1. Given a random person, where do they lie on your "trust" scale? I'm sure you don't tell them everything openly, but I'm sure you don't tell them nothing about yourself either. How open are you around the average person? (let's say, for the sake of argument, you know them to be a decent person and they're trying to make friendly conversation with you)
2. What can someone do that makes you trust them more? Less?
3. For those of you who have had serious relationships/gotten married, how did they develop, and how important is trust to them?
4. How much do other people seem to trust you? Why? (if you know)
5. How necessary is it for you to have someone else you trust completely? How necessary does it seem for other people to need someone else to trust?
6. Anything else relevant you can think of or want other people to talk about
1. Hmm. On a scale where 0 is neutral, and -10 is complete distrust, I would say that any random person who initiates contact with me is around a -5. If I know they're a decent person, or I'm initiating, 0 is more likely.
I'm a very open person, and if they touch on a subject that I've had significant experience(s) with or developed strong opinion(s) about, I'm likely to go overboard talking about those experiences, as much to make them go away as anything else. I've had some pretty interesting conversations with random people this way, but not as many interesting ones as short ones.
Trust and openness are two vastly different things for me; my past cannot hurt me, so I'm pretty much an open book. Similarly, I try my best to act rationally, which means I have simple patterns that anyone trying to manipulate me only really needs a few minutes to notice anyway. Trust and openness becomes an issue for me only when it comes to changes I'm making or thinking about making; I don't want just some random person's opinion about what I'm doing with my life, out of concern that it will influence a decision that is ultimately mine, in that I will have to deal with the consequence, while they will just be some random person, still.
2. As open as I am, it seems most people aren't. If someone is willing to share deeply felt experiences and opinions with me, my trust for them increases quickly.
There are obvious things that reduce trust, betrayal, theft, violence but for the worst, I'll quote Nietzsche, because I'm a terrible heathen.
“I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.”
It may be important to note that I have to problem with people who lie, betray, and are violent to people I don't know. It only bothers me when it's done to myself or people I care about, or without reason.
The only things other than that, are open displays of willful ignorance, and complete disregard for others.
3. I've been married, and before that had a few long-term (minimum one year) relationships. Usually, they start something like this:
I see a girl. She sits there, and reads, or writes, or just looks unhappy in their inner world, not talking to anyone. At this point, invariably, I think something like, "Wow. This person is just like me," which leads me to go and cheer them up, smile a lot, tell jokes or funny stories about crappy things. At some point, they'll say, "You're a good listener." Shortly after that, I usually have a girlfriend. Inevitably, I'm disappointed when what I took for a pensive, thoughtful, and intelligent person turns out to have only possessed those traits due to a brief period of depression, and they return to their lives of constant, mind-numbing distraction, and try to incorporate the fun-loving, witty me, that was created in response to a misperception of them on my part, into their shallow, thoughtless lives. At this point, one of us cheats on the other, probably for attention, and either I get screamed at (because I was unfaithful), or I wait patiently for them to leave (because they were).
It is my experience, that, practically, any successful relationship is based on two people's complete misconception of the other, and endures by never, under any circumstance, being honest with them, in particular about who you are.
Ideally, trust is everything, as trust is a lasting judgment affected only by experience, while love is only marginally important, since it's a feeling, and feelings fade after time unless we unreasonably idealize them, making it impossible for our partners to live up to those ideals, thus sabotaging the relationship as we strengthen it's value.
4. I'm not really sure, I don't really ask. As far as my judgments, when I'm willing to make one, most people I know or work with have been willing to trust me. When it comes to my sincerity and relationships, especially with the fairer sex, that trust comes only at the cost of my sarcasm, something I am loathe to part with.
5. I like to be trusted. It fills me with the warm and fuzzies. I only need to be trusted when I need someone else to accomplish something. Other people seem to value trust more than I do, and expect it less, both in frequency and consistency.
6. Trust leads, inevitably, to suffering. I'm not Catholic or anything, but I do believe that people are inherently flawed and imperfect, or, maybe more appropriately, perfectly themselves. You can only trust a person to do right by themself; expecting more (which I do, irrationally and more often than I'd like) is not reasonable. People mess up. It's their fault, but it's not, if that makes sense... It's bound to happen by merit of probability in any long term relationship with anyone, including yourself.
Man. I am probably the most faithless humanist ever.