I hate introductions. I hate those events where you're in a room full of people, and you have to stand up and emit some pathetic sonic bleat like 'Hi, my name is Sarah and I'm an alcoholic'. I'm actually not an alcoholic at all. I'm an introvert. I want to live the manifestation of my genetic heritage by covering my skin in 'Danger, Radioactive!' symbols, hiding in some cave in a bleak land of woe, and biting innocent strangers.
That, however, turns out to be socially unacceptable. Who knew?
I've talked to more people, via the internet, than I'd ever conceived possible as a child. I love the net and I've been using computer based communications since the late 80s. I've talked to people via EARNET, BITNET, and on the lower rent side of things, FIDONET. I was an early net adopter in the UK, when Demon Internet came online, and for £15 a month (minus the then astronomical call charges), you could conjure up a dos-based TCP stack with a DPMI wrapper, and run Windows 3.1 with the few software applications then available. The early days were cool. In order to use the net (and IRC) you needed some technical knowledge, so the people you tended to meet online were in general, pretty bright.
The net has become steadily more alien since then. It's off-putting when the first words that a stranger often utters are abbreviated so far beyond rudeness that it constitutes an instant and permanently damning fail. The letters 'ASL' just do not cut it.
I'm twitchy at the best of times. I'm paranoid and bipolar. The speech patterns of the interlopers from Monkey Space are distinctive and distressing, and this was true even in prior years when I took my *medication*.
I don't like interacting on the level of meat, and when someone says, abbreviates, the words 'age, sex, location', it renders you instantly into some random, anonymous, piece of meat. It also suggests that there's not much of a spark in the meat on the other end of that virtual connection.
I eat meat, with relish, ideally steak and tartare sauce. But I want a little more spark.
I'm female. I'm a sometimes programmer, and an ex physics student. I read a lot. All my friends are space cadets (one of them actually works for NASA).
And yes, I'm an INTP.
That, however, turns out to be socially unacceptable. Who knew?
I've talked to more people, via the internet, than I'd ever conceived possible as a child. I love the net and I've been using computer based communications since the late 80s. I've talked to people via EARNET, BITNET, and on the lower rent side of things, FIDONET. I was an early net adopter in the UK, when Demon Internet came online, and for £15 a month (minus the then astronomical call charges), you could conjure up a dos-based TCP stack with a DPMI wrapper, and run Windows 3.1 with the few software applications then available. The early days were cool. In order to use the net (and IRC) you needed some technical knowledge, so the people you tended to meet online were in general, pretty bright.
The net has become steadily more alien since then. It's off-putting when the first words that a stranger often utters are abbreviated so far beyond rudeness that it constitutes an instant and permanently damning fail. The letters 'ASL' just do not cut it.
I'm twitchy at the best of times. I'm paranoid and bipolar. The speech patterns of the interlopers from Monkey Space are distinctive and distressing, and this was true even in prior years when I took my *medication*.
I don't like interacting on the level of meat, and when someone says, abbreviates, the words 'age, sex, location', it renders you instantly into some random, anonymous, piece of meat. It also suggests that there's not much of a spark in the meat on the other end of that virtual connection.
I eat meat, with relish, ideally steak and tartare sauce. But I want a little more spark.
I'm female. I'm a sometimes programmer, and an ex physics student. I read a lot. All my friends are space cadets (one of them actually works for NASA).
And yes, I'm an INTP.