"improve the intersubjective thinking abilities"
so, you want us to give you Ne?
9/10 biscuits report they were not ready for this jelly
People started talking about how horrible women in the pictures, some of whom were raped as children, are. Fuck anyone who equivocates about child rape.
An interesting demonstration of how political correctness, historical pride, affirmative action, and historical trauma get in the way of understanding
I think Tberg is referring more to this line of thinking:
Yeah, you're probably right
(I moved the quote to the other thread)
Even serial killers hate rapists of children. It is the lowest of the low in my book. Adults should be able to take care of their own affairs, but children suffer from the lack of power to defend their lives from being devastated for the rest of their durations. It is a mental hell and a half life, if that.
Adult s let themselves be raped?
An interesting demonstration of how political correctness, historical pride, affirmative action, and historical trauma get in the way of understanding:
It is also interesting to see white people invent an ethnic background, somewhat like the term "African American," that is "Afrikaner." It is also interesting to see a numerical inversion of white-black relations.