I am attached to logic and process, but not attached to conclusions.
My personal operating system is very much like the concept of Quine's web of belief; ideas and placement conclusions have a place in a larger structure and some are hierarchically superior, but new information that is analyzed can easily shift nodes within the web. No new or incoming information can ever be banished outside the web though, and so it grows and morphs as time progresses [see also: laser focus as child, debilitating ADHD-Pi as adult]. I also feel fairly neutral in my attachment to anything within the web despite some core pieces being tougher to move because of their placement in the entirety of the structure. AKA: nothing offends me when discussed conceptually (personally is a different matter; I am a human despite appearances to the contrary).
Last weekend I was at a show and when I would describe to my friend what made the DJ's signature (orchestral/bipolar/cheesy/droppy/throwback house that makes people MOVE and basically go nuts) sound so perfect I noticed that I was describing it as a calculated and well-executed balance between dichotomies. This particular DJ has controlling the crowd down to a science and so...being INTPme...I was breaking it all down to apply to my own party-music-strategy. And so I was perceiving and noting the finely-traipsed line between being super sexy/self-aware/in control and then dropping a really goofy sample that drew the crowd out of their former vibe, transitioning from balls-out back to subtle, throwback track vs. hyped new release, noting the timing with breaks and just how interweaving these clashing moods with seamless fluidity made for an experience that transcends what I feel at most shows. So...I guess that my process of categorizing was something akin to how Aristotle defines the good as the mean between two extremes. I saw that my mind predefined the extremes in order to appreciate the skill that it took to walk in the middle while still surprising the audience and blending elements of both defined polarities. I could see and appreciate the beauty of the calculated/pre-determined negotiating this line to create a tension and difference in each moment.
When I sat down to work on a writing project today and was laying down the themes to get into the mood of the writing I noticed that when discussing concepts or trying to describe reality I use "x vs. y" (Leah (action) vs. Rachel (contemplation) in the Divine Comedy, linear vs. holographic, fate vs. free will -- = random examples from today) to describe things. A lot. It seems that this is a fundamental framework that governs or even precedes the gap between observation and categorization for me and maybe explains why I have trouble speaking in a linear way when trying to express things that are not arguments (i.e. statements up for open discussion concerning the inner levels of my aforementioned personal Quinean web).
My INTJ ex used to always accuse me of black-or-white thinking (*cough* projecting *cough* (apparently when the rare moment comes where you have the guts to express feelings to an INTJ you are deemed binary and logically invalid)), but I believe that I actually am a very "grey" person and can find common ground with ANYONE as a starting place for a debate (I like starting at the common ground because otherwise I feel debates are just ideology/pre-decided-on-opinion wars aka boring; I debate to bond, experience within the moment and see what I really think about ___).
So INTPs: does your observation-->mentation-->categorization-->communication tract follow a similar pattern? Anyone else frustrated with the dichotomy (irony = not lost) between calling out a binary difference yet not believing anything observable exists as a binary, ("possible?"/real/measurable), entity? I have a million more things to say/ask on binary logic encompassing modular reality but I'll save the specifics of my schizophrenia for a different thread.
My personal operating system is very much like the concept of Quine's web of belief; ideas and placement conclusions have a place in a larger structure and some are hierarchically superior, but new information that is analyzed can easily shift nodes within the web. No new or incoming information can ever be banished outside the web though, and so it grows and morphs as time progresses [see also: laser focus as child, debilitating ADHD-Pi as adult]. I also feel fairly neutral in my attachment to anything within the web despite some core pieces being tougher to move because of their placement in the entirety of the structure. AKA: nothing offends me when discussed conceptually (personally is a different matter; I am a human despite appearances to the contrary).
Last weekend I was at a show and when I would describe to my friend what made the DJ's signature (orchestral/bipolar/cheesy/droppy/throwback house that makes people MOVE and basically go nuts) sound so perfect I noticed that I was describing it as a calculated and well-executed balance between dichotomies. This particular DJ has controlling the crowd down to a science and so...being INTPme...I was breaking it all down to apply to my own party-music-strategy. And so I was perceiving and noting the finely-traipsed line between being super sexy/self-aware/in control and then dropping a really goofy sample that drew the crowd out of their former vibe, transitioning from balls-out back to subtle, throwback track vs. hyped new release, noting the timing with breaks and just how interweaving these clashing moods with seamless fluidity made for an experience that transcends what I feel at most shows. So...I guess that my process of categorizing was something akin to how Aristotle defines the good as the mean between two extremes. I saw that my mind predefined the extremes in order to appreciate the skill that it took to walk in the middle while still surprising the audience and blending elements of both defined polarities. I could see and appreciate the beauty of the calculated/pre-determined negotiating this line to create a tension and difference in each moment.
When I sat down to work on a writing project today and was laying down the themes to get into the mood of the writing I noticed that when discussing concepts or trying to describe reality I use "x vs. y" (Leah (action) vs. Rachel (contemplation) in the Divine Comedy, linear vs. holographic, fate vs. free will -- = random examples from today) to describe things. A lot. It seems that this is a fundamental framework that governs or even precedes the gap between observation and categorization for me and maybe explains why I have trouble speaking in a linear way when trying to express things that are not arguments (i.e. statements up for open discussion concerning the inner levels of my aforementioned personal Quinean web).
My INTJ ex used to always accuse me of black-or-white thinking (*cough* projecting *cough* (apparently when the rare moment comes where you have the guts to express feelings to an INTJ you are deemed binary and logically invalid)), but I believe that I actually am a very "grey" person and can find common ground with ANYONE as a starting place for a debate (I like starting at the common ground because otherwise I feel debates are just ideology/pre-decided-on-opinion wars aka boring; I debate to bond, experience within the moment and see what I really think about ___).
So INTPs: does your observation-->mentation-->categorization-->communication tract follow a similar pattern? Anyone else frustrated with the dichotomy (irony = not lost) between calling out a binary difference yet not believing anything observable exists as a binary, ("possible?"/real/measurable), entity? I have a million more things to say/ask on binary logic encompassing modular reality but I'll save the specifics of my schizophrenia for a different thread.