It Thinks For Itself
Many people are currently debating this issue. What do you think?
I went with of course not and find myself agreeing with Da Blob on this one. Not everyone is cut out for higher education and for some people it should occur a little later in life rather than right out of regular school. I'm all for scholorships for the poor yet gifted and don't think being rich and dumb should get you in either. Money has to be involved somehow but it can't be a buy your way to success proposition either.
First. If higher education were only limited to those of higher intelligence, would not this constitute a form of discrimination? On what basis could such discrimination be based? I don't think that's an easy issue at all. Second, free higher education doesn't necessarily imply the lowering of the curriculum. The same reasoning behind health care reform works here. Quality isn't much lower when there's more availability; there simply aren't people left without education or health insurance. Third, what's so special about a degree in the first place? A degree only reflects the amount of knowledge someone has learned, not that they are necessarily more qualified or a higher quality worker. Thus, how can we truly judge individuals on the basis of degrees if there are many people who aren't necessarily a) harder workers, b) exceptionally intelligent, or c) exceptionally talented who do manage to attain degrees because they have the money to pay their way through higher education? If anything, degrees have only become a means of unfounded discrimination. If this is the case, why should we wish to carry on that horrible tradition? I think it'd make more sense to start viewing degrees in a more natural light, away from this superficial value which has been placed on them lately. More attention should be placed on the individual and their particular attributes, not the degrees they managed to acquire. Thus, I find your point of view limited and weak. But feel free to argue otherwise.Higher education should be limited to those with higher intelligence levels. Dumbing down the curriculum serves no good purpose and when everyone , rich or poor, dumb or smart, has a college degree or even the opportunity to buy one, it becomes a relatively worthless piece of paper...
And to get back to IB's post:
I think it's a very weak point to say that some people just aren't cut out for higher education at younger ages, and as such, should be incapable of learning when they wish to learn, but instead should wait until later in life. I find this kind of unnecessary exclusion to be appalling. If someone wants to learn, they should have the right to make that attempt, imo. How can we discriminate on such grounds as wealth and who is or isn't cut out for it? Because that's all this sort of exclusion does.
Exactly. And this is the problem. College shouldn't a means to merely a comfortable living. It shouldn't have this superficial value. Or, at least it shouldn't be limited to either of these two things. If some people wish to overlook comfort for the general acquisition of higher knowledge, regardless of their socioeconomic background, they should have that choice. Thus, we ask ourselves: are we really willing to put the general selfish happiness and comfort of the most fortunate members of our society above, as a priority, and ahead of the fact that many people wish to learn more who cannot? Is not an educated population the true social ideal? On what grounds should we place the wishes for comfort, luxury, and financial bliss of some selfish people above the value and meaning everyone finds in knowledge, in general? I don't see any, and I highly doubt these are such grounds at all, or ever. Hence, college has obviously gone astray in America. It's nothing more than false value, first-come-first-serve, buy-your-way-through-life, I am just going to college so I can revel in selfish happiness bullcrap. What a shameful pity.People don’t really choose to enter college for the sake of learning or becoming a better rounded person. Few would cite their goal in life as being able to learn and understand as much as possible, the overwhelming majority are just searching for a comfortable living.
I agree and disagree. I agree that IQ plays a role in who may or may not actually thrive in higher education (as it requires a bit more brain power to actually take in a lot of that information). However, even if some people simply don't have the mental power to make it through college, how can they be denied the opportunity altogether? I don't think it necessarily logically follows that since someone might have a harder time that they shouldn't be given the chance altogether. Again, people shouldn't be completely equal, in the sense that we all have the freedom of result; however, we should all have the freedom of opportunity, and if you truly understand what I'm saying, then you'll notice just how powerful a thought it really is. What it means is monumentally significant. We should all be able to try, even if we're not all going to win, essentially.They could basically be summed up into saying: the IQ necessary to be successful in college as at least 110,115. The average IQ is what, 100? Not everyone is cut out it. It’d be nice to say everyone is equal, but we’re not. We should all be doing what we are capable of, and sometimes, that’s less than somebody else.
Obviously, there are problems with the way things work, currently, on a principled, philosophical level. Yet, no one seems to notice or care."But what about the poor, Sir? What? Well, hell, just give them some scraps to keep them happy so that they can get a decent education and slave away making things better for us, which ultimately means MORE PROFIT. You see? Charity is all we need, my dear boy."
This is a stupid point (and pardon my choice of words and honesty here). High school may be accessible to all and does have ridiculously low standards, so that everyone can get by. However, I think it's more to do with all of the problems I'm address than because it's so accessible. How? Well, high school is basically seen as a fundamental, necessary aspect of someone's education. It's basic. If you don't have a high school education, you really don't know much of anything and aren't useful in any real way, most likely. Thus, employers don't want someone who doesn't at least have a basic diploma. And now they want a lot more than that. Hence, society's ridiculous expectations as to how much someone should learn by a certain age in order to qualify for a certain job. This is the problem driving the lower standards in high schools. In order to help get everyone educated, we're willing to lower the standards so that everyone can get by and basically sink or swim in the world of work. If we weren't trying to get everyone a basic diploma as easily as possible so that more people can get basic jobs, what other reason would account for lower standards? I don't see any.Look at a regular high school education, everyone has access to it, and it’s standards are ridiculously low because it is designed so that everyone capable. This again brings us back on being selected by are level of education; if everyone have access to higher education then we will be holding everybody to a standard that not everyone is capable of achieving.
That makes absolutely no sense. Being provided with difficult education material is somehow possibly discriminatory, in your opinion? No. Discrimination involves EXCLUSION, never inclusion. If people of lower intelligence were given the opportunity to study difficult material, they wouldn't be discriminated against; they simply wouldn't be cut out for it. They're not being forced to learn this material; again, it's simply an optional choice, a chance, an opportunity, and nothing more. And if intelligent people were forced to learn less complex information, even they wouldn't be discriminated against. Again, discrimination is to look at someone's characteristics and exclude them from something. What are intelligent people, in this case, being excluded from for being smarter? Nothing. They simply aren't going to learn material on their level (if you assume that standards will actually be lower, which as I just explained isn't entirely likely, but just a dumb American fear).Allowing higher education to be a place of higher intelligence isn’t necessarily discriminatory. If anything, not doing so might be discriminatory. Those of lower intelligence would be provided with education that challenges them, and those with higher intelligence would be forced to work below their skill.
Exactly. And this is the problem. College shouldn't a means to merely a comfortable living. It shouldn't have this superficial value. Or, at least it shouldn't be limited to either of these two things. If some people wish to overlook comfort for the general acquisition of higher knowledge, regardless of their socioeconomic background, they should have that choice.
Thus, we ask ourselves: are we really willing to put the general selfish happiness and comfort of the most fortunate members of our society above, as a priority, and ahead of the fact that many people wish to learn more who cannot? Is not an educated population the true social ideal? On what grounds should we place the wishes for comfort, luxury, and financial bliss of some selfish people above the value and meaning everyone finds in knowledge, in general? I don't see any, and I highly doubt these are such grounds at all, or ever. .
Hence, college has obviously gone astray in America. It's nothing more than false value, first-come-first-serve, buy-your-way-through-life, I am just going to college so I can revel in selfish happiness bullcrap. What a shameful pity
I agree and disagree. I agree that IQ plays a role in who may or may not actually thrive in higher education (as it requires a bit more brain power to actually take in a lot of that information). However, even if some people simply don't have the mental power to make it through college, how can they be denied the opportunity altogether? I don't think it necessarily logically follows that since someone might have a harder time that they shouldn't be given the chance altogether. Again, people shouldn't be completely equal, in the sense that we all have the freedom of result; however, we should all have the freedom of opportunity, and if you truly understand what I'm saying, then you'll notice just how powerful a thought it really is. What it means is monumentally significant. We should all be able to try, even if we're not all going to win, essentially.
This is a stupid point (and pardon my choice of words and honesty here). High school may be accessible to all and does have ridiculously low standards, so that everyone can get by. However, I think it's more to do with all of the problems I'm address than because it's so accessible. How?
Well, high school is basically seen as a fundamental, necessary aspect of someone's education. It's basic. If you don't have a high school education, you really don't know much of anything and aren't useful in any real way, most likely.
Thus, employers don't want someone who doesn't at least have a basic diploma. And now they want a lot more than that. Hence, society's ridiculous expectations as to how much someone should learn by a certain age in order to qualify for a certain job. This is the problem driving the lower standards in high schools. In order to help get everyone educated, we're willing to lower the standards so that everyone can get by and basically sink or swim in the world of work. If we weren't trying to get everyone a basic diploma as easily as possible so that more people can get basic jobs, what other reason would account for lower standards? I don't see any.
At any rate, high schools are obviously lower in terms of standards for practical reasons. We want more people to have the basics (and many employers aren't satisfied with anything else). Hence, the superficial value of a degree is the true culprit, here. People want a little paper that says you've learned, whether or not you really did. And to that end, we want every high school stupid to have this stupid little badge of nonsense so that they can flash their little superficial degree of value at employers and get basic jobs.
That makes absolutely no sense. Being provided with difficult education material is somehow possibly discriminatory, in your opinion? No. Discrimination involves EXCLUSION, never inclusion. If people of lower intelligence were given the opportunity to study difficult material, they wouldn't be discriminated against; they simply wouldn't be cut out for it. They're not being forced to learn this material; again, it's simply an optional choice, a chance, an opportunity, and nothing more. And if intelligent people were forced to learn less complex information, even they wouldn't be discriminated against. Again, discrimination is to look at someone's characteristics and exclude them from something. What are intelligent people, in this case, being excluded from for being smarter? Nothing. They simply aren't going to learn material on their level (if you assume that standards will actually be lower, which as I just explained isn't entirely likely, but just a dumb American fear).
Thus, I leave off with the acknowledgment that America is full of discriminatory practices, on many levels, and it pains me to know that in a country where people are already discriminated on the basis of socioeconomic differences, some people would also want them discriminated on the basis of intelligence. HORRIBLE. Have a nice day.
Higher education should be limited to those with higher intelligence levels. Dumbing down the curriculum serves no good purpose and when everyone , rich or poor, dumb or smart, has a college degree or even the opportunity to buy one, it becomes a relatively worthless piece of paper...
So weird reading this. Where I'm from education is free for all and I couldn't imagine it being any other way.
Oh, how I envy youuuuu!!!!!
*raises fists in the air!**
Stupid Americans. Europeans are so much more progressive.
i voted in definition
i think everyone deserves all the knowledge there is assumed. and it seems coming for the near future with the internet.
i think.
now those born in shit holes cant get internet.
but if they did.
with help of youtube, and generous people, they can.