First and foremost, he's a challenger. He's got massive balls, and doesn't give a shit about putting people in their place. He's also full of knowledge. His whole shtick (podcast wise) is inviting guests on who typically have specialist knowledge. He loves nothing more than learning more and more, and he almost always has something intelligent to say.
He's a firm proponent of psychedelics, and whilst he has an open mind, he can smell bullshit a mile off.
Dude is ENTJ. I'm utterly convinced of that.
Te - challenging; steadfast and 'robust'.
Ni - broad, ever expanding horizons. He sees patterns and links things together with ease - just listen to his podcasts if you need proof of this.
Se - fascination with martial arts etc; many ENxJs have this in common (phsyical exercise benefits them massively). My wife, for example (ENTJ) does body combat, dancing, running, you name it. I know one ENFJ who does Muay Thai, and another who likes to push their limits with those warrior workouts, or whatever the fuck they're called (basically, lots of lifting, grunting and sweating)
Fi - He's been developing this over the years. He used to be a lot more hot-headed and trollish, but now he's very mindful of others. He's willing to show vulnerability and he'll stick up for the underdog - but this is learned, not innate.
He's an exceptionally well developed (imo) ENTJ.
I'd say so, yeah. There are hundreds to choose from, and he has some incredible guests.
He's especially good to listen to if you're into psychedelics and the like.
First and foremost, he's a challenger. He's got massive balls, and doesn't give a shit about putting people in their place. He's also full of knowledge. His whole shtick (podcast wise) is inviting guests on who typically have specialist knowledge. He loves nothing more than learning more and more, and he almost always has something intelligent to say.
He's a firm proponent of psychedelics, and whilst he has an open mind, he can smell bullshit a mile off.
Dude is ENTJ. I'm utterly convinced of that.
Te - challenging; steadfast and 'robust'.
Ni - broad, ever expanding horizons. He sees patterns and links things together with ease - just listen to his podcasts if you need proof of this.
Se - fascination with martial arts etc; many ENxJs have this in common (phsyical exercise benefits them massively). My wife, for example (ENTJ) does body combat, dancing, running, you name it. I know one ENFJ who does Muay Thai, and another who likes to push their limits with those warrior workouts, or whatever the fuck they're called (basically, lots of lifting, grunting and sweating)
Fi - He's been developing this over the years. He used to be a lot more hot-headed and trollish, but now he's very mindful of others. He's willing to show vulnerability and he'll stick up for the underdog - but this is learned, not innate.
He's an exceptionally well developed (imo) ENTJ.
MMA and acid? Interesting combo.
First and foremost, he's a challenger. He's got massive balls, and doesn't give a shit about putting people in their place. He's also full of knowledge. His whole shtick (podcast wise) is inviting guests on who typically have specialist knowledge. He loves nothing more than learning more and more, and he almost always has something intelligent to say.
He's a firm proponent of psychedelics, and whilst he has an open mind, he can smell bullshit a mile off.
Dude is ENTJ. I'm utterly convinced of that.
Te - challenging; steadfast and 'robust'.
Ni - broad, ever expanding horizons. He sees patterns and links things together with ease - just listen to his podcasts if you need proof of this.
Se - fascination with martial arts etc; many ENxJs have this in common (phsyical exercise benefits them massively). My wife, for example (ENTJ) does body combat, dancing, running, you name it. I know one ENFJ who does Muay Thai, and another who likes to push their limits with those warrior workouts, or whatever the fuck they're called (basically, lots of lifting, grunting and sweating)
Fi - He's been developing this over the years. He used to be a lot more hot-headed and trollish, but now he's very mindful of others. He's willing to show vulnerability and he'll stick up for the underdog - but this is learned, not innate.
He's an exceptionally well developed (imo) ENTJ.
MMA and acid? Interesting combo.
Don't think he's ESTP. Seems more Ne-Fi. Don't know him personally but he also seems Ni-Se sometimes, specifically maybe ENTJ could be a good match.
I don't know - he at least seems more Fi than Ti. But maybe he is ESFP or ESTJ? Don't know anymore, I'd have to bet on some Te-Fi motivation. He's actually a pretty small guy and I heard on one of his podcasts that he said he was quiet growing up and not that funny, and never would have seen himself becoming a comedian.
Just explain it, then. He seems extraverted with an inner judging cognition secondary. My understanding of the functions could be wrong. However, you could have a T type doing that stuff; could be all the drug use but he seems Ne. I'm almost hoping I'm wrong, by the way.
Maybe I don't really know him but he doesn't seem to be as loud and boisterous as some other ESTP I may know. But maybe he is. Still not sure if he's Ti. He sometimes seems more Fi who leans on Te use more extensively than usual.
What decisions? I haven't seen any new episodes yet so I don't know.
It depends, do you have other examples of who you think may be ESTP? It could just as well be Fi justification. Logic is included.
I simply can not believe this. Daniel Pinchbeck is an ENTJ:Elon Musk is (I believe) INTJ with high sleep/consume energy. Blast last, hence mumblefuck.
I was correct with my assertion ages back that Joe Rogan is an ENTJ who is good at Se. He is in fact a 'jumper' - Te/Se.
Learn gudder personality stuff. Y'all talking fucking shit. Update your knowledge.
Jordan Peterson is INTJ (I believe). Musk may be ENTJ or P.Oh, and you're bang on with TM. He is an ENTP.
So good work there, etc.