I have been struggleing with what type I am for the longest time. I am a fence sitter on the F and T personality. I feel the INFJ Personality fit me quite well. However I culdnt get over the fact that the I was an F when when I thought in was a T. I knew the Myers Briggs test was some what innacuate but I couldnt find out where. I was going over my life for the past two days and look at things and have come to a realizition of wher it goes wrong.
when people think of T's they think rational logical thinking cold emotionless hartless....
when they think of F's they think of emotional, dreamers, feelers, irrational head in the clouds, unreasonable....
I have come to the realization the F and the T shows what drives us not our reasoning ability which is what some of the questions would lead us to belive.
Now I thought back when I had cancer a stroke a sizger and any challange in my life I got through it as I was driven by my emotion. I am a reasonable person though as opposed to someone who is a dreamer or is run by their hart.
You can be an F and be very reasonable and you can be a T and be unreasonable/follow their hart or plesure. the T and the F is what fules us and our ambition but it does not define our ability to reason and control our emoions.
For example in my situation the T and the F could come to the sam conclution in different ways.
The F could go chemo doesent feel good and since i dont have much chance to live i am just going to enjoy the time I have left. Or they could go by God I want to live and I am going to give it all i got damn it and do what I have to do.
The T can go since there is not a great chance i am going to live I am going to use what time I have left productively. Or the T can go to give my self the best chance to live I need to do chemo which hurts but I will do what needs to be done.
The F/T does not dfine our ability to reason it defines what drives us i feel the test needs to add a nother letter. What do you think it should be?
when people think of T's they think rational logical thinking cold emotionless hartless....
when they think of F's they think of emotional, dreamers, feelers, irrational head in the clouds, unreasonable....
I have come to the realization the F and the T shows what drives us not our reasoning ability which is what some of the questions would lead us to belive.
Now I thought back when I had cancer a stroke a sizger and any challange in my life I got through it as I was driven by my emotion. I am a reasonable person though as opposed to someone who is a dreamer or is run by their hart.
You can be an F and be very reasonable and you can be a T and be unreasonable/follow their hart or plesure. the T and the F is what fules us and our ambition but it does not define our ability to reason and control our emoions.
For example in my situation the T and the F could come to the sam conclution in different ways.
The F could go chemo doesent feel good and since i dont have much chance to live i am just going to enjoy the time I have left. Or they could go by God I want to live and I am going to give it all i got damn it and do what I have to do.
The T can go since there is not a great chance i am going to live I am going to use what time I have left productively. Or the T can go to give my self the best chance to live I need to do chemo which hurts but I will do what needs to be done.
The F/T does not dfine our ability to reason it defines what drives us i feel the test needs to add a nother letter. What do you think it should be?