also creates its own world like in a dream. The world you perceive is you yourself as you said because it is your perception. But is your perception a creation of your own consciousness as in a dream? Or is your perception a projection of what is lying outside consciousness? Can you prove either of that? Just as in darkness things may not be visible but that does not mean things are not there, similarly just because consciousness is not there does not mean things are not existing without consciousness. So what is true? Is consciousness a by-product of the world or the world a by-product of the consciousness? How to prove either one. Surely, Quantum mechanics shows how what you see may depend on your observation that is, when a tree falls where there is no one to observe, the tree don’t even falls but still there may be something beyond that lies independent of perception and since you can’t go beyond consciousness without being unconscious, you can never know if what you see exists independently without you. All is one indeed but it is true only for your world of perceptions. You can never know with certainty what is existing beyond your awareness because all knowledge that you can gain and understand depends on your awareness. And your perception is so very little and how shamelessly you use the word ‘ALL’. There may be things far beyond your perception, which are not connected to all these in anyway. Separation is an abstract concept as you said but so is unity. Enlightenment is an utter annihilation of belief systems you said, but even after that you couldn’t help yourself from making a story about the All. You may have experienced cosmic unity and you are concluding and judging that experience based on feelings but I believe I had shown not too long ago how feelings can be manipulated and used to deceive and create false sense of certainty. Do you know what I am going to say now? Do you know what I am thinking? Are you omniscient? Without omniscience all your big conclusions appears prejudice based to me. If you truly experienced perfect oneness you must have experienced everyone’s every feelings, thoughts, and everything at the same time. But you only ‘felt’ ‘one with all’ didn’t you? In the end it boils down to solipsism, you know there is you, but then next what? Do I exist really independent of you or am I the creation of your consciousness or both are true? How, How can you know? You may even know everything there is to know but what if there is a world beyond your perception, somewhere you know nothing about? You may have felt everything but feelings is not all. Yes, feelings can be way to judge. When you wake up from the dream to reality the feelings tell you all was a dream and now you are in reality. But sometimes you wake up from a dream to another dream and feelings deceive you by making you think now you are in reality. You may wake up in a dream and realize that you are actually in a dream. Who says it? It is a feeling that arises that makes you just wake up and remember that you are in a dream. Now in that dream you know that you are in a dream. But actually you cannot truly know because all that you feel can be deception, all that you remember about reality is just a memory. In the end what is it that differentiates between reality and dream? Is truth is what happening independent of consciousness? Why is it lie if it happens depending on your consciousness? But if it is not a lie, then reality is as true as a dream? Where to draw the line? Yes in reality there are laws and then you die, wait how can you know you die, yes everyone you see dies, you may have experienced deaths of others, but those all may be parts of the dream too, how can you know that you will die too with absolute certainty? Probably by dying? May be reality is just an advanced dream with more concrete laws and when you die you wake up in another advanced dream? So many possibilities, so many ideas how can you know anything? How can you make such big claims about universal unity? And right now all your experiences of union is just a memory. May be you never experienced them? Is your memory even true? What if it is misplaced? What if it is distorted by your mind?

Charming Man: Ok, enough, shut up you all! I know the real truth of everything. I had meditated and undergone severe training and now I have access to thousands of altered consciousness at my beck and call, and I can any channel information from the Akashic records, the universal library with ease. Okay, so here I am. I am existing. Now look at the time in my watch. Tick Tock Tick Tock. So what is this time? Time is transition of events. Now some people speaks about beginning of time. But even for time to begin time needs to exist beforehand. Some says there is a God beyond time. But the very acts of creation implies change which implies time. So beginning of time is not possible. If there was a time before existence of time……well this sounds ridiculous. But if time always existed, then there is no beginning. But then it means an actual infinite of years had passed away. But that is paradoxical. Infinite is never ending. So a never ending amount of years end? How are we even existing if there is no beginning? Because time actually don’t exist at all from the absolute perspective. That is the only possibility. True reality is infinite potential. All possible past, present and future are existing simultaneously. Thus all separation is an illusion. We are the same one consciousness experiencing reality in slices from a variety of limited relative perspectives. All is one. Everything has an entangled connection. There is no distinction among past, present and future. Abstract sense of linear transition of events that is, time arises only from our relative perspectives. So there is no separation, no beginning, no end, all is one, everything is possible because reality is infinite potential. We are all beginningless and endless. Our true nature is infinite. This whole world is actually just a dream of consciousness and just by refining your mind a little bit you can learn to do anything like this.

All of a sudden fire appeared in the man’s hand. His hand was burning with fire.

Charming man: Hahahahaha!

The fire disappeared but his hand was perfectly intact.

Fat Man: What kind of trick is this?

The man looked at the fat guy and the fat guy levitated and then got thrown away by apparently nothing.

Charming man: This type of trick.

The Void

Local time
Today 7:14 PM
Dec 23, 2013
In the Void
Part 7
Transparent man: What you said may be true, but prove it? Your powers don’t prove that you are living a lucid dream. May be the powers are just rules of reality not a product due to reality being a dream? Also you made quite some big claims without much of an anything to back them up. Tell me what is 1+1?

Charming man: 2, duh?

Transparent man: It can also be 10 if it is binary number system. I never did mention the number system so your answer is wrong. It is same for your theory. There was a premise and then you constructed a conclusion. But you may have just missed other possible possibilities. May be your conclusion is incomplete and you are missing something just like you missed the possibility of the addition being based on a different number system than what you thought to be? How can you know?

Charming man: That’s ridiculous. That is epistemological nihilism. With so much questions and doubt you aren’t getting anywhere.

Transparent Man: Questions starts the journey. Answers end the journey. It is only by questioning the given answers people have progressed in society throughout the history. It is question that gets you forward, answers keeps you imprisoned in belief systems. Even you are here wherever you are because you questioned the answers you were given by society. You searched for answers of your questions, and you learned secrets that helped you to achieve all these powers you have. Now have you even forgotten what get you here? Questions.

Charming Man: Now I am getting annoyed. Just let me get out of here.

Transparent Man: Not now. You are staying here.

Charming Man: Screw you!

The man attacked the transparent man with some glowing ball of light or something just like Dragon Ball Z. But nothing happened to the transparent man.

Transparent Man: Now go sit back.

Transparent Man: What is knowledge? What is the definition of knowledge? Actually there isn’t one. The definition is stuck up in lots of debates. A revolutionary definition was made by Plato. But there are some cases which find flaws in that definition. So in a sense we did not really even know what know means and we still are shamelessly using the word know but then in what basis we even use the word? Who knows? Ok let us use the classic definition for now. Knowledge is justified true belief. But in some cases the belief is there, truth is there, and there is a sufficient justification but still not knowledge. It happens when the justification is wrong or incomplete. But then to know if the justification is correct or not we have to justify the justification and then to know the justification of the justification is correct or not we have to justify the justification of the justification and so on till infinity. Thus we go nowhere really. Most of the time you see what you believe. Just like this man here saw 2 as an answer to 1+1 because he subconsciously believed that the addition is based on the conventional number system used in day to day life. There are many examples and illusions of minds that psychologists can show you to demonstrate how belief systems limit perception of possibilities and distorts perceptions. Life is like a wonderland. Nothing is really known. Imagine a land of nonsense and you are walking in it and then you saw a blue bubble attacked a red bubble and two bubbles combined to form a white bubble. And the same thing happens each time they attacks each other. First you distinguish between them then categorize and label them as red bubble, blue bubble and white bubble and then you recognize a pattern among them. Now you can use this knowledge to predict what happens when you see next time when a red bubble attacks blue bubble. But in fact you still don’t know what the bubbles actually are, you just named them, and still don’t know what is exactly happening, how is happening. You just named the process and patterns. Things just happen. And then one day the rules may change completely, red bubble may clash with blue bubble to create a nuclear explosion someday. Who knows? Anything can change completely? Who knows how, what, why? You may study deeply and learn how, why and stuff but with every answers just arises new questions. This reality is just like that. So who knows the truth? Now you can’t even say that there is no absolute truth because then that means it is just an relative truth based on someone’s perspectives that there is no absolute truth because if you say that the absolute truth is that there is no absolute truth then you are just making a joke and if it is a relative truth that there is no absolute truth then there is a possibility that there is an absolute truth. So does no one from here has the truth?

The transparent man looked at me.

Transparent Man: Don’t you have anything to say? What is your truth?

Me: I had said all I have to say.

Transparent man: But you said nothing.

Me: Exactly. Silence is my truth.

Transparent Man: Can you elaborate?

Me: Truth is life itself. Truth is awareness. Beliefs, appearances, dislikes, likes, thinking pattern, body structures, everything in me changes. Degree of consciousness changes too. Those are all transient. But in the deepest layer who am I? Just pure awareness. That state of pure awareness is always the same. It is the permanent background in which all the change takes place. Even when I am asleep I am aware. Only degree of consciousness is low. As long as there is life in me, there is awareness. And this awareness is the only truth I know about. Actually I don’t know and I can’t express or explain it perfectly. Words are only symbols or fingers pointing the moon, not the moon itself. But I can BE the truth. I can be life. Life is Awareness. Life is the truth. And life is me. And when the life in me ends, everything will end for me and nothing will matter. Whenever we speak, lots of distortions, misinterpretations and miscommunications can possibly arise. And in communications we just use symbols and representations which are just fingers trying to point at something not the thing itself making any form of communication impure and untrue thus I can’t express the pure absolute truth but I can ‘be’ it. But what is the source of the awareness? What is my truest self? Unfortunately it cannot be ever comprehended. It is that which cannot be named. It is Gödel’s incompleteness all the way. Just like you cannot see yourself without reflecting, just like you cannot eat your mouth with your mount, just like you cannot touch your fingertip with the same finger’s tip, just like you can never know if you are sane or insane, you can also never know or understand your deepest self but still you can ‘be’ it. Sufferings recede when you can center yourself to the state of pure awareness and find peace in just ‘being’. Since I can only ‘be’ it but can’t express it purely, silence is the best I have. But It is always possible that I am actually too retarded to understand I am retarded and all my logic is retarded and immature or I am missing other points or possibilities, so really who knows? May be my whole process of thinking is messed up? So again I am left only with silence.

Transparent Man: Hahahaha! You win the game! Now you all must die.

The transparent man looked at the woman1 and the woman’s hands got cut out.

She fell in the ground. Blood all where. She was screaming. She was trembling in fear.

Transparent Man: Why? Why fear? Didn’t you spend a faithful life? Don’t you have
your faith in God saving you? So why do you fear death? In the deepest corner you are still uncertain aren’t you? All you were trying was to escape uncertainty by accepting stories.

The man killed her.

The Transparent Man looked at the fat guy. His stomach burst out. He was breathing heavily. He was trembling. He was scared. I was scared too but excited at the same time.

Transparent Man: Why fear? Isn’t there just nothing after death? Isn’t it what you believe? Then why even care for death. Death is always inevitable. So why do you fear ‘nothing’? I can perceive your thoughts. You are calling God. You spent your life as an atheist now why God? What hypocrisy.

The Fat Man got killed too.

The transparent Man killed the other woman too. Then he stared at the meditating man.

Transparent Man: You are relatively more calm that the others. But within you fear is killing you. Isn’t your unconditional love supposed to nullify fear? Isn’t all is one? So why do you feeel fear? I guess you haven’t truly mastered your mind yet.
The transparent man killed the meditator too.

The stick figured man was running. The transparent man looked at him and his legs got amputated.

Transparent man: Why run? Why fear death? Don’t you hate your life?

Stick Man: It is not death that I fear but the possibility of afterlife.

The transparent man killed the stick man too.

The charming psychic man attacked the transparent man and started to fight with him. But the transparent man, easily defeated the psychic man and amputated his hands and legs.

The psychic was lying screaming in agony and suffering in fear.

Transparent man: You are the most pathetic of all. Meditated your whole life, gained supernatural powers and altered states of consciousness but still you are now gripped by fear near death. You never solved the problem. You were merely trying to escape from it. If one fears loneliness the true way to solve the problem is to train the mind to face and enjoy loneliness, if the one merely escapes from loneliness by making friends, the problem remains. That is the problem with the world. Almost everyone is mentally disordered. But since almost everyone is disordered and it is so common that it appears normal. Psychologists merely helps to maintain the common mental disorder. In modern psychology those who are truly normal, and much more stable are often labeled as disordered because that is how it appears in comparison to the convention. The world is in a sad state. Instead of dealing with the mental issues everyone just wants to escape or forget it. So did you. You feared death and you trained yourself to become immortal. Just naïve effort. All these training was all for nothing. Your mind is still weak and pathetic.

The transparent man killed him too. Only I remained.

The Transparent Man stared at me and my hand got amputated.

Me: Hahahahahahhah!!

The Transparent Man: Why do you not fear?

Me: Because I have totally accepted whatever comes or goes. Nothing matters to
me anymore. Anything can happen, and I am open to it. I live my life without any story. I live in pure uncertainty. I have completely surrendered to the flow. I don’t care about life or death or anything anymore. Hahahahahhahah!

He plucked out my eyes with telekinesis.

Me: Hahahahhahahahahahhah!

Transparent man: Why are you laughing?

Me: I had programmed my mind to laugh instead of screaming while facing pain.

Transparent Man: Interesting.

And then I got killed.
Only the dark void remained.
And I woke up in my bed.

Me: So all these was a dream, after all, eh?

I felt something. I looked forward and I saw the transparent man was standing in
front with two red eyes glowing.

He was smiling.

I smiled back.
The End

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 12:14 PM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
If anything can happen I'm not the one happening everywhere. There is one place to be and I am where it is.

"In 2008, Tononi proposed that a system demonstrating consciousness must have two specific traits. First, the system must be able to store and process large amounts of information. In other words consciousness is essentially a phenomenon of information.

And second, this information must be integrated in a unified whole so that it is impossible to divide into independent parts. That reflects the experience that each instance of consciousness is a unified whole that cannot be decomposed into separate components."


The Void

Local time
Today 7:14 PM
Dec 23, 2013
In the Void
If anything can happen I'm not the one happening everywhere. There is one place to be and I am where it is.

the I you are talking about is a mere reflection of the true self, a limited relative perspective.

Consciousness is a state of matter? Or Matter a state of consciousness?

Transparent Man: Your philosophy about the way of living a complete life is great. Truly astounding. But I don’t agree with what you say to be truth. Consciousness is like light. Without it there is darkness. There may be things present but without light they are not visible. Consciousness brings things under light. But consciousness also creates its own world like in a dream. The world you perceive is you yourself as you said because it is your perception. But is your perception a creation of your own consciousness as in a dream? Or is your perception a projection of what is lying outside consciousness? Can you prove either of that? Just as in darkness things may not be visible but that does not mean things are not there, similarly just because consciousness is not there does not mean things are not existing without consciousness. So what is true? Is consciousness a by-product of the world or the world a by-product of the consciousness? How to prove either one. Surely, Quantum mechanics shows how what you see may depend on your observation that is, when a tree falls where there is no one to observe, the tree don’t even falls but still there may be something beyond that lies independent of perception and since you can’t go beyond consciousness without being unconscious, you can never know if what you see exists independently without you. All is one indeed but it is true only for your world of perceptions. You can never know with certainty what is existing beyond your awareness because all knowledge that you can gain and understand depends on your awareness. And your perception is so very little and how shamelessly you use the word ‘ALL’. There may be things far beyond your perception, which are not connected to all these in anyway. Separation is an abstract concept as you said but so is unity. Enlightenment is an utter annihilation of belief systems you said, but even after that you couldn’t help yourself from making a story about the All. You may have experienced cosmic unity and you are concluding and judging that experience based on feelings but I believe I had shown not too long ago how feelings can be manipulated and used to deceive and create false sense of certainty. Do you know what I am going to say now? Do you know what I am thinking? Are you omniscient? Without omniscience all your big conclusions appears prejudice based to me. If you truly experienced perfect oneness you must have experienced everyone’s every feelings, thoughts, and everything at the same time. But you only ‘felt’ ‘one with all’ didn’t you? In the end it boils down to solipsism, you know there is you, but then next what? Do I exist really independent of you or am I the creation of your consciousness or both are true? How, How can you know? You may even know everything there is to know but what if there is a world beyond your perception, somewhere you know nothing about? You may have felt everything but feelings is not all. Yes, feelings can be way to judge. When you wake up from the dream to reality the feelings tell you all was a dream and now you are in reality. But sometimes you wake up from a dream to another dream and feelings deceive you by making you think now you are in reality. You may wake up in a dream and realize that you are actually in a dream. Who says it? It is a feeling that arises that makes you just wake up and remember that you are in a dream. Now in that dream you know that you are in a dream. But actually you cannot truly know because all that you feel can be deception, all that you remember about reality is just a memory. In the end what is it that differentiates between reality and dream? Is truth is what happening independent of consciousness? Why is it lie if it happens depending on your consciousness? But if it is not a lie, then reality is as true as a dream? Where to draw the line? Yes in reality there are laws and then you die, wait how can you know you die, yes everyone you see dies, you may have experienced deaths of others, but those all may be parts of the dream too, how can you know that you will die too with absolute certainty? Probably by dying? May be reality is just an advanced dream with more concrete laws and when you die you wake up in another advanced dream? So many possibilities, so many ideas how can you know anything? How can you make such big claims about universal unity? And right now all your experiences of union is just a memory. May be you never experienced them? Is your memory even true? What if it is misplaced? What if it is distorted by your mind?

Transparent man: What you said may be true, but prove it? Your powers don’t prove that you are living a lucid dream. May be the powers are just rules of reality not a product due to reality being a dream? Also you made quite some big claims without much of an anything to back them up. Tell me what is 1+1?

Charming man: 2, duh?

Transparent man: It can also be 10 if it is binary number system. I never did mention the number system so your answer is wrong. It is same for your theory. There was a premise and then you constructed a conclusion. But you may have just missed other possible possibilities. May be your conclusion is incomplete and you are missing something just like you missed the possibility of the addition being based on a different number system than what you thought to be? How can you know?

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 12:14 PM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
the I you are talking about is a mere reflection of the true self, a limited relative perspective.

Consciousness is a state of matter? Or Matter a state of consciousness?

The finite and the infinite have their place if it is a place? I cannot know the true self unless maya has receded yet truth and maya's relationship to truth makes them the same?

The Void

Local time
Today 7:14 PM
Dec 23, 2013
In the Void
I don't know anything anymore. I think vivekanda denoted maya not as an illusion but the way reality appears to be in relative perspective.
But that is not false or unreality. It is true in it's own way. Even a dream is true as in being an apparent reality.
I guess we see things as they are when we don't try to make stories about them and see them without any belief systems. Perceptions are just perceptions, it is always changing, I guess the real truth is the perciever, the true self which cannot be known but being.
Truth is life itself. Truth is awareness. Beliefs, appearances, dislikes, likes, thinking pattern, body structures, everything in me changes. Degree of consciousness changes too. Those are all transient. But in the deepest layer who am I? Just pure awareness. That state of pure awareness is always the same. It is the permanent background in which all the change takes place. Even when I am asleep I am aware. Only degree of consciousness is low. As long as there is life in me, there is awareness. And this awareness is the only truth I know about. Actually I don’t know and I can’t express or explain it perfectly. Words are only symbols or fingers pointing the moon, not the moon itself. But I can BE the truth. I can be life. Life is Awareness. Life is the truth. And life is me. And when the life in me ends, everything will end for me and nothing will matter. Whenever we speak, lots of distortions, misinterpretations and miscommunications can possibly arise. And in communications we just use symbols and representations which are just fingers trying to point at something not the thing itself making any form of communication impure and untrue thus I can’t express the pure absolute truth but I can ‘be’ it. But what is the source of the awareness? What is my truest self? Unfortunately it cannot be ever comprehended. It is that which cannot be named. It is Gödel’s incompleteness all the way. Just like you cannot see yourself without reflecting, just like you cannot eat your mouth with your mount, just like you cannot touch your fingertip with the same finger’s tip, just like you can never know if you are sane or insane, you can also never know or understand your deepest self but still you can ‘be’ it. Sufferings recede when you can center yourself to the state of pure awareness and find peace in just ‘being’. Since I can only ‘be’ it but can’t express it purely, silence is the best I have. But It is always possible that I am actually too retarded to understand I am retarded and all my logic is retarded and immature or I am missing other points or possibilities, so really who knows? May be my whole process of thinking is messed up? So again I am left only with silence


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:14 PM
Aug 18, 2012
The story ended with the dreamer waking up from the dream in presumably another dream but the dreamer seemingly retained the memory/state of mind of the previous dream. This kind of implies that the dreamer can continue on, existing in this seemingly perfect state of being forever since the dreamer cares for nothing else and his/her state of mind is immune from whatever physical events that may be perceived.

This then relies on the idea that consciousness isn't a function of the brain but is instead something else. What do you think consciousness is?

Also, I would like a theory as to how we can achieve this perfect state of being. How do we program ourselves into such a state? Does it make sense for such a state to last forever or is change inevitable?

The Void

Local time
Today 7:14 PM
Dec 23, 2013
In the Void
The story ended with the dreamer waking up from the dream in presumably another dream but the dreamer seemingly retained the memory/state of mind of the previous dream. This kind of implies that the dreamer can continue on, existing in this seemingly perfect state of being forever since the dreamer cares for nothing else and his/her state of mind is immune from whatever physical events that may be perceived.

This then relies on the idea that consciousness isn't a function of the brain but is instead something else. What do you think consciousness is?

Also, I would like a theory as to how we can achieve this perfect state of being. How do we program ourselves into such a state? Does it make sense for such a state to last forever or is change inevitable?
'Perfect' is subjective.
mere 'will' is enough to program I guess.
Mere will to slowly get detached from suffering can slowly change the mind.
May be silencing the mind and focusing on the fears and all that can help? Instead of merely running and distracting oneself through entertainment.
Just laugh when at pain.
Forever implies a long time. This story promotes uncertainty. Who knows what happens?
The story doesn't means consciousness is not a product of brain.
The simple state of awareness is always there when all mental states, thoughts, and emotions changes and impermanent.
Even if the self is multiple and discontinous, the continous state of awareness fills the gap of the death and birth of different selves depending on external stimulis and stuff and creates an illusion of continuity of the sense of self.
Awareness is the permanent background in which all the change takes place, but yet not so permanent may be.

But the story provides both the possibilities that consciousness may be an accident of the world, or the world an accident of consciousness. It makes no conclusion only increases uncertainty.

But I don’t agree with what you say to be truth. Consciousness is like light. Without it there is darkness. There may be things present but without light they are not visible. Consciousness brings things under light. But consciousness also creates its own world like in a dream. The world you perceive is you yourself as you said because it is your perception. But is your perception a creation of your own consciousness as in a dream? Or is your perception a projection of what is lying outside consciousness? Can you prove either of that? Just as in darkness things may not be visible but that does not mean things are not there, similarly just because consciousness is not there does not mean things are not existing without consciousness. So what is true? Is consciousness a by-product of the world or the world a by-product of the consciousness? How to prove either one. Surely, Quantum mechanics shows how what you see may depend on your observation that is, when a tree falls where there is no one to observe, the tree don’t even falls but still there may be something beyond that lies independent of perception and since you can’t go beyond consciousness without being unconscious, you can never know if what you see exists independently without you. All is one indeed but it is true only for your world of perceptions. You can never know with certainty what is existing beyond your awareness because all knowledge that you can gain and understand depends on your awareness. And your perception is so very little and how shamelessly you use the word ‘ALL’. There may be things far beyond your perception, which are not connected to all these in anyway. Separation is an abstract concept as you said but so is unity. Enlightenment is an utter annihilation of belief systems you said, but even after that you couldn’t help yourself from making a story about the All. You may have experienced cosmic unity and you are concluding and judging that experience based on feelings but I believe I had shown not too long ago how feelings can be manipulated and used to deceive and create false sense of certainty. Do you know what I am going to say now? Do you know what I am thinking? Are you omniscient? Without omniscience all your big conclusions appears prejudice based to me. If you truly experienced perfect oneness you must have experienced everyone’s every feelings, thoughts, and everything at the same time. But you only ‘felt’ ‘one with all’ didn’t you? In the end it boils down to solipsism, you know there is you, but then next what? Do I exist really independent of you or am I the creation of your consciousness or both are true? How, How can you know? You may even know everything there is to know but what if there is a world beyond your perception, somewhere you know nothing about? You may have felt everything but feelings is not all. Yes, feelings can be way to judge. When you wake up from the dream to reality the feelings tell you all was a dream and now you are in reality. But sometimes you wake up from a dream to another dream and feelings deceive you by making you think now you are in reality. You may wake up in a dream and realize that you are actually in a dream. Who says it? It is a feeling that arises that makes you just wake up and remember that you are in a dream. Now in that dream you know that you are in a dream. But actually you cannot truly know because all that you feel can be deception, all that you remember about reality is just a memory. In the end what is it that differentiates between reality and dream? Is truth is what happening independent of consciousness? Why is it lie if it happens depending on your consciousness? But if it is not a lie, then reality is as true as a dream? Where to draw the line? Yes in reality there are laws and then you die, wait how can you know you die, yes everyone you see dies, you may have experienced deaths of others, but those all may be parts of the dream too, how can you know that you will die too with absolute certainty? Probably by dying? May be reality is just an advanced dream with more concrete laws and when you die you wake up in another advanced dream? So many possibilities, so many ideas how can you know anything? How can you make such big claims about universal unity? And right now all your experiences of union is just a memory. May be you never experienced them? Is your memory even true? What if it is misplaced? What if it is distorted by your mind?
Morever since you can't never really know if things can exist beyond consciousness because if you go beyond consciousness you willl become unconscious and can know nothing. It does not matter how many machines you use, all that may be a product of consciousness.

But then again lots of possibilities can be missed during making any conclusion, so it does not really makes any conclusion, the only purpose of this story is to create uncertainty.

Transparent man: It can also be 10 if it is binary number system. I never did mention the number system so your answer is wrong. It is same for your theory. There was a premise and then you constructed a conclusion. But you may have just missed other possible possibilities. May be your conclusion is incomplete and you are missing something just like you missed the possibility of the addition being based on a different number system than what you thought to be? How can you know?

The Void

Local time
Today 7:14 PM
Dec 23, 2013
In the Void
The main point of the story is in the debates. In the debates every belief system was negated until the only truth (awareness) remained. In this story both scenarios as consciousness being the byproduct of the world or the world being the by-product of consciounsess is considered as a possibility and no conclusion is made as was said by the transparent man.

But what is exactly happening on the story (the dream part) is not important. The dreamer woke up to find the transparent man doesn't mean anything, I just wanted to give a weird ending. It is your mind making up meanings from which there was none given by the author.

The dreamer is not immune to physical events, he just don't care. Which perfect state of being you were talking about?


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:14 PM
Aug 18, 2012
The main point of the story is in the debates. In the debates every belief system was negated until the only truth (awareness) remained. In this story both scenarios as consciousness being the byproduct of the world or the world being the by-product of consciounsess is considered as a possibility and no conclusion is made as was said by the transparent man.

But what is exactly happening on the story (the dream part) is not important. The dreamer woke up to find the transparent man doesn't mean anything, I just wanted to give a weird ending. It is your mind making up meanings from which there was none given by the author.

The dreamer is not immune to physical events, he just don't care. Which perfect state of being you were talking about?

He is immune in the sense that it doesn't affect his mind. Whatever actually happens is unimportant. Maybe I shouldn't have said perfect but it does seem nice, to be unaffected by negative things, to be able to exist in a relatively peaceful/happy state.

Before I used to think that I was going to kill myself as soon as I came up with a good enough idea of how to go about it (because I thought that life took too much effort/was boring/etc) but lately I've been thinking that perhaps it's not quite so easy to escape life. There's a chance I'll be reincarnated or some other bs so I thought that maybe I need another solution. Reprogramming my mind seems to be a possibility but I am afraid that it may only be a temporary solution (plus it seems really hard/I don't know how to). Eventually something might go wrong. Any ideas?

The Void

Local time
Today 7:14 PM
Dec 23, 2013
In the Void
He is immune in the sense that it doesn't affect his mind. Whatever actually happens is unimportant. Maybe I shouldn't have said perfect but it does seem nice, to be unaffected by negative things, to be able to exist in a relatively peaceful/happy state.

Before I used to think that I was going to kill myself as soon as I came up with a good enough idea of how to go about it (because I thought that life took too much effort/was boring/etc) but lately I've been thinking that perhaps it's not quite so easy to escape life. There's a chance I'll be reincarnated or some other bs so I thought that maybe I need another solution. Reprogramming my mind seems to be a possibility but I am afraid that it may only be a temporary solution (plus it seems really hard/I don't know how to). Eventually something might go wrong. Any ideas?

By stopped caring about things in life. All these are impermanent. People gives on making stories and values and meaning about them, but that does not really matter. Nothing to worry or care about.

Turn your attention to the centre of yourself i.e pure awareness the base of everything in 'your' subjective world (if you are aware). Just 'be' aware. And get detached from your own mental states. Don't repress them. Let mind go on in it's way, just get detached from it, then do anything you want.

May be meditation and sliencing the mind can help?

If you just keep the will, mind may slowly change on its own....

Also go through 'total acceptance' : let whatever comes, comes, let whatever go, go.

If things don't work, no need to worry.

No need to regret anything.

Just live the present moment.

It is very doubtful to me that escaping life is possible, because of the beginningless time stuffs.

I am in a inhuman state now. I am losing my grip from reality. I am barely in this world. Feels like there is somekind of shield that is blocking everything.

It is preventing me to experience anything completely. But it is peaceful, a bit too peaceful, peaceful like dead.

I don't know how it is happening.

It is also possible that you have no real choice to program the mind, it happens spontaneously, or due to external stimulis and stuff.

I guess it all happened mostly when I started to stop caring about stuffs. I was extremely sensitive. Slightest offense used to make me depressed for years.

But as I started to stop caring, mental immunity started growing. I had tested 'don't care'' factor while in physical pain and stuff, and this factor can be used to ignore the pain to some extent.

With that one motto 'don't care' my mind turns more and more detached everyday.

And also somehow my mind managed to just 'be'. If you can centre yourself in just 'pure awareness' you can spend long hours without boredom.

I am pretty surprised myself when I stand for a long time when others are blabbing.
I do nothing yet I don't get bored.

Well I still get bored, if more than 2-3 hours passes without any simulation.

It may be an effect of meditation. I don't know.

I don't do meditation, but did a few times when I feel like doing nothing, thinking nothing, going into pure nothing.

I think I should become a monk.


of the swarm
Local time
Today 9:14 PM
Jan 15, 2014
This thread/story is awesome. I wish people in my immediate circles would be able to use language like that. Maybe I wouldn't feel like an alien then.

Anyways, this is what my Ne provided as feedback:

I question, so I may be

I can't be free, I can't be bound,
I am both blind and I can see
That silence really is a sound,
The only thing I can is be,

I can be happy, I can be in pain
The truth of the matter- it is all vain.
I will be what I was, I can be what I am
I both deeply care and do not give a damn.

I am perfectly faulty
And as water concrete
I can see what I won
At the time of defeat.

The only absolute truth
Is that there are no absolutes,
With a shift of perspective
Time either vanishes or dilutes.

Like a serenade to a poet
Trying to digitize pi,
And if love is the answer
Then what the question might be?

Like this poem, I am finished,
But not exactly complete,
A namefull quest from subconscious,
And ain't that just fucking neat?

I try not to inflict poetry upon others, but after some consideration I did this time. In the end, it doesn't energy.


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:14 PM
Aug 18, 2012
By stopped caring about things in life. All these are impermanent. People gives on making stories and values and meaning about them, but that does not really matter. Nothing to worry or care about.

Turn your attention to the centre of yourself i.e pure awareness the base of everything in 'your' subjective world (if you are aware). Just 'be' aware. And get detached from your own mental states. Don't repress them. Let mind go on in it's way, just get detached from it, then do anything you want.

May be meditation and sliencing the mind can help?

If you just keep the will, mind may slowly change on its own....

Also go through 'total acceptance' : let whatever comes, comes, let whatever go, go.

If things don't work, no need to worry.

No need to regret anything.

Just live the present moment.

It is very doubtful to me that escaping life is possible, because of the beginningless time stuffs.

I am in a inhuman state now. I am losing my grip from reality. I am barely in this world. Feels like there is somekind of shield that is blocking everything.

It is preventing me to experience anything completely. But it is peaceful, a bit too peaceful, peaceful like dead.

I don't know how it is happening.

It is also possible that you have no real choice to program the mind, it happens spontaneously, or due to external stimulis and stuff.

I guess it all happened mostly when I started to stop caring about stuffs. I was extremely sensitive. Slightest offense used to make me depressed for years.

But as I started to stop caring, mental immunity started growing. I had tested 'don't care'' factor while in physical pain and stuff, and this factor can be used to ignore the pain to some extent.

With that one motto 'don't care' my mind turns more and more detached everyday.

And also somehow my mind managed to just 'be'. If you can centre yourself in just 'pure awareness' you can spend long hours without boredom.

I am pretty surprised myself when I stand for a long time when others are blabbing.
I do nothing yet I don't get bored.

Well I still get bored, if more than 2-3 hours passes without any simulation.

It may be an effect of meditation. I don't know.

I don't do meditation, but did a few times when I feel like doing nothing, thinking nothing, going into pure nothing.

I think I should become a monk.


This thread/story is awesome. I wish people in my immediate circles would be able to use language like that. Maybe I wouldn't feel like an alien then.

Anyways, this is what my Ne provided as feedback:

I question, so I may be

I can't be free, I can't be bound,
I am both blind and I can see
That silence really is a sound,
The only thing I can is be,

I can be happy, I can be in pain
The truth of the matter- it is all vain.
I will be what I was, I can be what I am
I both deeply care and do not give a damn.

I am perfectly faulty
And as water concrete
I can see what I won
At the time of defeat.

The only absolute truth
Is that there are no absolutes,
With a shift of perspective
Time either vanishes or dilutes.

Like a serenade to a poet
Trying to digitize pi,
And if love is the answer
Then what the question might be?

Like this poem, I am finished,
But not exactly complete,
A namefull quest from subconscious,
And ain't that just fucking neat?

I try not to inflict poetry upon others, but after some consideration I did this time. In the end, it doesn't energy.

I like it.

The Void

Local time
Today 7:14 PM
Dec 23, 2013
In the Void
Truth Contest 2: War of Nonsense

I woke up from one dream to another from which I woke up in another dream where I saw that some numbers were talking to each other. I was not there. Yet I was observing everything. I saw no body or soul of me. I was the dream. I was the dreamer. I was everything. The numbers, I guess were just fragments of my subconscious mind. They were me-s talking to myselves. That was one weird dream

1: Define truth

2: Truth is something that is in accordance with reality and…

1: Define reality

2: Something that actually exist….

1: Clarify what do you mean by ‘actually exists’.

2: …………

1: By ‘actually exists’ do you mean the thing exists independent of your consciousness?

2: I guess so.

1: why do you define that as ‘actually exist’?

2: ………..

1: If that is what your definition is, then how can you know truth with certainty? All knowledge is dependent on consciousness. So to know with certainty if something exists outside your consciousness, you have to go outside your consciousness but if you do that, you will not have consciousness and you cannot gain any true understanding or knowledge because they are dependent on consciousness. Then it is never possible to know the truth.

2: Then consider that things existing dependent on consciousness are also things ‘actually existing’.

1: That means, a dream is also reality. That means hallucination is also reality.

2: Uhmmm. I don’t know…

1: If you don’t even know the meaning of truth then what were you searching for all these years, my fellow truth seeker?

3: Truth is what you experience during enlightenment.

1: What you experienced in the past is nothing but a memory right now. The mind always edits memory to maintain consistency of your story of life.

4: Anything that you sense exists in some way. It does not matter if it exists in your mind or reality, it exists nevertheless. Truth is just the present moment. See things as they ‘are’ and you are enlightened. Illusions happens when you start interpreting the reality. We misinterpret much more than interpret. The mind creates distortion by filtering details and all but even having a distorted view, but that is not a big deal, until you start interpreting them basing on your limited perspective and understanding. Just ‘be’. That is all. Just silence your mind, be aware and be the present moment. That is the truth. The absolute truth is that which lies beyond names and experience, because it is that which makes experience possible. ‘Pure awareness’ is the term that comes closest to it. Your primary self is not your thoughts or emotions, you are that which listen to the thoughts. When you get sleepy or dreamy you may notice thoughts comes and goes without you even trying to think them. Thoughts are a part of you but not your primary self. I am not talking about any altered states of consciousness but the simple state of ‘being’ that is always there. It does not matter if truth is something that lies independent of awareness or dependent on awareness, awareness is true in both cases.

4: All that I said just now is extremely unrefined. Most words are incomplete and without any concrete definitions. Different people use the same words in different senses. Most of the time words are used based on intuition or feeling and we don’t even think how we ourselves define them. If we are asked to define them we do define but what we define is just subjective. Fools fight with their subjective definitions. The ignorant ones think that how they use the word is absolute. Communication is much more complex than conventionally taken granted as. In short, I can’t define truth. But one can ‘be’ the ‘absolute truth’. The simple state of being, the original essence that which makes every experience possible, is the truth. Yet that which makes experience possible is not independent of experience. Without experience there is no experiencer.

2: Do I have free will or is everything determined?

4: Does it matter? What are you supposed to do with that knowledge? If you believe it is all determined, are you supposed to lie in the bed and do nothing thinking you don’t have a choice? Lot of actions are spontaneous and reflexive. Most of the people in the world have much less choice than they believed to be. They are living a mindless life of a zombie. Just ‘be’. Just ‘live’. Just become ‘aware’ and ‘mindful’ of the situation. You are living a life of dead. Wake up. See the world without prejudices or any belief system for once. When you become a bit more aware you can get immune to a lot of types of conditioning and you can make better choices. Also anger, fear, and many negative emotions are mindless unconscious reactions. All you need to do is become aware when the emotions arise, and choose how to react. In the end you will be free when you don’t care or worry about the transient things of the world.

2: What is the meaning of life?

4: What is the meaning of having any meaning? Why do life need any meaning? Why can’t life be just for living?

2: You know all these order and laws? Isn’t there someone, a God? A transcending first cause of the system? Someone who is maintaining all the orders and making things for some sufficient reasons?

4: In quantum level, everything is found to be probabilistic, confusing and chaotic. So is there now someone who is putting all the disorder?

2: May be they are not disorders but misunderstood order?

4: Okay let me tell you something top secret. We are actually nothing but some silly characters of some nonsensical inconsistent book written by some idiotic talentless author with very little English skill. Surely the author is smarter than us, considering we are nothing but his mental construct but in his world he is just an idiot. We do not even exist in the way we think ourselves to be. We don’t even think by the way. We are not having any independent existence. In a sense we are just the expression of the fragments of author’s mind. So in that sense we are not someone completely independent of the author’s mind but parts of it. Our true self is the author himself and you are actually me.
Now let me, come to the point. Yes we do have a meaning of existence. The meaning is given to us by the author. Our purpose of existence is to discuss about the purpose of existence and stuffs like that. But these purpose of ours that are given to us by the author is meaningless if the author himself is a meaningless existence. Also why is this purpose given to us? What is the purpose of our purpose?

Author: I don’t know. I made you because I can. I give you purpose because I can, problem?

4: So now are you seeing the picture, 2? Also I can ask again “why did the author make us just because he can?” And I can go on questioning, whatever he answers. Also for us to have any meaning, the author himself must have a meaning to existence. So maybe there is an author of the author who gives our author a meaning. But who gives meaning to the author of the author? Well use this math to the concept of the ultimate God, if you are smart enough you can figure it out, if you are not, then I don’t know if I can explain it to you. You can’t teach calculus to a dog after all. Or maybe you can? Who knows? Gotta test my hypothesis.

Dog: Actually it is we, dogs, who are are teaching humanity and giving them ideas through telepathy since the beginning of beginningless time. What do you think? We are some mindless animals? Our intelligence is much higher than yours.

3: We are just supposed to figure out our own purpose not the purpose of purpose or the purpose of God.

4: Why not?

3: All you need to know that God loves you.
Author: Technically I created you i.e I am your God, and I hate you, especially you no.3 even though you are me myself. So stop making assumptions about me!

4: Why am I supposed to not know about the purpose of purpose of purpose of purpose of purpose of purpose of ………………………∞? Why do I only need to know that God loves me? How do you know what we are supposed to know and what we are not, no. 3?

3: The holy book Zoobaboola have all the answers.

Author: You know what, no.3? The book Zoobaboola is nothing but a fake memory in your mind. There is no book as Zoobaboola.

3: No the book Zoobaboola says that it is the ultimate truth. Here is the Quote:
“zooba Zooba Zooba, read, read ,read; do read all these, you zoobas! For all that is written here is the absolute of absolute truth!”

Author: So you are defending the validity of the book using the quotes of the same book that is under the question of validation?

3: Yes. So?
Author: And you can’t see the inconsistency in such reasoning?

3: What inconsistency?
Author: Never mind. I am deleting you.

3 went ‘poof’.

2: I think God is a self-purposing being. Behind the purpose of existence of God, there is God himself.

4: But we can do that too. It is not a big deal to be able to give purpose to ourselves. But you value purposes imposed to you by some external force more than the purpose you impose on yourself don’t you? And that is why you asked the question ‘what is the meaning of life?’ But if you do care about external purpose only and you made a ‘God’, a character who can give you just that then if God do not have another God behind him, and if God is the first cause, it itself is uncaused and without any external purpose, so then God itself is purposeless. If the origin is purposeless so is the originated even if the origin gives some purpose to the originated, indirectly the originated still don’t have any purpose because the origin itself is purposeless.

4: So in the end, where is the meaning of anything perceived until a perceiver gives them? We make different types of meanings and theories basing on what we perceive. But meaning is only in the eyes of the observer.

4: What is the meaning of the sand falling in the ground from a height of 2 cm? What is the meaning of a little dust falling in your head?

2: Butterfly effect. I believe everything have a reason.

4: And what is the reason of everything to have a reason? And what is the reason of the reason of everything to have a reason? Why do everything need a reason?

2: Why not?

4: Why yes?

2: Why not?

4: Why yes?

And this went on forever till infinity.

After some years.

13: I am here to talk with 4. Where is he?

42: He is busy talking with 2.

13: That’s what you said 300 years ago.

42: He is stuck in an infinite loop. Forget about him. You can ask me if you want. I have the answer to everything.

13: Life is without meaning. I have no story to live by. What am I supposed to do in life?

42: Just ‘be’.

13: What is the best way of life?

42: It’s your life. Find your own way of life.

13: But life is so hard and depressing. There are so many resistances, and I don’t even have a story or purpose to motivate myself.

42: Why is life hard? It is hard because you make it hard.

13: How am I the one making my own life hard? Just some days ago my girlfriend 69, broke up with me and ran away with my best friend. I lost my only two friends at the same day. I am so alone. My heart is broken. I am abused, betrayed and then left alone with not even anyone to pat in my back in this time of my crisis. That is how hard my life is.

42: So? What did you think? Did you think you will gain permanent satisfaction holding on to the transient things of the world? It is like running behind a mirage. Stuffs like these happens. Why cry over it? See it from a detached perspective, like a movie; just enjoy it.

13: Are you crazy? How can I even do that? In this crisis, doctor told me that I have cancer, and while I was sad and depressed about it, I got the news that my mother died. Now I am going to die alone. So much tragedy. So much sufferings.

42: Anyone can die anytime. What is so sad in the death of someone? Let go of what goes, accept what comes. If you are gonna die alone then die alone. What is the problem in that? You came without anything, you go leaving everything. You make you yourself suffer by binding yourself with transient things. If you bind yourself with things like that, then surely they we rip you apart when they go away and then it will surely be a problem to let go of the pain. You are sticking yourself with timebombs. Let go!

13: But it is so hard to let go.

42: You are the one who make it hard. There is nothing hard in it. Just let go. Just live life.

13: But it is so hard to make myself make it easy instead of hard to let go.

42: You yourself make it hard for you yourself to make it easy instead of hard to let go. There is nothing hard in this.

13: You are only talking about mental suffering, what about physical suffering?

42: Just deal with them. Why is pain, painful? It is because your mind interprets it as so. Just enjoy the pain. Use some power of the placebo effect.

13: You are talking crazy. As if it is so easy.

42: Yes it is.

13: I desire supernatural powers.

42: Then go meditate. Train your mind.

13: Meditation is boring.

42: Then don’t do.

13: But I want powah!

42: If your desire was high enough you would meditate. You don’t truly desire that is why you don’t meditate.

13: I meditated. I tried again and again. But nothing much happened. It only makes me more depressed.

42: Then don’t meditate. Why do you desire powers?

13: To make girlfriends.

42: Why do you need them?

13: For company.

42: Why do you need company?

13: For happiness.

42: Why do you need happiness?

13: For mental peace.

42: I can ask why do you need mental peace, but I will not. But I ask why do you want to do all these things for mental peace? You never get mental peace because you always expect, you always think you have to do something, or change something for mental peace. Just BE. Just be in peace. It is so simple and easy that it is insulting. Every search of happiness is misery. You do not need to search for peace or true happiness because it is always there. But you have constructed all types of boundaries with belief systems, prejudices, social conditionings, evolutionary instincts and childish desires so that your mind always live in conflict. Become free. Stop gripping on to what cannot be gripped. Give in to the flow. Let yourself flow with the flow. No need to fight, resist, or control.

13: I hate my job.

42: Then leave it.

13: But I can’t. I need money. I have no choice.

42: If it is something you can’t control, then then what is the use of crying over it. Just go on doing the job. Why care? Why so serious?

13: There are so many works to do, so many boring works, I don’t want to do them but I have to.

42: Then do them. Why wasting time speaking to me? Go get lost in your work. Stop interpreting your work as boring and create all the problems. Calm down your mind and get to work. While doing the work remove the sense of ‘I’ and get completely immersed in it. That is the way of the master.

13: And how can I remove it?

42: By removing it. Just be mindful of the work. Think nothing, just focus on the work.

13: You talk like it is so easy.

42: Yes it is easy. Now stop wasting time and go do your job. Just ‘be’. Just live to live life .Live in the present moment. Become the present moment. Now leave.

13: …….

The Void

Local time
Today 7:14 PM
Dec 23, 2013
In the Void
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