Currently no pets (it's quite a relief to be free).
I used to live with [species(subcategory - name(,)]:
5 dogs (one alive):
Dachshund- Gałgan (phonetically ˈɡawɡãn)
2 German Shepherds - Doka, ? (Can't remember the other one)
Berneese Mountain Dog - Brutus (My name idea at the time, needless to say he was a brute, most of the time he used to rush at me, topple me to the ground just to lick my face and cuddle)
Labrador Retriever - Żuk (phon. ʒuk, he currently stays at the family house, cute dog, I trained him to retrieve and swim among other things, I have 4 other affectionate names that I commonly use around him)
7+ Cats (all deceased or missing in action):
George, Cast, Mist, Diabeł (Devil), Czarny (Black), (can't remember all)
In addition there used to be exotic fish, a tortoise, spiders in jars, chinchillas, octodons, a salamander (lived in the garden), featured exclusively in the garden (hedgehogs, frogs, toads, bird nests (Magpies, Passeridae and Parridae birds), rats, mice, bank voles, moles and all sorts of migratory insects, rodents, birds or amphibians (maybe not as pets, just living in the vicinity).
Rook said:
Also madmins, is it possible for a poll editing functionality to be added,
I added insects to the poll. I think you should exercise thoughtful design. The poll editing privilege comes with thread editing tools, so we can't separate or grant both.