The IT barbarian - eNTP - 6w7-4-8 so/sx
This is not outside my expectations, the Nobel committee are only human, they are an important part of the scientific community but by no means are they the leaders of it, they can strip a man of his official title but they cannot take the truth from him. Many great scientists were in their time victims of the masses and their unwillingness to accept the truth but in every instance they were eventually vindicated, Galileo, Darwin, Tesla, Turing, the truth cannot be denied forever, the truth always wins.You have IMO too much faith in the system and seem to miss that results which contradict the current narrative are being actively repressed in the name of "not causing damage". For example, James Watson, the Nobel prize-winning scientist who helped discover the structure of DNA, was stripped of honors over “reprehensible” comments in which he said race and intelligence are connected. The man is merely pointing at data, he wasn't stating his mere opinion, data ppl don't want to be true, because it clashes with their sensibilities. You are not allowed to question certain things deemed to be true even if the data to back it up exists.
The scientific community is not some ivory tower of academics though there are many such towers, it isn't some particular institution or organization although many of them exist, no the scientific community is more than that, it is everyone, including you and me.
You here now having this conversation with me, THAT is what I put my faith in, can you not see how the gears are already turning, their motion driven by your efforts? If you would see this man vindicated because what he speaks is the truth and assuming what he speaks is indeed the truth then he will be vindicated, the truth cannot be denied.
That is a looong video, can you summarize his more salient points?Rupert Sheldrake touches on other areas as well:
True and for that reason a right answer is better than a wrong one.Its not religion specifically, but what religion offers people, a sense that there is a defense against existential terror, they get a sense of meaning and purpose, guidance & reassurance. We have a psychological bias to prefer fixed answers because it lowers the cost of constant reorganization.
If someone was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer would you lie to them and tell them everything's going to be alright or would you tell them the truth?
Ponder that for a moment, have your answer ready before you open the spoiler.
Now suppose the circumstances were reversed and you're the one awaiting the diagnosis, would you rather be told the truth or lied to?
I wager that you would rather be told, it is your life after all and you have a right to know and that being the case why would you deny that most basic of rights to another? In a word cowardice, it is easier to lie and pretend everything's okay than to inflict such horror upon another but eventually you will pay the price for your decision, be as delusional as you like but on some level you're still going to know what you did was wrong and the guilt is going to eat you alive.
Whereas telling the truth may be awful, but you will have done your duty and your conscience will be clear.
Moving thread to avoid deariling the other one.
To answer your question, yes I would absolutely tell them the truth and would wish for people to show the same kind of honesty towards me. Being aware of the truth opens up possibilities for further action. It becomes a point in time and space which achors these possibilites. e_e I would still be dying of said cancer tho.
The thing is telling ppl they have "cancer" is still not the cure itself. We don't actually know what is going on, we know some things which point towards certain possibilities, but these are still just theories. Example, the big bang may or may not be true, its a theory among others, also a convenient mirracle.
Essentially what this does is strip people from an evolved coping mechanism and leaves them with nothing but more questions and uncertainty in an already terrifying & temporary situation. Its not going to go down well with the 80%, you can't just strip them of their psychological defense against existential terror and hope they accept it.
The summary of the video:
On the topic of religion scientism is an oxymoron, to dogmatically believe in the empiricism, the scientific method and peer review is to fundamentally misunderstand such things. However it is possible to believe in the possibilities that further scientific discoveries may bring, indeed it is strictly a matter of belief because although we may make educated guesses there's really no telling what developments the future may bring.
I speak of futurism and you wouldn't be wrong to accuse me of being religious on the grounds that I'm a futurist, I believe artificial general intelligence and long term life extension will be developed in our lifetime. I find comfort in these beliefs, so if the human mind really needs something to hope for why not give people actual hope for things that might actually happen?
See quote above.
^^; I guess thats where we differ, I question everything and everyone, including myself. I always leave the door open for alternative possibilites. Its probably why I wasn't religious from the start and couln't become one even when I tried. The fact that we don't actually know much & there is a lot left to discover is exciting to me. Most ppl can't seem to deal with this tho, faith in something or someone is the norm.
I recommend reading his book along with The God Delusion (I asume you already read the latter)
e_e its just an hour of him talking, jezz you sound like my brother, low attention span: