Has anyone who sensor hates ever thought that they might be projecting and the problem might actually be themselves?
I find sensor hate ironic given what the complaints usually are.
What's good 'n badI don't so much hate Sensors as I dislike that most of them tend to constantly impose their concrete conversational preferences on us while they rarely seem to be interested in abiding by our often abstract conversational preferences. I understand that they're Sensors and they have a need to converse of such things as anecdotes, information about their kids, recipes, video games, sports, work schedules, upcoming social events, gossip, and all sorts of other things that I'm not inclined to even think of, much less independently talk about. And I'm willing to be fair and meet them on their preferred level of conversation. But I notice that when I speak my more abstract thoughts, insights, or observations, they often respond with few words or complete silence, or they'll change the subject entirely, or they'll focus on one concrete aspect included in a mostly abstract thought and proceed to direct the course of the conversation along that concrete tangent.
This isn't a problem that I'm bitter or angry about, but I don't think there's anything wrong with an iNtuitive pointing out that it exists in the first place. But on the brighter side, these rather one-sided communication tendencies with Sensors cause my encounters with other iNtuitives to be very interesting.
Wow. What the hell. People are actually agreeing with the video. Do you guys not see the hypocrisy there? The "sensor" in the video is being reasonable while the "intuitive" just spouts judgmental bullshit.
Also, in case anyone hasn't figured it out yet, we are all sensors. Just as we are all intuitives. Making blanket statements about large groups of people that you probably don't even understand is the pinnacle of Si gone wrong. In this case, it's also incredibly ironic.
Wow. What the hell. People are actually agreeing with the video. Do you guys not see the hypocrisy there? The "sensor" in the video is being reasonable while the "intuitive" just spouts judgmental bullshit.
@Dapper Dan(ps: i don't like how mu is mu argues (questioning about why you post here seems over the top), just saying, so it doesn't feel like i was chiming in)
I mean no offense, I just don't understand your point.
Your assertion that all of us are Sensors and iNtuitives is wrong. If you want to say that all of us have a Sensor and iNtuitive side, good, but people tend to prefer one side over the other--hence we call some people "Sensors" while we call others "iNtuitives." There's too much empirical data that contradicts your claim for it to be valid. And why do you claim that all of us are Sensors and iNtuitives while you are currently registered on a forum designed mostly for people who consider themselves to be iNtuitives, not iNtuitives and Sensors simultaneously? I mean no offense, I just don't understand your point.
Yes, exactly. The purpose of typology isn't to identify large groups of people that you don't like. It's a tool to help you understand those people.Semantics, don't think too specifically. The point is that we all use both our iNtuition and Sensing functions extensively, I don't think there's any need to point out why it's foolish to (seriously) blanket critique others for the use of a function when actually we all use it. The manifestation of said function has innumerable possibilities, thus it can be humorous to make generalisations in jest, but it shouldn't be taken as more than that.
Yes, exactly. The purpose of typology isn't to identify large groups of people that you don't like. It's a tool to help you understand those people.
Wow. What the hell. People are actually agreeing with the video. Do you guys not see the hypocrisy there? The "sensor" in the video is being reasonable while the "intuitive" just spouts judgmental bullshit.
Also, in case anyone hasn't figured it out yet, we are all sensors. Just as we are all intuitives. Making blanket statements about large groups of people that you probably don't even understand is the pinnacle of Si gone wrong. In this case, it's also incredibly ironic.
@intpz says
Sensors are asking for experience, and if you can't offer that, you don't know shit. You can't get your point across, you can't prove anything, you can't do anything significant. You have no experience in a conversation with a sensor - you have nothing. You can't rely on theories, analysis, observation, you have to have tried it. You haven't tried heroin? Fuck you, you don't know anything about it. You haven't tried cancer? Fuck you, you don't know shit.
Sensors are asking for experience, and if you can't offer that, you don't know shit. You can't get your point across, you can't prove anything, you can't do anything significant. You have no experience in a conversation with a sensor - you have nothing. You can't rely on theories, analysis, observation, you have to have tried it. You haven't tried heroin? Fuck you, you don't know anything about it. You haven't tried cancer? Fuck you, you don't know shit.![]()
@Dapper Dan
Haha. You're right on.
Plus I just discovered that I am actually an ISTP and many of those stereotypes don't apply to me at all.
Yes, pretty annoying.Wow. What the hell. People are actually agreeing with the video. Do you guys not see the hypocrisy there? The "sensor" in the video is being reasonable while the "intuitive" just spouts judgmental bullshit.
An interesting and related thread would be "Intuitive hate", and discussion about the obnoxious traits we have.
Truthfully I don't know what those are.
Related is that Sensors are more tied into the experiential than we are. My intuitive (immediate) family is happy with vacations that are spent in quiet little towns that have cultural or other related activities. We'll go for walks, poke around during the day and are happy to read or mess around on computers at night.
Funny, and somewhat true, I'd say moreso for the SJs who have a thing for stubbornly appealing to social authority. In my experience SPs are more open to people who may not have direct-experience but have knowledge of the situation, those who they recognize as reliable experts.
3.) And of course, iNtuitives can be so introspective at times that they forget to pay attention to reality and subsequently err in small ways like missing their exits on the highway. Or they'll fail to encode the date of some upcoming social event into their long-term memory because, again, their attention while hearing this notification is mostly focused elsewhere--they may fallaciously ascribe higher value to focusing on their inward train of thought than to briefly halting the introspection in order to pay attention to the notification with the concentration it deserves. Although Sensors aren't completely immune to these tendencies, iNtuitives in general seem to me to be worse off at this unless they work to improve themselves.
Sensor hate (and feeler hate, extravert hate, judger hate) annoys me, because by saying "I can't like sensors because I'm an intuitive" you're saying as much about them as you are yourself. You're denying them the possibility of being 'abstract' and yourself the possibility of being 'concrete', in the most general way. By attacking extraverts you deny your own social capacity, by attacking feelers your own emotions. It's just overtly isolationist/ elitist, imo, and I feel it only creates difficulties for personal development.
^ It's an important subject to discuss, really. You ingrain a belief sufficiently then it will translate into other areas of your life. So far as this kind of prejudice effects the way people relate to others (or even bars potential relationships) it's already become real, and hence something to take seriously.
This thread could well just be a joke (if it is, I'm sorry) but I've seen enough sensor hate here to know that some mean it even if they wouldn't admit it.
Sensor hate (and feeler hate, extravert hate, judger hate) annoys me, because by saying "I can't like sensors because I'm an intuitive" you're saying as much about them as you are yourself. You're denying them the possibility of being 'abstract' and yourself the possibility of being 'concrete', in the most general way. By attacking extraverts you deny your own social capacity, by attacking feelers your own emotions. It's just overtly isolationist/ elitist, imo, and I feel it only creates difficulties for personal development.