Yeah, our brains seems to work in same way. Our lowest "hardware" language it's not english, german, japanese, etc. One may think it's binary but it's not. We can translate the hardware external/physical mechanism as binary, but the mind don't speak binary.
Our mind seems to work at hardware level with a kind of image oriented language. What Jung called primordial images, and in philosophy it's called qualia.
We can access this image language in dreams. Dreams are an internal dialogue of mind and it's not constraint by higher language's law or logic. In dreams we mix up past with future and near with far space too. That's the reason it's so hard to describe a dream, b/c it was not made to be translated to our higher language.
Consciously we can make an experiment about it. You can count from 1 to 100 backwards as easily as forwards, but you can't do the same with alphabet. The reason is numbers are stored in our minds as images, they're stored in our lowest level, deep inside the mind, it's natural to mind. But letters are objects to mind, a foreign language to it.
And the best way to express this image language it's through art. I think machine hardware maybe works in same way. So I would try music or painting as programming language.
I think I'm too out of my mind now.