Being an INTP, I feel my general purpose is to be of use, to get something accomplished, to help in some way. I feel a drive to do something. As I search for this something to do, I get completely lost in so many different avenues. I have my Associates of arts degree, I've dabbled with art, music, geology, mathematics, logic, architecture, drafting, criminal justice, and just about everything I can think of. Daily, it feels like I have a new drive to try something new. But what does this do in a society filled with the status quo of obtaining a bachelors and living your life under one heading for one career. Personally, I wouldn't be able to stand doing one thing my entire life, let alone a week or so. So then, being an INTP and having the desire to learn about so many different things, and also having the desire to be useful at some point, what, in the end, are we good for? What is it that we have the abilities to do and others don't? What is our general purpose in this life and amongth the other 98% of the population?